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Is anyone doing this because they've been teased all their life? =(


I have never been teased for being flat chested by boys. When I was teased, back in middle school it was only by girls who were obviously jealous that despite their large breasts ( and even larger bodies) that I got more attention because I was pretty.

I am 22 and still small breasted and still get no complaints from menSmile Dont let people dictate how you should feel about your body.

This is a good topic. I was never teased because of my small breasts, but for other things. Most of the time, strangers just called me generally ugly, and guys would chat about how disgusting it would be to have sex with me. When I got older there was one guy that wanted my telephone number...I was very flattered but in the end we both weren't in love.
That was the only good thing, because I also had a sex buddy..that called me ugly too. On a forum for BDD patients I asked someone for a honest opinion of me and he said "you don't have bdd. you are just ugly" and he put some sort of beauty mask over my face which showed that my eyes were too high and my chin too long. Next to the small breasts.
It had left me with grandiose, narcissistic fantasies about how I will be not only pretty, but the prettiest of all "one day".
I dream how I will be some super hot goth chick with size E breasts on the body I have now (it's not anorexic slim, but ok for me. Used to have anorexia and bulimia but recovered). Every guy will look twice at me, but I will kick all the assholes that used to call me ugly in the balls. And spit in their faces. *shudders with rage*
I know it will never happen, though. I am ugly and I will be ugly forever. The worst thing? I'm also dumb. And ambition-less. I have no talents apart from sleeping. And I'm batshit crazy, according to most.

Eh, it is not exactly the reason why I am doing this. But yeah, i have been teased by my sisters who are much more gifted in that area. Why do I have to have the smallest breasts! Sad

I never really got compliments for them either, except for the shape.

I'm a guy and it really bothers me to see how many times guys have made many of you feel bad about yourselves because of your body. Maybe that's why I'd rather jump the fence and join you ladies. I'm disgusted by my own gender! On behalf of the apparently few of us who would never say or imply that your body is inadequate, please don't hate all of us - as I'm sure you don't really. If your guy or your friends are so brash as to do that to you, please punch them (you know where Smile ) for me and look for a new beau or friends with manners and proper respect for you.

Your beauty comes from the inside and the fact that the teasing and innuendos hurt you, tells me you are very sensitive and I find that to be a precious quality in the people I chose to be around. If you want to change your appearance for your own sake, I wish you well but if you're doing it for someone else, please look to your own heart and see the beauty within before you try to change to outside. You are worth more than gold no matter what your form.

I was never really teased about this. A few people made remarks about me having a small bust, but.. It didn't really get to me.
What gets to me is what I see in the mirror.

Ive heard people talk about me "she would be ok if she wasnt flat chested', 'as if id go near that, plus shes flat chested'. Funny thing is, none of that really bothered me. What really triggered my insecurity was when my boyfriends mates poked fun at him because his girlfriend 'didnt have any' breasts at all. So not only did i feel shiit about myself, i felt guilty that he was being made fun of. The worst, was when his friend brought his girlfiend over (she had huge breasts, but she was also bearing a larger waist..) she was really clingy and jealous whenever i spoke to her boyfriend, and apparently when i left, she made fun of me, and asked my boyfriend if he'd prefer a girl like her with 36D/E breasts (pretty sure she had at least a 40in band but whatever. ). Her big breasts clearly wernt all that awesome enough to keep her boyfriend interested anyway, her boyfriend finally opened his eyes to what a cow she was and dumped her. Ugh sorry for the rant! But yeah, my main reason for NBE is because of how other people have made me felt.

I read through some of the comments here, and I wanted to say that no matter what I think everyone is teased or made fun of at some point. When I was in middle and high school, I was very skinny, size 0-2, I was basically flat chested, not much hips but a round bubble butt. I was made fun of, names like "anorexic" "stick" "flatty" "big ass" "bubble", etc. etc. and what they all boiled down to was jealousy. Looking back the ones that made fun of me for being skinny were fat, the ones that made fun of me for having no chest, if it was a girl it was because I was friends with her boyfriend or her boyfriend liked me, if it was a guy it's because they couldn't get a pretty girl at all anyway, the ones that made fun of my butt had none themselves, completely flat. So I agree with other posters here that people make fun of others for their own insecurities. Now that I'm not skinny have some chest now, etc. I still get remarks by some people. People have said to my husband "your wife let herself go" with concerning me gaining weight since we've been married. Well reality check, we were 20 when we got married, I'm now 25, after 21 or so my metabolism slowed down, same thing happened with my mom, she is morbidly obese, I'm overweight now but not obese and working on it.

