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Lets stop attacking each other


Members are afraid to post and to answer posts.
Afraid to ask questions.
That behavior is loosing us members, will destroy this site, run it out of business.

Shit people, Just because someone posts something that you don't believe or agree with. gives you no right to come down on them..
no right to belittle them.
You are not the all knowing all seeing god .

Respect one another and each other's thoughts and opinion's.
They have a right to speak without exposing themself to harashment.

I am also guilty of this behavior, and damnit i will stop!
It is wrong to hurt another!

This is the only site, i found, where i could say anything without having to follow a thousand rules and regulations and on other site's they delete posts for almost no reason-- We can steal there members! Its fun stealing other sites members (like Susan's )
This is beautiful--
and it will bring members here!
note: i chose the name onesexybitch to attract attention and be perceived by the long time members - not to be a threat to their kingdom. A shocking name for a male. But now they know that i am a threat to their kingdom!
Resistance is futile. welcome to the Collective. the hive- lol
Soon i will call myself firdburfle and in a few weeks something else.


I agree completely (with the above statement, we differ a bit in our opinion of doctor's and the fda lol, but thats no skin off my nose) Big Grin I appreciate and admire your persistence in the research you are conducting despite the feedback received. My initial "taste" for this site was none too pleasant either. But I have to realize that most on this forum, self included, arwe taking some form of hormone so I just no longer take it personally. Though I've been in lurk mode and haven't posted I do find your research interesting. I cant help but notice that herbalist almost always prescribe herbs in tea form...therefore your theory makes sense or rings true I should say.

Good Luck and Happy Researching
Zormad Cool

My desire was to be accepted here and to help.
Since my presence hurt this group more then it helped it.
The best way for me to help-- is to leave.

I won't let the door hit my ass on the way out!

Thanks management for not banning me, and for giving me a chance to present my case!
I lost!

Your opinion and knowledge is wanted here. Keep a peaceful mind, and comments/feedback aimed to help others and everyone can get along. I don't think leaving is the solution here.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and what works for them..... in a drama free environment.... imho...

Now i demand an answer- on this forum by whatever moderator was stupid enough to bane me- putting this site at risk!

OR UNBAN ME! and i will except your apology

-----And put my posts back-----

Presently my wife is -" in the hospital" dying of Lou Gehrig's Disease and this has driven me over the edge.

It would be unwise to delete this post and i would suggest you communicate with your ----

Site administrator and owner before you do so. to see if they want to put this site at risk of damage.


i have an unlimited number of ip addresses
An unlimited number of internet identities
My packets can leave my pc with fully encrypted IP and data packets then thousands of miles later deincrypt and post here in the clear. If someone try's to use packet detection software to trace me they can only trace me to the point where i deencrypt.
I can jump thru many pc's before i post ( I use a few thousand- they never knew i was using their IP address --
I can pass thru proxy servers.

I can't be banned and can post at will.

If he / she's motive was because it was in the best interest of the members here then i will go away and will cause you no more trouble.

Remember i demand an answer!
The last time i had this problem they banned me a few hundred times they had many monitors working around the clock brought in outside software people and eventually agree to leave me alone and stopped trying to ban me.-- I had hundreds of user names waiting in reserve.

The only way to solve a problem is thru negotiation ( never force ) when i moderated a site much larger then this one for a year i never banned anyone!
And that site became huge -- due to the way i moderated.
One of my post's had 200,000 hits in 4 month's --
AND YOU BAN ME????? stupid asses


---------notice that i am using a different username and ip address on this duplicate post

Now i demand an answer- on this forum by whatever moderator was stupid enough to ban me.banned me!

OR UNBAN ME! and i will except your apology

Presently my wife is -" in the hospital" dying of Lou Gehrig's Disease and this has driven me over the edge.

It would be unwise to delete this post and i would suggest you communicate with your

Site administrator and owner before you do so. to see if they want to put this site at risk of damage.


i have an unlimited number of ip addresses
An unlimited number of internet identities
My packets can leave my pc fully encrypted IP and data packets then thousands of miles deincrypt and post here in the clear. If someone trys to use packet detection software to trace me then can only trace me to the point where i deencrypted.
I can jump thru many pc before i post
I can pass thru proxy servers.

I can't be banned and can post at will.

If he / she's motive was because it was in the best interest of the members here then i will go away and will cause you no more trouble.

Remember i demand an answer!
The last time i had this problem they banned me a few hundred times they had many monitors working around the clock brought in outside software people and eventually agree to leave me alone and stopped trying to ban me.-- I had hundreds of user names waiting in reserve.

The only way to solve a problem is thru negotiation ( never force ) when i moderated a site much larger then this one for a year i never banned anyone!



what a phycho!
don't you have something else to do in your life?
no one will be reading your posts any more after reading just the first two-three lines, thats really freaky no one is interested in reading psycho stuff from a phycho

(07-08-2013, 15:07)Zormad Wrote:  I agree completely (with the above statement, we differ a bit in our opinion of doctor's and the fda lol, but thats no skin off my nose) Big Grin I appreciate and admire your persistence in the research you are conducting despite the feedback received. My initial "taste" for this site was none too pleasant either. But I have to realize that most on this forum, self included, arwe taking some form of hormone so I just no longer take it personally. Though I've been in lurk mode and haven't posted I do find your research interesting. I cant help but notice that herbalist almost always prescribe herbs in tea form...therefore your theory makes sense or rings true I should say.

Good Luck and Happy Researching
Zormad Cool

Hi Zormad,

Please forgive me if this is a silly question.

How did you get your measurements? I believe under bust is say, the bra size around your chest / rib cage right? But where did you get the other measurements. I am curious because I see yours went down but you gained weight.

Thanks for the explanation in advance. Smile

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