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Newbie that's already seeing some change!


(23-06-2013, 05:46 PM)Gawku Wrote:  From what I've researched on PC, if it's got Progesterone USP in the ingredients, it's the only form that can be absorbed properly. You could use wild yam extract, but the body won't convert it. If you invest in PC, make sure it has a measured pump that gives 20 mg per pump. That's what's naturally secreted daily in Luteal phase in women. So long as you use it properly, and apply it to the right areas (palms, underarms, chest, areas with thin skin) and apply it at the right time in your cycle (never more than 3 weeks in a month, don't apply during your week), you're safe using it. It's what I've been using, with collagen. From what I understand, it progresses swelling during the Luteal phase and balances your hormones when used daily.

It (possibly) balances hormones when used daily, but isn't made to be used for more than 3 weeks at a time? My period has never been exactly like clockwork, so it'll be interesting trying to find when to use it. I see what you're saying on that, though.


(23-06-2013, 06:01 PM)Jussiea Wrote:  It (possibly) balances hormones when used daily, but isn't made to be used for more than 3 weeks at a time?

In the menstrual cycle, progesterone is only released significantly in the luteal phase, between your ovulation day and your next period. That's the only time you need it, otherwise you run the risk of creating another hormonal imbalance. It's no more than 3 weeks out of a month because your follicular phase doesn't produce much progesterone, if at all.
This chart shows you hormonal and menstrual timing every cycle:

Luteal phase, and even a week beforehand if you choose, is the best time to use PC.

The safest way to go about using PC is to determine when your period occurs, if it's irregular it's obviously more difficult. If you google an ovulation chart website and put in the date of the start of your period, it'll let you know when your ovulation is (usually 2 weeks from the first day of your period). It's really complicated stuff, but balancing your hormones requires a lot of research and overall knowledge. When you figure your body out, you're more likely to get the results you want. Smile

Thanks for the info!

Okay, now for my actual thread entry. My period still isn't here, which is what had me researching low progesterone to begin with as I read it can cause wonky periods, but my period has always had its own agenda for when it wanted to come. Sometimes it'll come at then beginning of the month for a while, then in the middle for a few months, then at the end, then skip on occasion, then do whatever else it pleases. I guess all this hormone research just has me a little paranoied. I haven't seen any negative from anything I've been taking, and if anything some of my pms symptoms have gotten better. Less anxiety, less pms cramping, less acne, less pre-period weight gain, less sugar craving, less want-to-eat-everything-in-site in general. Go figure. Maybe my system is just finding its pace with the new herbs. Or, maybe I'm just reading to much and getting just enough knowledge to be dangerous.

Breasts are still lovely and bigger looking. A bit tender, but that could be down to a number of things. Growing, pms, massaging too hard. Who knows. I've also read that some women's breasts get "knotted" (or I'm guessing lumpy/fiberous) while growing and then even out after the growth spurt. That could be a bit of what I'm feeling too. They both feel the same, and I'm certain it's nothing unusual, just another thing that had me thinking *maybe* low progesterone. Just been like this for maybe a week or so. Probably period related. I'm 99% certain I've felt them like this before.

Progesterone cream, while a popular option, is out for me. Too expensive and just, frankly, freaks me out because of all the warnings attached to it, and how careful I'd have to be with it. I appreciate the info though Gawku, I really do. Hopefully the vitamins, minerals, and healthier diet I'm on will pull any hormonal wonky levels out of my system.

Happy gowing everyone.

OH! And for anyone who is seeing excess "blackheads" on their breasts and is using falx seed oil to massage, try using a body scrub on your breasts. It could be residue form the flax oil. Found that out today.

Hey y'all. Nothing much new to report today. Breasts are still tender and full, with on and off pains. I'm just going with the attitude that it's all good. Switched from Rockmelon to a different tone (I'll post the link below). I heard about it on here and decided to give it a try. Not sure it's working any better or worse than Rockmelon, but it's not as painful to my Because of this, I can and do listen to it for MUCH longer. Just because I can. It's a sound that can fade into the background while I watch tv.

Lol On a less yay note, I'm starting to smell like celery from my massage mixture. Lol My mom said she wanted to dip me in salad dressing. Thank the Lord for perfume. And on a not exactly NBE note, my exercises are getting easier to do! I'm just excited to be getting in shape and stronger!

Still excited to post my measurement update on the 31st. It's still looking good for some real growth. Maybe not a ton, but some.

Well, that's about it. Happy growing everyone!

Hey y'all. Same story today, still waiting, still full, still tender, still frustrated. Although, I will say it seems like some of the slight bloating my stomach had/has before my period, has gone away. Not sure if that means my period isn't coming this month or not. I know stress can mess with monthly's and slow NBE, so I'm trying not to stress since I've never had more than a general idea of when my period "should" arrive each month anway.

So far my weight is staying stable (which is another interesting thing since it usually goes up 2-5lbs and doesn't budge until my monthly is done), even with suppliments, added protein, resistance training, and boobs that appear to be getting bigger. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs, I'm pleased my weight hasn't been increasing. The headaches I got when first taking fennel and fenugreek are gone now too. I think my healthier diet, and some of the other suppliments I've added in to help control blood sugar (the cinnamon pills) help to counteract any negative blood sugar reaction. I still haven't experienced the increase in appitite spoken of with saw palmetto or fenugreek. No complaints there. I don't seem to be getting any more cellulite either. Thank God. Bigger boobs at the expense of not wanting to wear shorts (I mean not wanting to more than I already don't want to) doesn't seem like a fantastic trade. Not saying I wouldn't make it, but you get my point, right? Tongue

So, today my mom made me some tea that has the same amount of caffeen as coffee, and since there is debate as to if caffeen is or isn't good foe NBE, I decided to give it a try instead of my usual morning mint tea.I think I'll still have the mint later, but it was nice to have a little change.

That's about it for now. Happy growing!
Big Grin

Looks like my routein isn't messing with my period after all. My body was just doing what it normally does. By the 1'st of next month I'll know if anything I've gained is here to stay. (I know I've said that before, but THIS time I mean my TOM will be done by then and I should be at my smallest.)

Hey y'all. Nothing new to report, just me being lazy with my massage this morning. lol Hopefully it doesn't do any damage.

Happy growing!

Hey guys! I'm back into the swing of my routine after my lazy day and my boobs don't seem too much worse for one day off. That being said, they looked like they did deflate ever so slightly. It could just be my imagination, though. You know, kinda like feeling you *look* thinner after 1 good workout. Lol They perked up again after my massage today.

That being said, I have an AWESOME protein shake recipe I wanted to share that I came up with today.

1 mug of mint tea (cooled: let it steep the whole time it's cooling)
1 cup soy milk
2 scoops of chocolate whey protein powder
*optional* 15 drops of liquid stevia, 1/2 tsp sea minerals, leaves from tea bag.

Blend all ingredients together and enjoy. Sooooo yummy. I adore mint chocolate anything, though. Lol

Well, that's it for today. Happy growing!


Hey y'all! Seems like that "lumpy" feeling I was noticing in my breasts was period related. When I was massaging last night I noticed it's almost totally gone. Can't wait to measure. I'm still looking like I'm on track for a gain. I've been having some stabbing pains on and off today, so I'm believing that's a good sign. Had a busy day and missed my mint, and detox teas, but I did manage to take all my herbs and vitamins.

That's about it! Happy growing!
Big Grin

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