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How to take fennel / fenugreek?


After a year of being here on this site, and wanting bigger breasts more than ever, I am finally actually going ahead with some kind of program.
I am interested in herbs and foods which can help stimulate breast growth as well as provide other health benefits (I want to be kind to my body!)

And so, I would like to start with fennel and fenugreek. The thing is, I don't know how to take it? Do I buy the powder you get at the herbs section at grocery stores? If so, do I use a specific amount on food when I eat? What are these herbs good to eat with? Or should I simply make it a practise to use it to 'flavour' any foods which may compliment it when I see fit?

How do you think it is best to take these?

Many thanks!

P.S. I really think it would be cool if there was a sticky thread for all our questions on particular herbs, as I am sure very similar questions must be asked here all the time, and it would be easy to instantly be able to get to the sticky rather than trawl the search engine. Plus, all the info would be stored in one place! Just food for thought! ^_^

[EDIT] - Okay, to quickly add to this. I have found this:
I have just checked the archive section, and the article on cocoa butter and vitamin E massage interests me. So I may as well add massages and these lotions in with my program. ^_^

Eating ground Fenugreek kinda scares me! What do they taste like and how do YOU take them?

I personally can't use these herbs, they are not strong enough for me as I seem to be entering perimenopause. Sorry, I know that's not much help. But I can tell you that fenugreek has a very distinct taste that I could only tolerate in capsule form. And even then, if I burped, AHHHHHHH nasty maple syrup! Probably my least favorite flavor in the whole world. But some on this forum have likened it to curry, I don't enjoy that either. I don't even like to eat at Ihop Tongue And if you take it long enough, I've heard, your body starts to smell like it. I'm really not trying to turn you against fenugreek, honestly I know lots of people who love it, the effects and the flavor. It's supposed to be a very safe herb so I'd say try it and see.

Lol I take the pills. The first brand I tried was GNC, and it DID smell like maple syrup, but it never made my body smell like it. Then I switched to Vitamin Shoppe brand (their stuff is always more potent for a much better price), and it smells AWFUL. Nothing like maple syrup. Just god awful. Take it like you're taking a short of tequila. Take a shot before, swallow your pills, chaser. I can't even describe how these ones smell, but when you burp later (or even if any air comes up without a burp), you will taste it, and it does taste like death. The best thing to do is drink a cup of something afterwards to keep it all the way down there.

Take your pills on an empty stomach, twice a day. An empty stomach will help your body get the most out of the herbs. I buy all my stuff at Vitamin Shoppe now. Don't buy anything from Wal-Mart, it's not going to be very potent at all. You'll spend more money in the long run waiting for it to work fully.

Massage is GREAT for breast shape, as well as for increasing circulation in your breasts. Keep looking through all the threads here, you'll find more information that anyone can respond to your posts with personally. Smile

I don't know a lot about fennel, but fenugreek increases breast milk production. It is good for temporarily swelling your breasts, but you'll need some other herbs to balance your hormones to create actual tissue and growth. The first month I tried NBE, I used fenugreek by itself, and it gave me a cup, but it went away completely after my monthly. No progress had even been made. I don't even count my first month when I count how long I've been on NBE. I wasn't even massaging really at that point, either.

A lot of us on here start out with Saw Palmetto while taking Fenugreek. Most start with 3,000mgs of each, but I recently read something that said A and B cups should be taking around 2,400mgs, and C and higher should take more. But I've been on 3,000mgs the entire time, and it's worked wonders for me. After a few months, also try adding Red Clover or Hops (you don't need as many mgs of these ones; I only use about 1,300mgs hops). This is just my personal preference, and I tried it because a lot of the women here start out using those herb combinations. It's very good for beginners and learning what your body responds best to.

Keep reading, there is much to learn! Good luck!

WOW!! Thank you all so much for your wonderful help!

Doll, I am going to fit my program around the things you've advised and go for the pills at the Vitamin Shoppe ^_^ I'ma keep reading! <3

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