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Why Your Herbs May Not Be Working


While searching for ways to stimulate my appetite, I came across this article:
What really interested me in that article was the third item on the list: Restore Your HCl Levels. I looked into it and discovered that this is probably the main problem causing my myriad of health problems, as well as holding back my NBE.

What is HCl?
[Image: stomach_diagram.jpg]
HCl stands for Hydrochloric Acid, and it is the acid in your stomach that helps your body break down and digest food. Low HCl levels are also referred to as Hypochlorhydria. The most important role of HCl is to help your body absorb nutrients from food. Without enough HCl, your body is unable to properly digest food, and you may over time become deficient in essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids that help your body function. Obviously, these nutrients are essential for seeing the greatest results possible from NBE.

Symptoms of low HCl
[Image: stk79882cor_XS.jpg?h=10000&w=400&keep_ratio=1]
Since the main problem caused by HCl is malabsorption, the symptoms will oftentimes be those of multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This is what made me look into HCl in the first place. I had spent the past year researching, and found that I was deficient in most vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Because of this, I researched causes of malabsorption. However, for some reason, low HCl is not a commonly discussed issue, and I was never able to find articles on it before in my searches. Hopefully this list can help some of you who may also suffer from this problem.

The most common signs of low stomach acid are bloating and/or gas (especially after eating), indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, acne, undigested food in stool, rectal itching, chronic fatigue, loss of appetite or thirst, dry skin, hair loss, dry, cracked fingernails, or nails with vertical lines going through them, heartburn and/or acid reflux, and constant sickness and/or autoimmune disorders. It may also cause neurological disorders such as insomnia or unrestful sleep, depression and memory loss.

Those with only slightly lowered HCl levels may experience less severe symptoms, or may not recognize them as symptoms at all. Meanwhile, those with much lower levels of HCl will have most if not all of the common symptoms, and it may greatly hamper their day-to-day living. Left untreated for years, the low acid levels may eventually lead to such severe problems as arthritis, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, macular degeneration and stroke.

Since your entire body needs nutrients to function properly, untreated low levels of HCl will eventually wreck havoc on your entire body. You may develop poor vision, migraine headaches, anemia and heart conditions. HCl levels slowly drop as we age, so while some of these symptoms may seem like typical aging problems, if they occur at an early age, they may actually be a sign of something more serious.

Check out this page to see how low stomach acids can affect any part of your body.

How To Diagnose Yourself
While it may be in your best interest to talk to a doctor, those around here know I'm strongly against doctors, and so I'd like to share a few ways to go about diagnosing yourself.

The pH Strip Test
[Image: 100293-1.jpg]
Take a pH test strip (they can be found at health stores such as GNC and Vitamin Shoppe) and test your saliva first thing in the morning. Then take another test half an hour after eating. If your HCl levels are normal, the numbers will rise after eating. However, if they stay the same or become lower, you have low HCl.

The Baking Soda Test
Mix one quarter teaspoon of baking soda with 8oz of water first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. After drinking it, time yourself and see how long it takes to burp. Someone with regular stomach acid levels will usually burp within 2-3 minutes, however, someone with low levels may take five minutes or longer, if they burp at all. If it takes longer than five minutes, there's no need to keep timing, and you can safely assume you have low HCl.

Talk To Your Doctor
[Image: doctorHome.jpg]
There are other tests your doctor can perform that might give you a better reading. However, they do involve swallowing a special pill. Oftentimes, the pill will be on a string and will need to be pulled back out of the body once it reaches to stomach, a process that is described as being very uncomfortable. For this reason, you may want to just try an at-home test, or ask your doctor if there are other options.

I Have Low HCl; Now What?
[Image: 8894641-mugs-with-chamomile-tea-lemon-and-pill.jpg]
Your best bet is probably to begin supplementing with Betaine HCl so that your body can begin absorbing the food you're eating. Once you can absorb food, you can learn how to better eat to maintain regular stomach acid levels.

Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar (raw, with the "Mother") and lemon are all good, common additives and supplements you can try to treat low HCl. Try drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning, take shots of apple cider vinegar before a meal*, and sprinkle turmeric in some of your food. These should all aid in the production of stomach acids. Cabbage and sauerkraut also stimulate proper acid levels in your stomach, which helps your body produce more HCl.

*be careful with Apple Cider Vinegar, as drinking it without a straw may damage the enamel on your teeth, and long-term consumption will cause extra damage to your esophogus; also, NEVER take ACV pills, as if they get stuck in your throat, they will cause SEVERE damage to your esophogus.

