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Currently flat...but hopeful!


Hi Kiwi, I see that you're taking both fish oil and flaxseed oil. Are both for omega 3? Is there a reason you're taking both of them?

Also, definitely keep us posted on your results! Your stats are very similar to mine (except that I'm even smaller Dodgy ) so I'm very interested in how your program works out! I wish you the best of luck!


My response is wayyy late, so sorry! I haven't had time to check the website recently. In reponse to your question, I take fish oil for omega 3s, but I just take the flaxseed oil because of its health benefits. But in the research that I've done, I've read that both can be beneficial to NBE!

(28-01-2012, 20:00)SapphireRain Wrote:  Hi Kiwi, I see that you're taking both fish oil and flaxseed oil. Are both for omega 3? Is there a reason you're taking both of them?

Also, definitely keep us posted on your results! Your stats are very similar to mine (except that I'm even smaller Dodgy ) so I'm very interested in how your program works out! I wish you the best of luck!


Hi all,

I finally have time to post today! I've been on UB for almost 3 months now, it'll be 3 months in about another week or so. So far I haven't noticed any significant changes, so I am going to keep at it. I ordered another 3 month supply of UB from medplex yesterday. Hopefully it'll get here before I run out of the last of this current batch.

Anyways back to the update. Not much change, and I have not noogled in 2 months or so. I noogled for about 45 minutes today, so hopefully I'll be able to get back into my routine of 30 to 40 minutes daily. It's just hard to stay consistent when you're busy all of the time!

I'm still trying to find ways to try and speed up the process a little, I'm just afraid that I won't ever see any results at all.

Here are update pics that I took today....



Hi guys!

I am back after a short hiatus. I was pretty discouraged after trying UB for 6 months with no results at all...not even a little bit of swelling. I will say that I feel like it contributed to a little of my weight gain of the past year or so and the sad thing is that my boobs didn't even get

I am going to try a new program with more individual herbs put together instead of something like Ultra Breast. I was reading Doll's personal program and I will be modeling that one since it seems that she has been getting good results!

I am still on my period right now, so I will be starting as soon as I end which should be either tomorrow or the day after. After reading about cycling and the best times to start, I will be honest, I am still VERY CONFUSED, which is why I am just going to start when I feel like it lol. Tongue

This will be my program:

1 Fish oil capsule
1 Collagen tablet
1 Hair, Skin and Nails tablet
1 610mg Fenugreek
1 340mg Hops

1 Collagen tablet
1 Hair, Skin, and Nails tablet
1 610mg Fenugreek
1 450mg Saw Palmetto
1 340mg Hops

So as far as herbs go.... it would be 1,220mg of Fenugreek, 450mg of Saw Palmetto, and 680mg of Hops per day as my starting point!

I am still considering some teas right now, but I wanted to do more research on what each kind was good for and try to find which would be more beneficial to me.

I will also try to massage daily with flaxseed oil, for a minimum of 30 minutes. I have tried to adhere to this rule in the past, but due to a busy schedule, it has often been forgotten during the day.

I was also noogling, but I stopped that a few months ago, right around the time that I decided to stop with the Ultra Breast too. I would like to get back to noogling, but my boyfriend is convinced that it will just stretch out my skin, leaving me saggy with no other

If anyone has any advice, please please please feel free to comment!

Hopefully round two of NBE will be successful...I cannot wait to start!! Smile

P.S. As far as pics go...I'm pretty much back where I started, so I will update with posts if I see improvements!


I also forgot to mention that I am a bit worried about trying the Saw Palmetto just because I've seen a few users here and there who have gained weight in their hips and thighs, even getting more cellulite.Huh

But I wanted to give it a fair chance before dismissing it all together!
#16 I started the regimen yesterday, so today was only the second full day and so far it's been expectedly uneventful lol. I am not expecting any fast results or tingles, so it's fine.

I actually just wanted to post my measurements somewhere so that I could refer back to them later on if I did make any progress with this program. I finally measured myself, not having done so before, and I am still not sure whether these are completely accurate, but the measurements came out like this:

Above bust: 34"
Over bust: 35"
Under bust: 33.5"

So that's like a 34AAAAA according to this bra size calculator online...Dodgy

I figure that even if the measurements are somewhat off...if there's growth then the numbers should still be bigger regardless.

