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Is anyone doing this because they've been teased all their life? =(


For all you ladies nitpicking and psychoanalyzing your body, find something that you DO like. It will change they way you view yourself, for the better. I love my hands, and my eyebrows. Big Grin

When someone made fun of me for things I couldn't change, I never let them know that it hurt my feelings. Once people find a weakness in you they will exploit it in order to fortify their own self-esteem.

When guys dumbly pointed out that I have small boobs, I always tell them "acting like a dick won't actually make your penis any bigger." Or when girls stupidly pointed out my obviously small boobs, I'd always make them feel like idiots. "What?! And here I thought I had DD's this whole time!!!"

I fully believe in combating verbal cruelty and standing up for oneself. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but every circumstance has its exception, and I know when to draw the line.

Don't let other people's opinions of you change your opinion of yourself.

I was teased A LOT throughout middle school and a little in highschool (mostly middle school though). It really got to me back then, and it was mostly by girls. Maybe a boy or two, but mostly the girls. Now, I'm confident it's because they were also insecure. Who isn't at that age? Once I got my first serious boyfriend in high school, my confidence quadrupled. Nobody could bring me down about how I look. In fact, pretty much everyone was jealous of him. I remember one day, I had been joking about my small breasts and he made a joke about them. It hurt, so I got mad and gave him the cold shoulder for a day. Later on, I explained to him that I can make fun of them because it's almost liberating for me but he can't make fun of them because then it's hurtful. Silly girl logic yes, but I still feel the same way today. :p

My most recent ex would CONSTANTLY comment about how small my boobs were, and how we wished they were bigger. It was bad. It took a huge knock on my self esteem, I honestly can't believe I stayed with him for 7 months. I know he did it because he was insecure. He wasn't the most attractive boy in the world, but I dated him because I thought I saw something. Funny thing is however, that after I broke up with him he chased me for two months. Sent me flowers, would call/text my friends about how much he loved me and etc. etc. All I did was laugh. It finally ended up with him showing up on my front porch drunk one night! I was asleep so my awesome roommate took care of it. Guess my small boobs weren't really that big of a deal after all! Rolleyes

I know that all my insecurities stem from my youth, and the way women are presented today in the media. Yet, I understand the beauty of a woman's supple body. I love the female form and I know that I am doing this for me. Granted, my boyfriend will enjoy the perks but I know that I have taken this path simply for my own self-image.

Good luck to you ladies to reaching your goals (:

Its only recently my family and other people have started teasing me about my breasts. I used to take the pill at the age of 16 because of my painful periods and that took my boobs up to a C cup, up til then my boobs had always been flat and I'd get teased by the DD girls in my class during gym class.
I went off the pill after 3 months of using it because I had too much spotting between periods. I'm 19 now and very recently I've lost a lot of weight too because my family were saying I'd let myself go? I was always skinny to begin with, and my mums now complaining that I'm too thin even though I'm a healthy UK size 10 and that I need to now gain weight! But recently my breasts have become smaller than ever to the extent where I don't even fully fill out my B cup bras. Other people are catching on too! My mum and sisters have full breasts and make fun of my chest almost everyday! My little sister whose 14 with C (borderline D) cup breasts laughs at me whenever I get undressed and says 'how can you be so flat? Hahaha that's so funny!'. My older sister joins in aswell on the teasing. Sometimes when I don't wear a bra my mums like 'wtf are your breasts? Put on a padded bra already!'
It got worse when someone wrote on my facebook picture 'you have an ironing board for a chest babes' and he was a guy. This hurt me soo much I ended up spending more than 70 quid on a couple of good quality thickly padded cleavage bras aswell as some chicken fillets, which are way too uncomfortable and make my boobs sweat sh** loads. My mum found the chicken fillets and started laughing and said 'you don't need these you silly girl! You'll grow don't worry!'. Its like I can't impress anybody and I've had enough of being teased! I'm just about a b cup with a 26 underbust. I'd loooooooove a pair of F cups! Just imagine the confidence that would bring me! Sad people often mistake me for underage which is why I have trouble attracting guys too!

This thread is so depressing. I've developed personality disorders from people teasing me my entire life (not just for my small breasts), and to see that others have had to deal with the same thing is just terrible. I know it seems like good advice to tell people not to dwell on others' negative comments, but for some of us who've been teased our whole lives, there's nothing that can be done. We will always be ashamed in our bodies. Even though I realize I won't ever be happy in my body, I still feel like NBE and weight training will help me at least feel better about myself.

I work myself so hard trying to improve myself, and when I look around, I see tons of other women who do nothing but just are beautiful. Women who are more than obese yet still have all the confidence in the world. I even know a girl from high school who is very obese, has no butt and small breasts, and a very plain jane personality. Yet she constantly posts status updates on Facebook about how curvy she is and how beautiful curvy women are. When I see these things I wonder why I can't just be happy with what I have, even if I'm not pin-up curvy.

NBE HAS helped with my self-esteem, although honestly, just barely. I feel slightly more confident in the nude, but not at all in clothes (still no cleavage). I am doing NBE for myself, to feel better, more confident, less anxious. But in the back of my head, I still secretly want to grow large, beautiful breasts to shove in the faces of those who teased me for my small breasts.

