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Candida and underdeveloped breasts?


I have used diflucan before twice. When I was breastfeeding both my kids I got a thrush infection in my breast. (interestingly Ive never had a vaginal yeast infection in my life) It was horrible with my first, and NEVER went totally away. It was sooo painfull. I did a round of 2 weeks of diflucan and that took care of the worst of it, but it lingered several months even until after I stopped breastfeeding. I tried grapefruit seed oil, gentian violet, acidophilus and a lot of other things. Toward the end when it was almost gone I used homeopathic borax and that seemed to finish it off. I was pretty bad about my diet at the time. The candida really made me crave sugar badly. I had morning sickness my ENITRE pregnancy with my first, pretty much the only thing I could tolerate eating was carbs/sweets so that is probably how the overgrowth got so bad.

Things were a little better with the second, the infection came on pretty strong, I did the diflucan 2 weeks, and nestatin cream and that helped but didnt clear it up, and then I saw on a local shops sign a product called Three-lac for candida. I got it and I felt like it worked AWESOME. I want to say maybe it was a months supply. I did change my diet to eat a little less sugar, but probably not like I should have. I would definately reccomend the Threelac, but diet is key for sure since sugar just feeds the candida,

I have actually considered trying Threelac because I have heard and read good things from most people that have tried it. There have been some people that said it didn't work, or that it isn't safe to use though. I have not found any validity to these claims so far though. How exactly is Threelac different than other over the counter probiotics? It seems to me that if it is just a probiotic, I can go out and find the same thing at a cheaper price.

Also, how does candida affect breast growth? Candida and Celiac Disease also have many of the same symptoms, so I was also wondering if anyone can differentiate how to tell which one you are suffering from? I have the blood test for Celiac Disease, and it came back negative; however, I have read that blood tests aren't always accurate, and the best way to test for it is with a biopsy. I'm just mentioning this because I know Celiac Disease causes issues with overall growth of the body.

And one final thing...can anyone provide a link for a good progesterone cream? Can you also explain how to apply it and when? ThanksSmile

I really dont know how it is different than other probiotics at all, but I have tried quite a few in the past, and am even doing one now. The gal that worked in the store had me sold on it, it was a very small shop and she had a very bad candida problem from taking tons of antibiotics for chronic sinus infections as a child. She swore by it, but she had candida so bad that she was only able to take the very smallest amount at a time because of the bad die off, so it is something she was battling very slowly. For me I do think I have a problem with it again now as I have the white tounge and horrible taste in my mouth, but not too many other symptoms so I will definately be getting it again when I can afford it. I was able to take a half a packet starting out, and had some gas (which is great because I knew it was working!), and I think after a few days I was able to go up to a full packet without problems. It tasted really good like it just melts in your mouth. Its been @ 2 years since I took it and my diet had too much sugar in it so that is probably my problem, and even though Ive reduced my sugar I think the candida is still there hiding.

IDK how it affects NBE, or if it does.... I mean when I was preggo my breasts got huge despite the candida but thats probably a different story haha.


AliCat1386: I read that Candida can affect breast growth due to the lowering of temperatures. This results in a less than ideal environment for your thyroid to convert the hormones to grow breasts!

I'm also considering ordering Threelac. (We can't get it in Australia so we have to order it from New Zealand). It's meant to be different because it has much larger amounts of good bacteria than the stuff you get "over the counter". (The only thing we have here is Inner Health Plus). It sounds like good news from angel34 that it worked as I'm disliking all the doctors I'm going to, explaining the history and asking why it won't go away!

The connection between candida and underdeveloped breast would be that candida causes hormonal imbalance in the body. I don' know exactly how though. It also lowers the temperature of the body.

So, my diet has not been so good latly but it is so hard to be on a strickt diet when you are still recovering from a break up and going out a lot with your friends.

However, my acne has cleared up by the combination of garlic and probiotics. I have not had any breakouts at all since I started it and only get occational small pimple. Maybe one small every two months that clears up very quickly.

