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Spotting between periods when taking bovine ovaries?



I'm hoping knowledgeable members of this forum could inform me as to why I'd get spotting between my periods only when taking bovine ovaries?

As soon as I discontinue the bovine ovary supplement the spotting stops.

Would that indicate I'm estrogen dominate/low progesterone?

Is there a recommended solution and/or experiences that solved this issue anyone would please tell me about?

I'm not knowledgeable but spotting is prob normal. It's one of the main side effects of the pill and B.O. is another supplement that does mess with the hormones. Also the estrogen proestrogen question I'd assume it's proestrogen because that's the dominate hormone when you start your period but I wouldn't assume you are dominate per say. You prob just gotta give our body a chance to get used to it. Other then spotting are you experiencing any other discomfort?

Thank you Cat86,

I have some emotional tensions and I'm more sensitive to stresses, not severe and they clear up when I start my period.
I've notice definite breast growth, which is encouraging. My skin is clearer than it's been in years as well.
Just the darn spotting is what being a nuisance.
You are more than likely right in that I need to allow my body time to adjust the the added bovine ovaries supplement I'm taking.
Maybe taking low doses(150mg.) to start and gradually working up maybe the better thing.
Would taking the bovine ovaries only during certain phases of my cycle be more benefit I wonder?


I don't know a lot about B.O. I'm more of a PM girl at the moment. Starting off on small doses and then ramping up a lil each week is prob a good idea tho.

I have been doing a little research about hormones in the past week. I know the spotting that we are experiencing on the UB pill is NOT due to low hormones, the hormones from the BCP and UB should not be cancelling each other out (as someone suggested to me once). If anything, the heightened hormone level is having some effect on either the cervix or the uterine lining, causing the spotting. I'm not sure what that effect is, but at least for me the spotting stops as soon as I stop the UB pills.

I'm going to try taking only two UB pills per day as long as I am on the Birth control pill and see if this lessens the spotting. I also think long as the body can adjust to the higher hormone level, maybe the spotting would stop?

That's what I've been thinking. Whenever I stop the bovine ovaries(I'm taking Standard Process Ovatrophin PMG 125 mg of bovine ovaries the spotting stops. After being off of it for a few days I started taking it again 1 tablet a day with no spotting so far. Slowly I will ramp it up and see where my satuation(so to speak) point is. I have my program listed on my personal info. page. That may give you an idea of what I'm using. I've been slowly getting results and feeling more energtic. But I've had my ups and downs as well.
I'd like to know if it's progesterone or estrogen that's causing the spotting?
I do know high progesterone levels keep the embryo/fetus from being expelled from he uterus and after the birth the progesterone levels fall so much which often contribute to the depression a lot of women experience afterwards.
I imagine further investigation and knowledgable help from others may shed some light onto this side effect we are experiencing.

I have noticed that taking the pills as far apart as possible seem to help me. I take UB which calls for one dose 3 times a day. I have noticed that if I spread the doses out by at least 6 or 7 hours, I don't spot as much. If I take them any closer together, I do spot more.

Yes, that would make sense. I've been taking my bo once a day so far and it's been good. I think what I'm going to do is stop the bo while I'm on my period so I don't bleed too heavily. I find bleeding more than usual depleting. I'm also going to start doing the breast massage where you clockwise on the right side and counterclockwise on the left side 360 time at least twice a day and see what happens. Massaging this direction is suppose to enlarge the breast and going the opposite decreases size and firms them. I've been doing breast massages but not quite as specific as this. The ones I've done has been for cleaning the lymph system and dispersing toxins that may have accumulated in my breasts. I've been reading that if you do the rotational breast massages long enough and correctly that your periods will lighten and cease for as long as you continue to do them. When you stop doing them your period will start up again. So, this massage may be benefitual to try out!

Well, I've been ramping up the dosage of the BO I'm taking and I've had no spotting whatsoever so far! What I've added to my program is DIM-Plus by Nature's way I only take 1 capsule a day which is below the recommended amount. If you take BO and have spotting you may give DIM a try(If you are on BCP be cautionary as DIM may effect their efficiency). I'm still getting tingling and growing pains and swelling so this very encouraging.
I've also been doing the breast massages I mentioned earlier so that maybe helping, but I believe the DIM is the big answer for me.

Aw, too bad DIM Plus can't be taken with BCP. I guess I will have to look for another BCP friendly solution. Although, since DIM is a estrogen metabolising formula, maybe enough vitamin C would do the trick too! That also makes me think that it must be the excess estrogen causing the spotting more than anything. Thanks for the info though Kassy!

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