I don't know if I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I decided to massage with flaxseed oil twice a day. So far I have been massaging in the morning and again before bed. I was kind of confused as to how people were massaging or able to grab their boobs when it's so oily, but I did my best...granted there's not a whole lot for me to grab but it just makes it 100000000x harder when it's slippery Blush

(13-09-2012, 03:34)kiwi34 Wrote:  I finally measured myself, not having done so before, and I am still not sure whether these are completely accurate, but the measurements came out like this:

Accuracy isn't necessarily the most relevant for this. Consistency is. If you consistently measure the exact same way... even if you're doing it wrong, you'll at least have a relative idea of change. That's what we're interested in as NBE'ers... at least... when doing progress checking.

Obviously finding out our actual boob size will become important as well once we have enough there to really need the support. But that can take a while...

Happy NBE'ing! Big Grin

(13-09-2012, 03:34)kiwi34 Wrote:  I actually just wanted to post my measurements somewhere so that I could refer back to them later on if I did make any progress with this program. I finally measured myself, not having done so before, and I am still not sure whether these are completely accurate, but the measurements came out like this:

Above bust: 34"
Over bust: 35"
Under bust: 33.5"

So that's like a 34AAAAA according to this bra size calculator online...Dodgy

I figure that even if the measurements are somewhat off...if there's growth then the numbers should still be bigger regardless.

Lol According to bra calculators, I'm an A or B cup, because my above bust is only about an inch smaller than my bust, but I actually wear a 32DD. Blush Don't listen to those things ever!!! From your pics, you're at a pretty good starting point, and they look like they'll grow into a great shape. Smile Sorry to hear your previous attempt was a bust (lol, sorry for the pun), but hopefully this time you really get results! i feel so honored that you've modeled your program after mine! BlushBlushBlushCool

Saw Palmetto usually works out fine for people, although I have also heard of it increasing weight in some people, so if you're really concerned with it, just keep it low. I've been on 2,400mgs a day for a long while now, and can't attribute any weight gain to it (my only gains are pretty much all muscle). It may work on an even lower dose for you, however, so it's good that you're starting so slow. Maybe ramp that up slower than you ramp everything else up just to be sure. I've never heard of it causing cellulite, however. Estrogen dominance gave me cellulite, and it actually disappeared when I fixed the problem! So you might want to take maca like me just to make sure your hormones stay level and you don't develop any imbalances. I had no idea the first time I was taking it that it had such an impact on my growth and hormone levels! D:

And massaging 30 minutes a day?!?? Girl, you crazy! Lol If you can manage that, you're a true hero. I barely even manage 5 minutes a day anymore!

Best of luck to you, I really hope you can finally start seeing some real results!

@AbiDrew... Yeah I figured that as long as I'm consistent then that should e good enough in terms of determining increase in size and thanks for your support!! Big Grin

@Doll...Yeah im happy to know that you've used saw palmetto with no weight gain specifically linking to that, and as far as massaging goes, I think 30 minutes a day was a bit too ambitious on my part because my arms are dead after 15 minutes loll. But I will definitely look into maca and thanks for your support too!! Big Grin


On a side note, I did not sleep that well last night. After about 3am, I was waking up almost every hour so I'm thinking it must be the pills but I will wait and see if this issue persists because I NEED my sleep lol. AND my face is very oily today...more than usual so I'm wondering if that is a side effect of these herbs too? It's something to think about. Cool

Hi guys!

Ok so I am breaking out BIG TIME...on my face only, but it's crazy. I usually only break out once a month right around the time of my period and usually it's like one pimple here and there, but right now I've got like a whole cluster of break outs around my mouth and chin. Sad With that being said, I am still going to persevere because hopefully once my hormones even themselves out, the breakouts will go away.

ALSO, I have been toying with this idea for a few weeks now, but today I finally ordered myself some Ainterol PM cream that I am going to use on my breasts in addition to the ingested herbs. I'm not sure if it will cause any issues, but according to some users on this forum, it shouldn't be an issue because I am not taking the PM orally. I don't know if this would make a difference, but maybe I'll use it on the first day of my period up until day 12, and then discontinue and go back to flaxseed for massage until my period starts back up again. I don't know whether it would be beneficial to cycle it like you would with the supplements, but I am going to give it a try, because maybe it'll work out for me!

I am also have some nightmares here and there, and those have been far and few in between, but I feel like I've been getting them more frequently since I've started this herbal regimen.

If I still feel funny after about 2 weeks, then I'll consider making some changes, but for now, I want to keep it going for a while to see whether I will get any results or not! I was able to massage 4 times today!!!!....only because I skipped school though lol

Anyway, I can't wait to see some growth/changes so that I can post some update pics!!

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