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To Bra, or Not to Bra?


Hi All,
I have been paranoid since starting NBE about delaying or preventing growth by wearing a bra, so I am wearing baggy clothing and keeping jackets on for now (LOL).

Any thoughts as to whether wearing a bra is helpful, or a hindrance with your NBE program?

I've actually had the same question. Some girls suggest wearing a bra to help shape the breasts more. However, I just wear it while I work and take it off around the house. Apparently, wearing a bra will help reduce the risk of stretch marka while growing, so even if it slows growth a little, its probably suggested that you wear it regardless.

I personally like it when I don't have to wear a bra cuz I have noticed that my boobs are fuller and slightly larger since starting NBE. I feel like my bra hids what I have achieved so far. It's nice being bra less and not feeling self conscious about my natrual shape and size.

My thought has always been that bras shape... I think its a personal preference, with NBE i've learned its all about the mental if you believe it will affect your growth it probably will... Like watching a pot boil... May be the same but if you feel it affects your results it will SEEM longer to acheive desired results... Just my thought I like bras and dont think it will make difference if so not a big one... But freedom from underwire is NIIIIICCCCE too. Think if you bumped you head and it swole up would pushing on it make it go down any faster... Probably not but if so not noticebly... Sorry I'm longwinded...

I think not wearing a bra helps growth. I read an article that women who went without a bra had larger boobs and were not likely to develop breast cancer. They did a study on 100 women. It was somewhere on yahoo that I read this article in February. I can't find it now though.

I've heard that if you wear a bra that's too tight it may cause cancer. Or if you wear a bra through the night it's a problem too, because you shouldn't wear a bra for 24 hours a day.

Yes, I have read many studies on breast cancer and its relation to bras. Wearing a bra too long and too often holds toxins in your breasts and can cause cancer. You have to let those babies free. Now never wearing bra can cause them to sag and lose shape. So its not recommended to ever wear a bra for any longer than 12 hours a day.

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