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New to Forum and Excited to Start NBE Program


Hello everyone. I'm new on here and still working out a specific program. I don't have any medical and probably cannot afford to go see the doctor for the hormone levels test everyone is saying you should get first. Is there anyone who has had to pay for it out of pocket that could give me an idea of what I'll have to pay? I will have to play around a bit to see what works if I cannot get it done and typically it takes a month to see any doc. I have experienced 1-2 cup size growth while on my Nuva Ring, so I feel confident that I will have results with something. Before I got on birth control I was a small 34B. After only a few months on and working out I grew to a 32D/34C (They still don't look big though). Since I lost my medical last month and can't buy my Ring anymore I am starting to notice shrinkage Sad I no longer fill my 32D/34C bras. I really hope NBE can save my girls permanently and grow 1-2 cup sizes. I have a pretty nice big booty and would love if my breasts matched.

I have done some research on NBE and Chiyomilk's program and I think I have a good program constructed but I would like any advice and feedback possible while I wait for my products to arrive in the mail. I have ordered PM, Bovine Ovarian Glandular, Kelp, Fenugreek, Collagen and Saw Palmetto and also a breast cream containing Volufiline. I am currently 29 yrs old 5'0" 142lbs small 32D-27-39. I would love if I could be at least a 32DD by my 30th birthday in September.

I am planning to start with a 2 week cleanse and get my diet and exercise straightened out a bit. After the cleanse the program I am thinking of doing is as below in addition to a protein shake after workouts.

Follicle phase:
PM Week one
BO Add on week 2
Breast cream w/massage 2x daily

Luteal phase:
Saw Palmetto 1x daily week 1/ 2x daily week 2
Breast cream w/massage 2x daily
Fenugreek Add on week 2

Please let me know how many mg of each I should take. This kinda seems like too much to introduce my body to at one time so that's why I'm adding some of them on in the 2nd week as I think Claire mentioned in her article on ChiyoMilk. In addition to these I am already taking a daily CalMagD, Fish Oil, a Hair Skin and Nail vitamin with Vitamin E & C and a Multi.

Also, I would like to know if I really need to start the program on the 1st day of my period or could I start it on the first day of my luteal phase? I am about to start my period soon. I'll probably be starting my cleanse next Thursday or sooner so there will most likely be a couple weeks before I start my next period after the cleanse. My periods are so crazy it could even be a whole month. I'm very anxious to start. If I must start on the first day of my period is it ok to at least start on the breast cream and collagen since those are done throughout the whole month?

Sorry this is so much but any help I can get is appreciated!

Another thing I am confused about is that on Chiyomilk's program it says to start PM on first day of period but I see a lot of people saying NOT to take it while on your period. This does not make sense to me at all. I am probably still going to take it on my period and see how that goes, but I'd still like to hear about your personal experiences.

I started doing massage with coconut oil twice a day while I wait for my Slim Extreme 3D and I noticed my breasts are filling my hand a little more already. So I measured them and I'm at 36 1/2. Just this morning I was 36 1/4. Don't know if it's just from swelling but we'll see how they feel tonight right before massage. After all it's only been a couple days and can't exactly expect them to sprout over night!

I think it's best to take either PM or BO or they'll compete with each other. With this kind of thing, more products does not always lead to more/faster results. What kind of BO are you taking?

There seem to be different ways of taking the PM from what I've read on here, though most people try to mimic natural rises and fall in hormones over the course of the cycle.

I'm pretty new to this, too. Hopefully someone with more experience will be able to give you more advice.

Good luck!

I'll have to do a little more research or maybe someone with more experience will educate me. I originally bought the BO but then I bought the PM when I read the article on Chiyomilk's program. She was talking about using the pig placenta with PM, but BO could be used as well. I may have to read it again to make sure I read right. I have had to read it over a few times in putting together my program. I am probably starting with one of the two though and see if it works. I ordered Raw Oviary Glandular from Swanson vitamins. What does your program look like? How long have you been on NBE and have you had any success with it? I will probably just be on the massage for a few weeks while I wait for the products and then do my body cleanse so won't be able to report much on if my program works.

That's my program page, though I haven't gotten too far into it yet. I have dabbled with herbs in the past, but didn't stick with it long enough to have any definite results. I've been on my current program for about a month.

Since starting, I have noticed that my breasts look a bit wider and feel more substantial when I cup them with my hands. Since it is still mid month, I haven't made a post about it, but I did see a slight increase in my leaning bust measurement.

(15-12-2013, 05:24)prettylily Wrote:

That's my program page, though I haven't gotten too far into it yet. I have dabbled with herbs in the past, but didn't stick with it long enough to have any definite results. I've been on my current program for about a month.

Since starting, I have noticed that my breasts look a bit wider and feel more substantial when I cup them with my hands. Since it is still mid month, I haven't made a post about it, but I did see a slight increase in my leaning bust measurement.

That's great that you are noticing even a slight growth early on. Are you doing the brush technique massage to transfer fat into your chest? I tried that for the first time tonight and I think it might've worked a little bit already. I know my breasts fill my hand up a little more. I took some start pics but I don't know if I'm gonna post. Maybe after my first month I'll do before and current pics.

I took this from the comments on the article which may be of some help for us. Good luck in your journey!

Claire Mier Feb 2, 2013 5:48 am
Hi Karen,
While some people say that taking phytoestrogen herbs with Bovine Ovary slows down the process, I happen to disagree for a few reasons;
1) First off, we are not supercharging estrogen in our body but rather keep the balance in our hormonal system. As we age, the estrogen level will decline and that’s when we start taking herbs like Pueraria Mirifica and such. Which is why it is recommended that we only take Pueraria Mirifica or other powerful phytoestrogen herbs during the follicle phase only. Taking it during the luteal phase will tip off the balance as that’s when our body’s natural estrogen peaks.
2) Bovine Ovary’s effect on our body in terms of natural breast enhancement is to stimulate new tissue and cell growth. With the hormone being balanced, our body will be at the ideal state to regenerate and repair.

However, with every remedy, it’s best to start small to get your body adjusting to it. You can start with taking Bovine Ovary alone and then add the phytoestrogen topical breast cream, then followed with the other herbs such as Saw Palmetto, Kelp, Fenugreek, etc.

Feel free to write us more if you have any further questions.

All the best,

Well, what are some of your stats, like: weight, height, kids, no kids, if so, were they breastfed, etc.? These things might make a difference.

(15-12-2013, 07:42)Girl2B Wrote:  Well, what are some of your stats, like: weight, height, kids, no kids, if so, were they breastfed, etc.? These things might make a difference.

I'm 5'0" 146 lbs small 32D-27 1/2-34 1/2 upper hip 39 1/2 lower hip. No kids. I can't afford the hormone test but I think I might be slightly high in testosterone since I have a few unwanted hairs like on my lip chin and around my nipples. Not a lot though. So I think I will need to take the Saw Palmetto for that from what I was reading.

(15-12-2013, 07:42)Girl2B Wrote:  Well, what are some of your stats, like: weight, height, kids, no kids, if so, were they breastfed, etc.? These things might make a difference.

I'm 5'0" 146 lbs small 32D-27 1/2-34 1/2 upper hip 39 1/2 lower hip. No kids. I can't afford the hormone test but I think I might be slightly high in testosterone since I have a few unwanted hairs like on my lip chin and around my nipples. Not a lot though. So I think I will need to take the Saw Palmetto for that from what I was reading.

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