So yea, I think no matter what people will pick on you for you or pick on the ones you love to try to bring you down. Misery likes company. All I do is not let it get to me, I remain confident and don't listen to their BS. My husband loves me no matter what, he has NEVER called me fat, skinny, flat, any of those things. And he recently lost a ton of weight and got in shape, he still doesn't make me feel bad that I haven't yet. He lost 70lbs in 6-7 months, went from a I think 36 or 38 waist in jeans to now a 30 waist. So at least 3 pant sizes. I'm proud of him and I'm going to get there too, it's just harder for women to lose weight :/

But yea, just keep your heads high ladies, stay positive and negative people won't be able to effect you and they'll just go away.

I can so relate to all! I am mixed enough to where many have called me a "yella girl." a few times I noticed when a black male was looking at me,many females who liked them would trash talk me and one time, a black female was jealous cause she liked a guy that liked me. Same story, she felt insecure so she made fun of me and said things like, "I got big titties, what she got?" "I look better than her." I never paid too much attention. But, now I believe I am the better looking one, but I could never pick on someone for it unless they really got in my face about. Lol!

My college friend would say "oh if you weren't so flat chested, you would look so hot in that." Or " you need breast implants," can you believe it? It hurt, even at age twenty something. She was about a c cup. But I always knew, she was jealous of me.

(04-04-2013, 05:10 PM)BarelyB Wrote:  Ive heard people talk about me "she would be ok if she wasnt flat chested', 'as if id go near that, plus shes flat chested'. Funny thing is, none of that really bothered me. What really triggered my insecurity was when my boyfriends mates poked fun at him because his girlfriend 'didnt have any' breasts at all. So not only did i feel shiit about myself, i felt guilty that he was being made fun of. The worst, was when his friend brought his girlfiend over (she had huge breasts, but she was also bearing a larger waist..) she was really clingy and jealous whenever i spoke to her boyfriend, and apparently when i left, she made fun of me, and asked my boyfriend if he'd prefer a girl like her with 36D/E breasts (pretty sure she had at least a 40in band but whatever. ). Her big breasts clearly wernt all that awesome enough to keep her boyfriend interested anyway, her boyfriend finally opened his eyes to what a cow she was and dumped her. Ugh sorry for the rant! But yeah, my main reason for NBE is because of how other people have made me felt.


I was blissfully unaware of the whole boobie issue because I was a tomboy so didn't really care about having them. It was only two years ago that I decided I wanted bigger breasts and jumped into NBE to get them. You can see some of the women here still carry alot of the pain from being teased. But hopefully as they get closer and closer to their goals they are more able to let go of the past.

(29-02-2012, 02:27 AM)MissKathryne Wrote:  I know how you feel kipper, as do everyone else. What gets me, is the fact that guys have it so easy...think about it, even if they do have a small penis, it isn't seen through their pants! Our chest size is exposed all the time...I'm 21 and have been an AA cup since I obviously first started developing! Could you imagine being the exact same size for 10 years? I was told I had plenty of time, well jokes on me! I don't even want big boobs...I'm very petite, have a super fast metabolism. I'd be happy with no bigger than a B cup. Funny thing is, I actually have a curvy lower half, so I get an ass but no boobs, so it looks funny. I LOVE my whole body except my chest. It really hurts being told "you're flat!"

We are thinking alike. I know there are guys with small penises who want to get married to girls with larger boobs, and they'll go on talking a out their preference, but we cant see if they've got a tiny bit of right to want that.

To the OP's question, I've not faced teasing, even though I'm from a country where ample breasts are the order of the day. Maybe it's cuz. don't keep too many friends. I want this for me. I want to sort of earn the word "woman" for myself. I sometimes wonder if I might miss out meeting my own sweetheart because he just might be one who wanted a lady with small breasts, but I still want them.

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