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Feeling hopeful :)


Hi, Prismatic! I just wanted to give some input on two things you were wondering about...

As for the flaxseed oil - this occurred to me, too, just early last week. I had always taken it with my herbal programs so I just kind of carried it over to my new BO program without really thinking about it. But then I remembered that, as far as I understand, it is a weak phytoestrogen so I cut it out of my program and experienced no loss of growing signs after doing it. Since it's "weak" I'm not sure if it would necessarily hinder progress for BO users. I have seen others use it in their programs! But to be safe, I stopped taking it.

I also found this: "Although EPO does not have intrinsic estrogenic properties, some commercial products combine EPO with phytoestrogens. Patients with hormone-sensitive cancer should use EPO products with caution."
I mention that because I saw you also take EPO. Again, not sure how much of an impact it could have on your BO program but it might be something to look into!

As for the tubing slipping off, I would recommend taking a small cloth and wiping off that little piece that sticks out on the dome (that the tubing goes over), and use a Q-tip and make sure the inside of the tubing is dry when you start to have the problem of it slipping off a lot. The same thing will happen to me if I accidentally pull the tubing off and try to get it back on when I still have pre-noogling lotion on my hands. Some of that lotion transfers, so the tubing gets lubricated and continues to come off until I wipe it all off and make sure it's dry. I'm sure the same could be happening from your hot, humid climate. (Which, by the way, I'm very jealous of right now! It's so cold here!)

I hope that helps some! Happy growing! You and I have very similar programs.

Thanks so much! Cleaning out the inside of the tube with a q-tip did the trick! I would never have even thought about that.
I think I will drop the flaxseed oil just in case. Unfortunately, the EPO I have doesn't list the inactive ingredients, so I guess I will stop that too.
Again, thanks for the advice. I could use all the input I can get!
Good luck on your program!

My "period" (if you can call it that) is coming in a few days, so I figure now would be a good time to post an update.

I've not been getting many sensations anymore. They've all been gone until the past few days when I've been getting a tiny tiny bit of sensation in my breasts, and even so, it's very seldom and short-lived. Hoping that it will increase in the next few days. I think I had actually started my "period" when I was getting the feelings. Maybe it has something to do with not taking my bcps? Since I don't really have a "cycle" so not so sure about that...

I wish I could see in chart form just how bcps alter the hormone levels at different parts of the would-be cycle. Something like this:
but for combination bcps would be fab. I get the idea that there's no mid-cycle LH or estrogen surge, and subsequent progesterone surge, but how else does it affect the hormones, if at all?

Anyway, from what I remember I rarely got feelings in my breasts during puberty. When they first started developing I never felt anything at all. I sometimes got strong itching, burning sensations in them when they were growing, but not every time. So maybe there's hope for that.

If I have no results after a while, I will consider upping the dosage. Or maybe doing a liver cleanse, but I don't really eat fatty foods/alcohol, so I'm not so sure that I would need it.

Noogleberry itches like crazy though!

EDIT: Boobs aren't tingly, aren't itchy, but are really, incredibly tender and slightly swollen.

I'm swelling to 33 3/4" (+1/4") the past few days. I only have one more active pill to take this cycle, so perhaps that could be the reason. (I've never gotten swelling before my t.o.m. though) I would LOVE this swelling to stick around, but we'll see.

I've been thinking about it, and I'm pretty positive my breasts are underdeveloped. Tanner stage 4. They don't look tubular though. They seem fairly round. Maybe a bit less development on the bottom and inner sides. My areolas are pretty puffy and my nipples usually don't stick out at all. When they do they are very short--only about 1/8" long.
I don't think there is any way someone could have puffy nipples and not have some kind of development issue, be it tubular breasts or just plain underdeveloped. Mostly because I've never seen anyone with nipples like mine who didn't have such an issue.

I probably update too much, but I've decided to make a list of the reasons I'm doing NBE. For motivation. Big Grin
1) I want to need a sports bra.
2) I don't want to be able to sleep on my stomach.
3) I want to experience "jiggle."
4) I want to be able to wear cute dresses without the hips/butt being too tight and the chest gaping.
5) I want to be able to buy cute blouses and have them fit.
6) I'm sick of people telling me I technically don't "need" a bra, because I only have "a little bit" anyway.
7) I don't want to be jealous of every 12 year old I see.
8) I want to wear a swimsuit and not be embarrassed.
9) I want to be able to go lingerie shopping with my friends without them having to try to be super-tactful to not hurt my feelings.
10) I don't want my husband to wish they were bigger.
11) I'm sick of being self-conscious about my breasts and feeling deformed. I want them to be something I can be proud of. Or at least content with.
12) I want to feel like a woman instead of feeling cheated.
13) I want my chest to match my "baby-birthing hips" and "fat legs" as they've been called.
14) I want to have more than a handful. Currently, I probably have less.
15) I want normal-looking nipples.
16) I want my body to be the best it can possibly be.
17) I'm scared that I won't be able to breastfeed because of underdevelopment. (Actually, I'm afraid I won't be able to get pregnant at all, but I choose not to think about that.) I'm not sure that NBE helps that, but it at least makes me feel a little better about it.
18) A former neighbors 2 or 3 year old son once asked his mother "Why is that boy wearing pink? And why does he have long hair?" (referring to me) She kept telling him that I was a girl, and he kept saying "No, it's a boy." She asked him why he thought I was a boy and he said, "I thought you said women have boobs." Kind of stung a little.