I dropped the cerazette and the PM after develping anxiety from it. I feel emotionally so much better after I stopped. Of course I lost some of my growth, but not all. The anxiety was another reason for my bad diet. I feel I will soon be ready to do the diet again ... after Christmas of course. And I think I will never do pills again. To many bad side effects and the best growth I have gotten that has stayed was Brava plus a good diet. I am thinking about giving Brava another go in March ... [/i]

Hi CousinRose,

I just wanted to drop in a Hello and wish you well in your journey.

I personally think the diet is too hard to stick to so, realistically, it won't be my key to beating it. I discovered really strong Probiotics with Bioglan Probiomax 50 Super Strength. It seems to have worked well and I check my tongue to see - most of it is red now, except for the stuff at the back which is still there...

In about 2 weeks, I will have finished my Adrenal Support pills and go on a good Vitamin B - do you you're getting enough Vitamin B? Will this help us with Candida?

All the best!

(27-05-2012, 03:36 PM)CousinRose Wrote:  I am wondering if any of you girls with underdeveloped breasts f.ex. tuberous breasts has had a history of candida or yeast infection? I got diagnosed with it when I was 18 years old and I am pretty sure I had it for a while before that. My diet at that time was high sugar, I drank every weekend and didn't eat very healthy. I am wondering if that could be the cause of my condition. Mine is NOT heriditary, I am the only one in my family with tubies. I am still researching this but candida can cause a hormonal imbalance. I am looking at this in the context that I only grow when I eliminate all sugar and alcahol from my diet which had not happened very often. I also read that candida can cause melasma and acne, a problem I am having. I started eating 2 garlic cloves before I went to bed because of their anti fungal properties and increased my dosaged of probiotics and my skin has improved so much in one week. Especially the acne. Don't really know about the melasma since I don't live in a very sunny place.

So my plan for the summer holiday, after 2 weeks, is to do the candida diet full on and check if my breasts will grow from that and my other symptoms (melasma, acne) will improve.

Do you girls have any theory on this? What do you think? Oh yeah, and there can be a connection between adrenal fatigue and candida.

am not sure if candida affects breasts growth, but being healthy is a key point to stimulate secondary breasts growth, you have to first ensure your body is in a healthy state before you can enhance anything.

I did some research when i thought i have vaginal yeast infection and came across a website selling an e-book about getting rid of yeast infection, it says anti fungals and probiotic alone cannot cure candida because it does not eliminate the root cause. I didnt purchase the e-book myself as am not sure if am really a candida sufferer,cause the symptoms come and go, i experience the strongest symptoms mostly rite after my period end.

but if you're interested in it i can show you the site.

and for the breasts growth,it extremely easy to achieve provided you eat the right food like diary product

Personally i eat yogurt + condensed milk 2 times a day( yogurt has antifungal property but as i said its not a cure, candida symptoms come and go repeatedly)

implementing some massage technique with breasts cream,youre good to go

bottom line
stay positive, always imagine your breasts are growing when you do the massage and eating estrogen stimulating food(willpower helps)

from 30AAAA to 32 c is not a dream

I suffer from developing yeast infections very easily. I am just a little bit confused about all the talk about losenges and diets and such...... are these to control and prevent the yeast infection/ candida bacteria or in attempt to get rid of it? A permanent solution or a fix for a current problem?

i just down a crown royal it kills my internal issues. Win. lol

I wonder if this is the cause of my underdeveloped breasts! I used to have big boobs then I got an eating disorder and didn't care about eating healthy. I ate a lot of junk and started getting sick and my breasts shrunk. I have been wondering what was causing all my symptoms. I thought I was iron deficient but I don't feel any better when I take iron. I thought it could be my thyroid but I don't really have a weight problem so probably not. Today I did the candida spit test and it turns out I do have yeast overgrowth. It explains everything! I hope after I get my candida under control my boobs will grow back. I knew there was something wrong with me that was preventing NBE from working.

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