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[archive] Is NBE permanent?


Is NBE permanent?
March 22 2008 at 9:02 PM Moon  (Login -Moon-)


Due to this question being freequently asked, I will write it here.

1 - With the most popular mentod, herbal NBE with massage, the results are generally permanent. The only time that growth disappears is when some major disruption to hormonal balance occurs, as when stoping herbs suddenly, stopping BCP or taking too high doses of herbs (this has in a few cases caused people to grow nicely at the beginning but then they suddenly lost the growth). Disease and just about any internal or external factor that has an effect on your hormones also fits here.
And another factor that seems to influece the risk of loosing growth is how long you have had it - recent growth tends to be more unstable and susceptible to the above risk factors.
Many women have stopped herbs suddenly and didn't loose their growth, however the risk of this happening is higher if you took high doses. Personally I would recomend stopping slowly (eg. decreasing the dose graduately, or maintainance) when possible (not practical when just going on a short brake), but if you stop at once, measure every day to detect potential loss of growth.

2 - Results with glandular therapy are supposed to be as permanent as with herbs, but I don't know much about this method to say if the same risks as the above apply or what others.

3 - There is a massage technique called Grow Yours (some of us did it in a free trial for a while) which does not give permanent results. However that may be better than nothing for those that are not lucky with herbs.

4 - Suction gives temporary results in the form of swelling, but should cause permanent growth in the long run. However people differ in how long they need to achieve it.

5 - There are also other more alternative and experimental NBE methods (hypnosis, magnets...). We don't have as much experience and info on them as with the above methods. Personally I would say that when they work, they should be permanent too.

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(no login) Oh my god! April 4 2008, 11:42 AM 

I'm so glad I found this site! I have been taking high doses of fenugreek. So far, nothing bad has happened, but I'm so grateful that I found this information. Anyway, why is it that you lose the growth if you stop abruptly? And do you really need maintenance if you have taken high doses for natural breast enhancement?

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(Login Joeykk) Re: Is NBE permanent? April 5 2008, 3:37 AM 

so if you are doing herbs to make your boobs grow while on BCP, if you stop BCP you'll lose all the boobage that grew even if you're still taking herbs?!?!?

what now? whatwhat???

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