In regard to my earlier posts:
I completely forgot that pregnancy can cause the areola to become puffy as well, but I thought it usually goes down by the time of delivery.
Also--I'm so stupid.. Liver cleanse is for clearing out excess hormones. Duh.
Got the contoured large domes in the mail two days ago. I can't keep them on without overpumping. I think I should have gone for the larges instead! Thinking of getting some foam tape to plug up the gaps. No chance of getting both on as one takes up more than half of my chest, but I've been managing with one at a time. Gonna try to pump with the mediums first for 1 - 1 1/2 hours and then switch over and see how I do. I haven't pumped in the better part of a week, so I'm sure that probably has a part in it as well.

After I stopped taking the active pills for the month the upper part of my breasts definitely deflated, and they felt softer. Still measuring a tiny bit bigger, but it is only a *tiny* bit, so I can't really tell if it's just me measuring differently or actual growth. No visual difference of course. May post a starting pic tomorrow if I can pluck up the courage to do it.

As of the beginning of this cycle, I've upped my dosage to 1750 mg BO. I take the extra 250 g in the morning. I've also been making sure I try to get as much protein as possible, and cutting back on soy. So far I've been experiencing a lot more tingling sensations in my breasts.

As a side note, I've also been experiencing a lot of "growing pains" in my legs since starting BO. I would like to think it's a coincidence. I am only 19 after all.

Well this is discouraging... I had swelled up to 34 1/4" but I recently started a new job and just haven't been able to find time to eat enough. Particularly protein. I think I've been averaging around 25g a day for the past week and a half. Sad So I lost a bit of weight and I'm now about 1/8" over 33 1/2". (Hey, at least my waist got smaller and my ribs stick out more! *sarcasm* But of course my hip and thigh fat did not budge. Sigh. Such is life as a pear.) I still think BO is the way to go for me, but I need to take care of protein and exercise more. Trying to think positive!

I gained back the weight (yay!) and bust is up to 34". I also gained 1/4" on my thighs (boo!), so I'm not sure how much, if any, actual growth I got. Other measurements are the same. Taking a break from BO for the next month or so as I have run out of pills. Eager to get back to it though!

I've shrunk, and I'm not sure why.
I'd been maintaining 35" for a few months, and now I'm back at 34.5". It's the smallest I've been in a few months at least. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I'm really starting to get discouraged. I'm not exactly the fastest grower, and what little I've gained seems to go for no reason at all. It's really difficult to see that I've made any progress at all. Maybe it's time to try something different. I may have to ask for help with this one. Sad

I get pretty good swelling with NB now though (to 36"), and I managed to crack my first dome. Tongue So, need to get that replaced.

I really don't update here much...
I managed to get back up to 35" (since late December/early January), and I am swelling to 36 1/2" with Noogleberry. I've been off of BO for a few months now (since around... late October/November when I had plateaued for a while and figured it wasn't helping me much anymore. After I stopped, I ordered a saliva hormone test. December and January were hectic for me, so I didn't get around to doing the test (in case the results would be skewed; I've been known to lose my period when stressed) until January. I'm still waiting for my results to come back. Hopefully they'll give me some indication of where to go from here.

This past cycle, I bought two big packages of soy "mock meat" by mistake (thought I had bought gluten). I decided just to eat them, since I was not doing BO. Big mistake. My breasts have shrunk massively. Even my husband noticed, saying they had gone down "by 50%". :'( I'm hoping it will be temporary, and I'm thinking it will be. Although, I don't know how long it will take for them to come back this time. I've lost a lot of fullness, and at the moment they just feel very small and as if they are made up mostly of empty skin. Soy is the only thing that I've done differently this time. I'm guessing this means phytoestrogens are a big no-no for me?

(03-02-2013, 06:47 AM)prismatic Wrote:  Soy is the only thing that I've done differently this time. I'm guessing this means phytoestrogens are a big no-no for me?

Maybe not necessarily. Maybe just soy is a big no no.

Soy phyto's are honestly some of the weakest of the lot and it COULD be that you're so low on your own natural estrogens that the soy completely replaced it. And no one has EVER had significant breast size while consuming large quantities of soy. It androgynizes. It makes men more girly and girls less.

Let's see what the results say. When do you expect them?

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