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(06-06-2013, 16:28)Doll Wrote:  So I'm hoping to have a somewhat decent male body by summer, or at least by Otakon (where I'll be cosplaying a guy for the first time). My abs are toning up soooo well from just 3 or 4 workouts, and my arms have somehow gotten even stronger despite the fact that I was sick and couldn't workout for over a week.

I knew a few MTFs and while I admire their courage to do such a life-altering change, the ones I knew were almost squeamish and reluctant about it. I always assumed it's just fear, I know it comes with insane peer pressure and one of them was almost paranoid. But then some end up looking like gay guys while others are total drama queens and nothing gets done. No offence meant, I was married to one and fully supported her journey. I guess I just assumed this was the norm.

You, however, are amazing. Your strength and tenacity are inspiring. Probably also because I like a man who can put his foot down and get shit done. Makes me weak in the knees when my sweety gets assertive XD
I am totally rooting for you. I'll keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed!
Good Luck!

When is Otakon?
I would love to see a pic of you in your cosplay outfit that day!

(07-06-2013, 13:50)Lycaryth Wrote:  I knew a few MTFs and while I admire their courage to do such a life-altering change, the ones I knew were almost squeamish and reluctant about it. I always assumed it's just fear, I know it comes with insane peer pressure and one of them was almost paranoid. But then some end up looking like gay guys while others are total drama queens and nothing gets done. No offence meant, I was married to one and fully supported her journey. I guess I just assumed this was the norm.

You, however, are amazing. Your strength and tenacity are inspiring. Probably also because I like a man who can put his foot down and get shit done. Makes me weak in the knees when my sweety gets assertive XD
I am totally rooting for you. I'll keep my fingers, toes and eyes crossed!
Good Luck!

When is Otakon?
I would love to see a pic of you in your cosplay outfit that day!

Somehow I find this very offensive... Even though I do have to agree that many other people in the community DO make me uncomfortable... They usually just don't really know better... And for being a "total drama queen"... I probably do seem like one don't I? Ah well. I'm only doing what I can.

I guess your post just comes across to me as "all MtF's are just gay guys or scared little drama queens" while "FtM's are amazing!"

We're BOTH amazing for even staying alive as long as we have! The mortality rate for ANY TG is extremely scary!

(07-06-2013, 14:34)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  Somehow I find this very offensive...

That's because it is offensive. Nine times out of ten, when anyone says the phrase, "No offense", the statement that follows is offensive. It's a person's way of displaying that they are aware their statement is going to be taken that way lol.

Oh well, there are gender stereotypes out the wazoo in society, so why not transgender stereotypes. "No offense", but for some people these stereotypes are the only way to understand fellow human beings.

What? I did type no offense! lmao, that means no one can get offended, right?

and of course, I could easily fall into the category of drama queen myself, so don't worry about it Abi.

Hmmm... she said she was married to one, so passed tense. So I take it she is stereotyping all MTF's based on her experience with her ex. Sad but it's the way most stereotypes are made, someone has a bad experience with ONE person, maybe two, then expects off of that type of person to be the same.

The community I knew had many people who would not put much effort into themselves. I always found it a shame to see these men and women be content with looking gay or eccentric, knowing they were still unhappy. The drama queens are the ones who sit around feeling sorry for themselves year after year.
My ex being MtF was not a 'bad experience' and had nothing do with my leaving her. She started her journey before we got married and I helped out everywhere I could. I left because she was unfaithful.

Yes, I'm sure my view is stereotypical, but we are all guilty of that since the three of you just drew your own conclusions and lumped me into a stereotype as well.
All I meant to say is that it is refreshing to see someone work so hard at their happiness. Whether that is MtF, FtM or any form of building yourself to your own ideal. I consider myself quite lazy in my own efforts and someone like Doll, to me, is an inspiration to try harder.

Back to Doll's topic:
I thought this was an interesting article about spot reduction:

(08-06-2013, 12:46)Lycaryth Wrote:  Yes, I'm sure my view is stereotypical, but we are all guilty of that since the three of you just drew your own conclusions and lumped me into a stereotype as well.

Uhm... I never said anything about you at all, I spoke only about the post itself and how the POST made me feel, the way you phrased it. I made absolutely no attempt at puzzling out why you may have written it that way. It wasn't my place.

(08-06-2013, 12:46)Lycaryth Wrote:  All I meant to say is that it is refreshing to see someone work so hard at their happiness. Whether that is MtF, FtM or any form of building yourself to your own ideal. I consider myself quite lazy in my own efforts and someone like Doll, to me, is an inspiration to try harder.

