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Hello! (: Bit of a Newbie can you help?


Smile Hello everybody Big Grin

I'm very much a newbie as you can tell and i need a tiny bit of advice if you could spare anytime at all, i would very much appreciate it

I'm extremely new to NBE, and work in the natural sector so i'm very used to seeing these suppliments that you all talk about.

My Name is ana Smile! I'm A Natural small 30-31C cup (i overfill B's but yet cannot manage to look the part in a C although i fit it, my boobs dont look 'WOW' lol), also petite and weigh not a lot.

I'm young but wiseShy, and want to get advice before i invest

I drink soya shakes because i enjoy them and i have estrogenic items in my flat, i have tried with Red Clover extract but it doesnt seem to have a effect on me, i have also eaten fenugreek seeds (very unpleasant) and i dont think i ate it enough for it to have an effect (too tiresome Sad)

I notice my boobs are rounder than they were a few months back, that could be down to drinking the shakes.

I dont want to have a strict idea or plan of what size i want to be.

I can live with myself but i would really kill for just a few inches on my bust or D cup, just as on my frame...Naturally Big butt and hips small waist i would like to complete it with a Chest to match it.

What i really want to know at the moment is if anybody has had good experience with soya isoflavones, and PM Shy?
and what anybody could recomend me suppliment wise, im pretty darn lazy with taking pills on time so maybe generally one or two item or a mixed supplement with many ingredients in it Smile?

I'm very lost Huh

Thank you very much for reading, and sorry for my bad grammar

Ana x

Hi Ana,

I am on PM and just added soy milk and plan on adding more soy products cause I noticed I am getting some tingling and other things from adding soy milk to my regimen..but that is just how I am reacting to may be different for you or others..just experiment with it but it depends on how old you are with taking herbs like the said you are young and I forgot to look at your profile to see if you put your age there..but I believe you should be at least 21 or is it 18/19 someone else will explain that part more I am sure...

Hello beachbumbytheseaSmile

thank you very much for your reply, sorry for not mentioning i am 18Blush. i feel like i stopped growing(puberty) a very long time ago there has been no effect from letting nature do its business. i stopped developing 4 or 5 years ago, now i'm 18 and had not changed until i started with soya milk, which was just a few months ago, i think it is the only thing progressing my nbe. i think i may take caution and start PM slowly and not over do things. im very nervous about anything bad that can happen including loss of periods (although i hate them, i'd rather not mess with it LOL Dodgy ) do you recomend a certain timing of the month to take PM? i would be taking it in low doses and do you know if the cream works?

Thanks so much for your help Smile

(21-09-2011, 23:30)Anashu Wrote:  Hello beachbumbytheseaSmile

thank you very much for your reply, sorry for not mentioning i am 18Blush. i feel like i stopped growing(puberty) a very long time ago there has been no effect from letting nature do its business. i stopped developing 4 or 5 years ago, now i'm 18 and had not changed until i started with soya milk, which was just a few months ago, i think it is the only thing progressing my nbe. i think i may take caution and start PM slowly and not over do things. im very nervous about anything bad that can happen including loss of periods (although i hate them, i'd rather not mess with it LOL Dodgy ) do you recomend a certain timing of the month to take PM? i would be taking it in low doses and do you know if the cream works?

Thanks so much for your help Smile

Hi Ana,

What brand soya milk do you drink..just curious. I just started using a cycle chart that Isabelle made for me. Go to Isabelle's thread I would recommend reading it .. but I would post the questions from this thread to hers and she will help ALOT.. or just put can you help me with advise with NBE here are my questions and post this thread.. She explains things very well..also you may want to check out a new thread titled Undeveloped breasts too.. but still ask Isabelle for help.


Thank you Susan,

and welcome Ana,

The most experienced forum members advise against herbs before age 21, because your body is still developing, and it may plan a growth spurt any time. Your gain on soy may have been one of those. If not, I'm a bit worried. At age 18, your body should have enough estrogen. But if it does, adding a phyto-estrogen like soy should not make much of a difference.

If you don't mind sharing, are your mother, grandmothers, and sisters the same height and size? Did they stop developing at the same age? Were you ever diagnosed for a growth disorder or a thyroid disorder, or checked for hormone levels?

Your diet and multivitamin combined should have
25 mg iron, because you menstruate regularly, and lose iron with the blood
> 50 mcg vitamin B12 (meat or added to soy milk)
vitamin B6 between 2 and 10 mg a day (added to soy milk too)
400 mcg folic acid or folates (dark green leafy vegetables)
between 12 and 35 mg zinc (seafood and meat)
Use the to add up vitamins and minerals in your diet.

Waist size increases if your insulin level (from eating carbs) and/or your cortisol level (from stress or strenuous exercise) are too high.

It's a bit of work to get this right, but it's worth doing before NBE. Without it, you'll just be disappointed.

Good luck on your journey Smile

(: hello beachbum,

for your curiosity i drink Provamel milkshakes, particularly banana not like it makes a difference but it tastes the best lol!
and thanks so much for the reference. i'll definitely try it out.
i really appreciate the advice i am sure i will learn a lot from you ladies.

Hello Isabelle! nice to meet you,

I understand that i am trying to do this as sensibly as i possibly can because i definitely understand you all on the age guideline.
i do not think my body produces enough estrogen, i do have periods though and i eat pretty well. Smile i have started to take isoflavones, One a day as i am too worried about increasing the dosage as of yet, my breasts are already veiny and as you say i could have a growth spurt so i don't want to interfere too much with my hormones. My mother is petite as i am, also my grandmother is petite but has a bigger chest than mine and my mothers, she is possibly a D-E and my mother and i are a C and weigh possibly under 7 stone, i say i am around 6 something, my grandmother however is maybe 10 stone+, i believe my mother has a thyroid disorder, under active im pretty sure of it, i Take Sea Kelp to stimulate my thyroid and the growth hormones. i do not take a multivitamin, i had tried a Bayer multivitamin which gave me a bad side effect (low mood and bad anxiety). but i will now buy a different brand thanks to your recommendation Smile. i take a B6 vitamin some of my hair vitamins have folic acid i will certainly will be taking those now. I'll definitely try to follow these guidelines. thanks so much Wink!

just an update, i have posting a plan based on what i have in my flat Smile
please give me any opinions you may have on what to add ect


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