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Wahaiki I need your expertise


Wahaiki I need your expertise
January 4 2010 at 1:55 PM ittybitty1974 (Login ittybitty1974)



I have been courting this website for some time now. There seems to be a lot of good info, but I need direction. I took the hormone test and the results were that I was progesterone deficient. You mention taking fenugreek, SP, WY and fennel from GreenBush. Well I was thinking about getting the herbs from a trusted company that I have used for years, but the Fenugreek is 720MG, SP is 565MG and the WY is this too much?
I live in Florida, I have one child that I breastfed for about 3 months and the biggest my breast grew while pregnant was about a 34 something. Right now I am 32 A and I need to grow. P.S. I was suckered into purchasing a product called Beauti-full before I educated myself more and I saw no results. Please help Oh mighty one one of Breast Enhancements?

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(Login ittybitty1974) Forgot to tell you this January 4 2010, 2:01 PM


sorry I misspelled your name. I forgot to tell you. I am 35 years old, 5'5, weigh 125 Lbs and I carry most weight in my booty and hips.

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(Login Wahaika)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Wahaiki I need your expertise January 4 2010, 6:49 PM

IttyBitty1974, you really crack me up!

What is the trusted company?

You will need to be completely dried up before starting NBE (don't know how long it has been since you breastfed).

Right now it would be better to lose the booty and hips if you can. If not, you may have a problem with the internals later. Or, if you have not done so already, start a good exercise routine that you can keep up, otherwise hips and booty are a magnet for herbs. You could start topicals while trying to lose it. If you do start losing, don't go past 10 lbs. (Just something I have noticed. Those under about 110 have a harder time growing also.)



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(Login ittybitty1974) re: Wahaika I need your expertise January 5 2010, 6:06 AM

i would say i am completely dried up my daughter is 14 years old. my booty and hips are a good size I don't want to lose them and it would not hurt if i gained a few pounds in these places as well. i buy herbs from mountainrose herbs. i will start working out though.

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(Login ittybitty1974) Wahaiki January 7 2010, 4:20 AM


Thank you you responding. I was wondering if you were able to look at my profile and tell me what you would suggest as a program?
Also, I would like to know what the science is behind the chicken feet. It seems that the gelatin is what we're after, but what exactly does the body do with it to help with NBE. I was reading another post and you mentioned PM and Fenugreek extract. Do you mix the two? I am going to start at the end of March and I just want to get everything I need. Thanks so much.

(Login Wahaika)
SENIOR MEMBER Re: Wahaiki I need your expertise January 7 2010, 6:45 PM


Here is what I have so far:

35 years old,
125 Lbs
32 A
carry most weight in booty and hips.
took the hormone test and the results were that I was progesterone deficient.
Live in Florida
One child that was breastfed for about 3 months
The biggest breasts grew while pregnant was about a 34 something.
Saw no results on "Beauti-full"

Are on on BC? If so, which one?

I think that the best place to start is what has the best track record which is the Greenbush 90 day kit with the following additions:
EPO 1000mg three times per day - total of 3000mg also for topicals (not for everyone internally - if you start breaking out, use Borage oil instead)
Flaxseed oil - 1000mg three times per day - total of 3000mg
Borage oil (1000mg at night before bedtime if not using EPO, also for use in "booby batter.")
Olive oil for use in making "booby batter."
A multivitamin containing a B complex (around 80mg of B6 and 80mcg of B12 included)

Other things can be added such as chicken feet soup, gelatin, GABA, and MSM.

Booby Batter:
One batch to keep on hand:
1/2 cup Olive Oil + 1/2 cup Fenugreek + 24 (1000mg) Borage Oil Caps steeped for one week minimum before first use. (The longer the better)

Get 2 8oz containers, preferably dark glass bottles. Steep (soak/let sit in a dark cool place like a closet) one while using the other.

Shake well.
Apply heat from a heated pad set to low for 5 minutes.
Massage in about a teaspoon or two each side.
Cover with saran wrap.
Apply heat for 15 more minutes from a heated pad set to low.
Leave on all night if possible.

>>"Also, I would like to know what the science is behind the chicken feet. It seems that the gelatin is what we're after, but what exactly does the body do with it to help with NBE. I was reading another post and you mentioned PM and Fenugreek extract. Do you mix the two? I am going to start at the end of March and I just want to get everything I need. Thanks so much. "

Chicken feet soup falls into the same category as gelatin and MSM. It has building blocks for tissue construction. All of these things have a very good track record for NBE.

St Herb PM cream (not any other brand, and only the one in the green tube, not the nano cream) + Greenbush fenugreek extract (because it is non alcoholic) seems to work for those who try it. The PM cream also has things that will help the herbs penetrate the skin. Yes, you mix the two just before each usage. Always follow with about 30 minutes of heat from a heated pad set to low (or towels fresh out of the dryer).


(Login ittybitty1974) Thanks Wahaiki January 8 2010, 3:58 AM

Thanks Wahaiki and I have never been on birth control
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