Everyday, I type the phrase 'flat chested' into my twitter search bar to see what comes up.
Unsurprisingly, 90 percent of the tweets containing the phrase 'flat chested' are rude and insensitive pisstakes Sad

Here's a few

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Here's a few more:

These people need to be lined up and shot if you ask me!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Quote:Here's a few more:

These people need to be lined up and shot if you ask me!

They are rude idiots who are not happy with themselves and want to bring others down. They deserve to be unacknowledged and ignored. Karma will deal them out what they deserve, which will unfortunately keep them unhappy with their lives and they will continue to say ignorant things.

I think you should break your cycle of searching for such things on twitter Smile those twats aren't worth your time

It's best to not look up stuff like that, all it will do is bring you down. People like that are ignorant and like Outofstyle said unhappy/insecure themselves. I've been picked on for the stupidest shit by some people. I was picked on by a popular asian girl once. She picked on me for having a big ass, for having a big forehead, and even for having big eyes lol. She would mainly pick on me about my forehead and I would ignore her, some other people would join in, because they wanted to be accepted by her, why I have no idea. Then she said something about my eyes being big and LOL no one else backed her up, most kept quiet, some actually called her an idiot, saying stuff like "since when are big eyes considered a bad thing?". One even started picking on her saying she was jealous that her being Japanese was jealous that I had anime type eyes and she didn't.

But yea, don't let it get to you. For a long time I kept fringe and made sure I styled it daily to cover up my forehead, now I just don't care. Plus I noticed tons of celebrities that are considered gorgeous that have bigger foreheads than me and don't wear fringe, so I stopped worrying about it. I still sometimes wear sideswept bangs only when I like them, not to please someone else.

I feel bad for these girls talking down to girls who are flat chested and gloating about their big chests... at least a flat chested girl has peace of mind that if a guy is into her, it's not for her tits. If you are like G's, how would you really know? Me, I'm married, my husband married me when I was basically flat chested and always told me he loved me the way I am, so for me NBE is for me, not to please others.

Haha I exaggerated a tad Tongue maybe it was for a couple of days I did that twitter search but now I stopped cause there is a solution.
What I'm gonna do when I get big boobs is make sure any potential boyfriend or partner is into flat chested girls first, or hasn't got a history of making remarks on flat chested girls (trust me ill find out if he has Wink )! That way when he finds out I have big boobs it'll be like a reward for him haha! (I'm planning on hiding my chest melons not showing them off )
I don't want to have to date someone who has made fun of flat chested girls or makes fun of them! If I do that that'll be like a reward for him and he'll carry on doing it!
Don't like judgemental people, and especially men since it affects us women so much!
If I see a guy making rude remarks on a flat chested girl, ill butt right in and defend her too! Shallow and insensitive guys boil my blood

(21-04-2013, 01:46 PM)foxy_princess Wrote:  Haha I exaggerated a tad Tongue maybe it was for a couple of days I did that twitter search but now I stopped cause there is a solution.
What I'm gonna do when I get big boobs is make sure any potential boyfriend or partner is into flat chested girls first, or hasn't got a history of making remarks on flat chested girls (trust me ill find out if he has Wink )! That way when he finds out I have big boobs it'll be like a reward for him haha! (I'm planning on hiding my chest melons not showing them off )
I don't want to have to date someone who has made fun of flat chested girls or makes fun of them! If I do that that'll be like a reward for him and he'll carry on doing it!
Don't like judgemental people, and especially men since it affects us women so much!
If I see a guy making rude remarks on a flat chested girl, ill butt right in and defend her too! Shallow and insensitive guys boil my blood

This is sure a pretty depressing subject. I didn't have anyone teased me about my small chest, partially most Asian girls are small chest too. I also went to top Engineering school so not much of girls either and boys they are mostly geeky nerds so they dont care you got boobs or not. I once dated this white boy he said I had a small chest but we never discussed about it. For sure, it did bother me a tad as most of his girl-type-friends got big C or so. I was the one broke up with him over and over due to his obessive PDA not cuz of chest insecurity.
Then when I got out of College and be independent, own houses myself at early 20's, it built up my self-esteem pretty much... not until I lost both of my parents couple years ago and then started seeing someone a lot YOUNGER than me during this vulnerable time. He did not say anything about my boobs as both of his EXs had big breasts. He is not the cause why I want to grow, but due to my new Mexican Neighbor adult daughters were the one make me want to grow my boobies... They said a lot of things awfully enuf to make me to take them to Court along calling the cops on them. I consider that as bully, abusive varbal behaviors and need to be stop at all costs...

BTW, if you know this causes mental break down, why think, search, google for it? I play a lot of different musical instruments, some of my traditional one literally have a lot of sad lyric tune that when I played, I could easily make people cry along. I gradually stop playing it as it affects my mental psychological thinking. I now only practice piano & violin but only to the happy, upbeat, disco songs Smile I dont even listen to broken heart songs for the last 15 yrs Smile Think positive is always help.


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