OK... (Looks at all her own efforts and research and her huge freaking program thread and wonders how ANYONE can say she's just being lazy and bemoaning her fate.)

(08-06-2013, 12:46)Lycaryth Wrote:  Back to Doll's topic:
I thought this was an interesting article about spot reduction:

WOW! Thanks for that! This is a MAJOR problem I've been facing as well! Though what I'm looking to reduce is a little bit different! Basically just the waist... I've read about half of it so far. Really interesting stuff! EDIT: ANNNNNNND! For me this particular article is EXACTLY what I need. All the same tricks outlined are the same tricks I need. I just need a treadmill to make it work...

(08-06-2013, 13:00)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  For me this particular article is EXACTLY what I need. All the same tricks outlined are the same tricks I need. I just need a treadmill to make it work...

You may find interesting then too. talks about a study with the same cream too. It sounds kinda hit-or-miss, but might work well in combo with the stuff in the previous article.
I think I'll be browsing cellulite creams in the store next week. Rolleyes


(06-06-2013, 16:28)Doll Wrote:  I've been taking Borage Oil and Fish Oil every day (I bought the borage at Wal-Mart, just $4 and I only take 2-6 pills a day depending on what I feel like swallowing, giggidy), although some women seem to need more Borage Oil for it to work as well. I'm probably going to stop the borage oil, though, as it is rich in phytoestrogens (I don't know how I forgot this). They help burn belly fat almost exclusively. I also use Sweet Sweat under a neoprene band on my waist, although if you want to save money, cocoa butter might work just as well (also, cocoa butter helps tighten and tone the skin!)

It's a slow process, and some days I feel like I can't see that much of a difference anymore, but that's what progress pics are for. Wink

Please share these progress pics!!!!

I was looking into borage oil but was not thrilled that it is associated with liver damage, so I am thinking about evening primrose oil instead. You said you take 2-6 pills a day... How many milligrams is that?

Never heard about cocoa butter increasing blood circulation to an area in which it is applied. That would certainly be a cheaper option though, so I hope you are right (also since Sweet Sweat made me break out in a nasty rash!!!). I tried but was unable to find any information on cocoa butter increasing blood flow when applied topically. And as you know, things work differently as topicals than they do when taken orally. Would you mind posting from where you got this idea? Thanks!

(07-06-2013, 07:00)Anastasia916 Wrote:  I have a neoprene belt, I've considered order sweet sweat but didn't know if it worked. I already take borage oil it's a part of the Omega 3,6,9 supplement I take, but I may get a separate bottle to add in more. I have green tea, so I'll start drinking it more. The belt though, I find it awkward to workout in at the gym, I don't mind so much at home, but at the gym I don't like wearing it cause I feel people see it, even under clothes. Maybe my belt is too bulky. I've also seen on youtube girls using menthol rub on their bellies under neoprene belts to workout in or under plastic wrap.

The main reason green tea works is for increase of metabolism, which as you know is the rate at which our bodies burn off glucose calories (not fat calories), which will cause your body to turn to using your muscles or fat (depending on the type of exercise you are doing) for fuel sooner than those bodies with lower metabolisms. Anything that increases your metabolism will do this. Green tea is one way to increase your metabolism, among others.

I also hate the idea of wearing the neoprene belt in the gym! The gym is kinda a social outlet for me, and to be seen at the gym with one of those on would be--detrimental, lol. One way to avoid looking strange at the gym is to wear a weight lifting belt. It does the SAME THING as the neoprene belt (keeping the area warm) AND it is more socially acceptable at the gym. It also can help you when you go to perform your heavy weight squats. Win-win! Plastic wrap would probably work (?) as long as it keeps the area warm, but you will need to be careful with that as it would be easy to wrap it too tightly (this can also be a problem with the neoprene belt) which can potentially be counterproductive by cutting off some of the blood flow to the area! So just be careful with that.

Thanks for mentioning the menthol rub. I completely forgot about that as a blood circulation increaser. And topical. And not too expensive. Perfect!

But what is important to know is that the muscles adjacent to the fat targeted for burning need to be contracted for this to work at its best. So, your choice of an ab workout would help in this. Personally I like to do the stomach vacuum and contract those TVA muscles when I do my light cardio because I do not want to build my outer ab muscles, and it is optimal to be contracting these muscles while increasing the blood flow to the warmed area... But whatever you choose, this is an important factor as well!

