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jaybee11's plan


Hi! So this cycle I plan to chart my temps and start PM in my follicular cycle, FG and SP in my luteal cycle, massage with PM cream all cycle long as well as take my regual supplements of: vitamin c, msm, zinc, multi vitamin, vitamin d, probiotic. I also eat milled flax and drink organic soy daily since that seemed to help me ovulate sooner than usual this month, (shortening my cycle from 43 to 30 days) but who knows if that was just a fluke.
I've tried nbe multiple times in the past with no luck but this will be my first attempt at doing so while cycling. I hope something happens.
How does that sound?

I added some stats in the intro section but I should add them here:
-Currently very small 34 A, large B when breastfeeding
-31 years old
-Breastfed 2 babies
-On average 125 lbs, high metabolism, athletic/slim build - when I gain weight fat only goes to legs, stomach, arms, never boobs. My entire chest area is 'bony' and after breastfeeding I'm left feeling extremely empty and deflated. Boobs seem positioned to the sides with nothing in the middle of my chest, ie even if I were a size larger I wouldn't really have cleavage because they appear to be so separated, if that makes sense.
-Working on keeping my cycle down from a 43-45 day cycle to a 30 day cycle with daily consumption of milled flax and organic soy milk.
-Genetically, and here's the kicker, my mom is a large D or DD so not sure why I couldn't have taken after her than my aunt's on my dad's side who are all small like myself, I mean you'd think you might take after your own mother.
That's it for now.
Thanks for reading Smile

Good luck. Im on my first sound program begun this month with pm also.
Im a newbie too but I know calcium from a supp or something helps pm along your system. I use an organic child supplement for calcium and calcium chews. I did not use any of this my first few days but have pains when i started soon after.

And good luck with th wy sp and fennel. I did those for luteal in my first experimental try but i felt like i would never be able to dose them correctly for a synergistic affect. I am gng to take an herbal blend which contains those and a few more herbsSmile

Sorry if i talked too much. I welcome support and advice, we should all help each otherSmile

Someone may tell you soy isnt appropiate while on pm. I take it in my coffee drinks still though. I am only on my first month of a planned regimen so idk if or how it will affect growth, im only having pains thus far.

Thanks, and good luck to you too! I really appreciate your reply. I totally agree in helping each other out. Is it tricky to get the correct dosage for a synergistic effect? I never really thought about that...what's the name of your herbal blend? I'm still waiting for my period to be over to start PM. I'll keep the calcium in mind too.

I thought you were supposed to start PM on the first day of your cycle =/ but then again I've pretty much read different things everywhere lol. I've found that a great way to calculate my cycle is to use one of those fertility tracking sites. There are tons of free ones that allow you to track your menstrual month to month. I've found it a little bit easier and just about as accurate as the temp method.

I have to wait a few more days before I can order my products but I'm going the powdered herb root. I hope this will help me figure out the dosing a little easier.

Sometimes I wish I could just speed up time lol.

Seems like our bodies are very similiar. I also bought milled flax seed and soy milk like 2 days ago.
Didn't realize it helps regulate period when I bought them, & even though I read about it last month..

pandappleluv, I didn't know it could help with my cycle but I read somewhere that it helped some ovulate sooner for those who ovulate late, which I usually do. And since the luteal phase is fixed between 14-16 days, the length of your cycle would be determined more by when you ovulate. But hopefully it happens again this month and wasn't a fluke lol.
zormad, I don't start PM on cycle day 1 because apparently you don't want to add excess estrogen during your period when your estrogen should be at its lowest, plus it would probably screw up your cycle..and the fertility tracking sites never worked for me as well as charting my temps, as much of a pain as it is Sad

I am using Natural Curves from GNC. It is marketed for breast growth, but contains many of the same ingredients as female herbal blends which will support my program overall. I constantly check ingredients for supps and other things as knowing what IS IN it will help me to know what and how to use it for.

Nautral Curves has wild yam extract, saw palmetto extract, fenugreek seed ex, dong guai ex, damiana ex, fennel seed ex, motherwort, dandelion, blessed thistle, chaste tree berry, asian ginseng, black cohosh, soy isos and piper nigrum.

The ingredients are listed in that order. I am most interested in the wy, sp, and fenugreek which are listed first, fennel as well. I am sure the other herbs will not hurt my program either. I believe some of them are for prolactin, progestin, and anti androgens. One pill contains 443mg of the herbal blend. There is also 120 mg of calcium in one pill. ( Need that calciumWink It says to take on tablet twice a day.

I am actually gng to have my first dose right now. First day of luteal. I am going to start with just one pill though for this cycle and see how it goes.

Oh yea, and I was using organic fresh ground seeds of fenugreek and fennel while taking wy and sp in a pill. I felt like that was too much work for my body, literally I felt it in my abdomen constantly in l phase that month. More than that though, I believe it would also benefit me more if the herbs were blended properly at correct dosages to be able to truly work for my body.. that make sense? And I am sure that some herbs do work together for an effect like wy sp and fg.

That sounds like a good plan, can't wait to see how it goes. Since I have saw palmetto, fenugreek and red clover all separately I will just have to finish them before considering a synergistic blend, which I will probably do when I'm out of the others and if no progress as well.
I started PM yesterday near the end of my period, I didn't feel like waiting until it was completely over, so on about day 3. I'll list what else I'm taking:
- PM 500 mg with 650mg calcium
- 2000iu vitamin d
- Quest multivitamin
- 1000mg msm
- wild salmon oil
- l-arginine for circulation
-alternate with zinc and iron supplements
- magnesium
- PM 500 mg with 650mg calcium
- 1000mg msm with vitamin c

- PM cream morning and evening mixed with flax seed oil

I wonder if I'm taking too much all in one shot with my breakfast in the morning. It seems like alot and I don't know if I should divide everything up more?

I tried noogleberry in the past and I am considering starting up on it again. I had no luck when I used it before but at the time I was not on any nbe supplements either. So maybe combining them will help. It's just hard to fully commit the time to noogling. And when I used it in the past, I couldn't get over the rib pain it caused.

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