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Ainterol powder+NB=no results for 2 months!!! What should I do to make them grow?


BO stands for Bovine Ovary (cow ovaries), it's a type of glandular therapy, there is a section of the forum dedicated to it. So no it's not herbal.

Thank you, Anastasia!
I was reading your program page, witch got me thinking about BO, my understanding is that UB is just a brand name for BO, right?
I found a great thread about all the BO users, great idea itsjust4fun91!!!
There was a girl in that thread asking how to take BO (UB in particular, because I'm tihnking to try it), but I couldn't find the answer to this question and I really want to know too, could someone explain how to take it, please?
So I'm on PM now for 3 months, I will try to take it in lower dose after 12 days of full dose, but how much time should I give it for results to show up? Acne is gone, but no growth whatsoever!!! not even a sign, no growing pain, no tenderness, nothing!!!
So I'm thinking to try UB but at the same time am I being unreasonable jumping from one thing to another?
Crystalelle, how long did you take PM the first time before you have decided to switch to BO, and how long have you been on BO before you switched back to PM?

Anastasia! you were also saying about Zoft, that you grew 2 1/2 inches on it, how long did you take it before your growth stopped? Can I try it with PM (I really want to stick to PM because of acne and because everybody says that yo should try your program for at least 6 months)? if would take it in a second half of my period instead of lowering the dose of PM? what do you think?

No, I grew 2 inches with zoft. I'm not really a PM expert, I have no clue about PM especially when it comes to cycling it.

Everything I took, how long I took it, how I took it, and how much I grew on it is all on my program page (under the picture pages). Sorry it's just easier to tell you to go there than for me to have to go through what all I did over again. I've had to repeat it so many times on here.

I was reading your program page and I'd like to try either Zoft or UB. I'm really not happy with PM now, it's not giving me any growth, so I feel like trying something else. Maybe I'll do the same as crystalelle did switching to BO and then going back to PM.

Oh, Man!!! I was reading all the stuff about BO, I'll never get it how to take it, what to take it with and how to make it workSmile it's just too much information. And if I would to go to my doctor for some help he'll just send me home.
On the other hand taking Zoft doesn't seem so complicated, at least I didn't find any info on what else to take with it, just the gum itself, so maybe I'll try it first. If someone have any suggestions though on how to benefit the most from it, I'd be happy to hear it.
Thank you.

Hello, everybody!
I'm taking PM for 15 days starting on a 5 day of my period, my period starts on a 3 day after I'm dome taking PM, which means my period is 23 days. This is the shortest periods ever for me. I also added Zoft right after PM, so far I only had it for 3 days and my period came.
My question is what is it that I should do in order to have my period a little longer, say 28-30 days? Should I take PM for more that 15 days then? almost like BCSmile Also how am I suppose to take Zoft then if I want to combine it with PM? I only have 3 days for it and then my period comesSad
Or maybe forget the PM for now and just take Zoft? But how do you take Zoft? every day, never mind your period?
Thank you.

Hi, we have similar programs! I have been doing NBE for a month and a half, doing some noogling and taking PM, I also have great swelling which does notlast very long. However I take pm much lower dose than you, are you sure you are not taking toomuch of it? somewhere I read that pm prevents the swelling too much, however it still contributes to the growth somehow.

I dont have any advice for you, just wanted tio let you know that you are not the only one Smile

how much PM do you take?

Hi i take 300 (this is my first month and i took it only before ovulation). I am thinking of experimenting with the amounts. This may be too low, however maybe it is better to start lower and increase slowly to make sure that the dose does not disrupt the cycle.

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