(08-06-2013, 13:00)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  
(08-06-2013, 12:46)Lycaryth Wrote:  Back to Doll's topic:
I thought this was an interesting article about spot reduction:

WOW! Thanks for that! This is a MAJOR problem I've been facing as well! Though what I'm looking to reduce is a little bit different! Basically just the waist... I've read about half of it so far. Really interesting stuff! EDIT: ANNNNNNND! For me this particular article is EXACTLY what I need. All the same tricks outlined are the same tricks I need. I just need a treadmill to make it work...

Haha yes, I love this article as well! It's definitely a good one. I really don't like claiming that something works until I see the science and studies behind it, and I think that Dr. Lowery always does a pretty good job (I have referenced a few of his articles as part of my research!). I actually talked about this particular article in post #38 sometime over a week ago in my waist-is-small-and-curves-are-kickin' program thread, as well as integrating the stomach vacuum into the routine instead of other abdominal workouts to avoid from building the outer abdominal wall. This will burn the belly fat WHILE further increasing the strength of your abdomen's natural corset, AND you can do the stomach vacuum while you do your cardio (as opposed to stopping your cardio to do ab workouts as Dr. Lowery mentioned). And as for your treadmill, really any cardio will work (so insert elliptical, biking, etc here), but interval training with any of these is best for fat burning! Make sure to keep your rate at a low intensity (which will cause your body to utilize a greater amount of fat calories as opposed to glucose calories, and will utilize less of your muscle calories for fuel), with occasional intervals of intense cardio (do this for no longer than a minute, or your body will stop using glucose calories and will start to burn off muscle instead). If you don't have access to a treadmill, you can always just walk around the neighborhood instead. Smile

(09-06-2013, 08:26)timarie Wrote:  Haha yes, I love this article as well! It's definitely a good one. I really don't like claiming that something works until I see the science and studies behind it, and I think that Dr. Lowery always does a pretty good job (I have referenced a few of his articles as part of my research!). I actually talked about this particular article in post #38 sometime over a week ago in my waist-is-small-and-curves-are-kickin' program thread, as well as integrating the stomach vacuum into the routine instead of other abdominal workouts to avoid from building the outer abdominal wall. This will burn the belly fat WHILE further increasing the strength of your abdomen's natural corset, AND you can do the stomach vacuum while you do your cardio (as opposed to stopping your cardio to do ab workouts as Dr. Lowery mentioned). And as for your treadmill, really any cardio will work (so insert elliptical, biking, etc here), but interval training with any of these is best for fat burning! Make sure to keep your rate at a low intensity (which will cause your body to utilize a greater amount of fat calories as opposed to glucose calories, and will utilize less of your muscle calories for fuel), with occasional intervals of intense cardio (do this for no longer than a minute, or your body will stop using glucose calories and will start to burn off muscle instead). If you don't have access to a treadmill, you can always just walk around the neighborhood instead. Smile

A few problems... Without a treadmill or -something- like, I can't really do my exercising in a fasting state. And walking around the neighborhood is just plain impossible. I barely have time to squeeze a routine in naked let alone getting dressed twice... And that was if I had workout clothes that wouldn't just fall off my body as soon as I started jogging. My sweats and sweatshirts and oversized t-shirts might not be too bad for house lounging, but they are definitely not adequate to "public decency". I lost too much weight last year for ANY of it to fit, and I can't afford new right now.

My mom does have an exercise bike she NEVER uses, in the basement, but somehow I still doubt she'll let me set it up somewhere I could actually use it. "Just in case" she ever wants to use it! :eyeroll:

She has it cluttered up with junk smashed up against a chest in the basement, there's no way ANYONE can use it in the state she's got it in.

(09-06-2013, 12:35)AbiDrew85 Wrote:  A few problems... Without a treadmill or -something- like, I can't really do my exercising in a fasting state. And walking around the neighborhood is just plain impossible. I barely have time to squeeze a routine in naked let alone getting dressed twice... And that was if I had workout clothes that wouldn't just fall off my body as soon as I started jogging. My sweats and sweatshirts and oversized t-shirts might not be too bad for house lounging, but they are definitely not adequate to "public decency". I lost too much weight last year for ANY of it to fit, and I can't afford new right now.

Jumping in a bit late here - but there are tons of exercises you can do naked in your own home with no equipment Smile Jumping jacks, mountain climbers, skaters, air boxing, jump rope (with or without a rope), burpees, fast feet, high knees, butt kicks, etc etc. Get a timer (can use free ones online), set it up for 30 second or 1 minute intervals and switch the activity every time it goes off.

Start by setting your wake-up alarm 5 minutes early and do a 5 minute routine. Set it 5 minutes earlier every couple of days, eventually you'll be getting up 30 minutes (or however long you are shooting for) earlier and have plenty of time for a good workout!

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