Finding Your Dose
[Image: 583-714-large.jpg]
To find the right dose for your body, go to your local health store any buy some Betaine HCl. Check the dosing on the back of the bottle. It will usually tell you how many to take at most per meal, although some of them only give you a max amount to take per day. Start with one pill at your first meal. If you don't feel a warming sensation in your chest or your stomach (like you just drank a cup of hot chocolate), wait until your next meal, and take two pills this time. Continue raising the dose at each meal until you feel that warming sensation. If you can take 6 pills at a time and still don't feel the warming sensation, it's safe to assume you produce VERY low levels of HCl, if any at all. Your proper dose will be one less than the amount of pills needed to feel the warming sensation (so, if it took three pills to feel the warmth, take two at meals).

For a smaller meal, or for meals eaten only a couple of hours apart, you can lower your dose. Many people only take one pill for snacks, even if they normally require a high dose. I prefer to take my highest dose at breakfast when I take my vitamins and NBE herbs, and then take progressively lower amounts as the day goes on (unless I end up eating a very large meal).

Will I Be Taking These Pills For The Rest Of My Life?
The answer is, probably not. Over time, after supplementing enough, your body will eventually begin to produce sufficient HCl levels on its own. As your body begins to absorb nutrients again, it will begin absorbing Potassium and Magnesium, which are the two nutrients needed to produce HCl.

It may not, however, be a bad idea to supplement as you get older, as your HCl levels begin dropping with age. It may help keep your body running healthy much longer, and you may notice less symptoms of the aging process.

Avoid Antacids At All Cost!
[Image: Stoff.jpg]
In today's world, indigestion and acid reflux is commonly diagnosed as Hyperchlorhydria. However, up to 50% of the population is actually plagued by its opposite, Hypochlorhydria. Antacids are meant to help lower high stomach acid levels, and using it when you don't suffer from high levels might actually exacerbate the problem. Use these with caution as if can actually also cause Hypochlorhydria in those with normal levels.


I really hope this can help some of you having problems getting results from NBE. I wish this problem were more commonly discussed, as I've been suffering symptoms of it my entire life and never knew what might be causing it. I've been on Betaine HCl for about a week now, and it's already helping drastically. I'm getting a much deeper sleep than I have in YEARS, I've become regular and no longer need probiotics, and I'm slowly starting to get energy back again. I expect to be fully functioning in a few more weeks or so, and hope that this solution can restore my youth (I've felt like a 80-year-old for so long because of all these health problems).

I'm also excited that I'll no longer be constantly sick. I'm always in and out of colds, and it's kept me out of work and almost lost me jobs in the past. I have no energy, even on a full night of sleep, because I can never properly fall into deep sleep. I have muscle and joint pains, and terrible vision. My nails are so unhealthy, and my acne has been impossible to clear up. I've also noticed that certain supplements don't give me results because I can't absorb them, and the protein I've been taking religiously lately hasn't been doing a thing for me. I really do think this will be my cure-all, and will post progress as I see it for those who might be interested in treating this common, unspoken problem.

(If I forgot anything while writing all this up, it's because malabsorption has made me a scatterbrain!)

(15-12-2012, 19:28)Doll Wrote:  I really hope this can help some of you having problems getting results from NBE. I wish this problem were more commonly discussed, as I've been suffering symptoms of it my entire life and never knew what might be causing it. I've been on Betaine HCl for about a week now, and it's already helping drastically. I'm getting a much deeper sleep than I have in YEARS, I've become regular and no longer need probiotics, and I'm slowly starting to get energy back again. I expect to be fully functioning in a few more weeks or so, and hope that this solution can restore my youth (I've felt like a 80-year-old for so long because of all these health problems).

I'm also excited that I'll no longer be constantly sick. I'm always in and out of colds, and it's kept me out of work and almost lost me jobs in the past. I have no energy, even on a full night of sleep, because I can never properly fall into deep sleep. I have muscle and joint pains, and terrible vision. My nails are so unhealthy, and my acne has been impossible to clear up. I've also noticed that certain supplements don't give me results because I can't absorb them, and the protein I've been taking religiously lately hasn't been doing a thing for me. I really do think this will be my cure-all, and will post progress as I see it for those who might be interested in treating this common, unspoken problem.

(If I forgot anything while writing all this up, it's because malabsorption has made me a scatterbrain!)

Thanks for posting! I think you have amazing results! What are you talking about!! Its those like Lled34A,LostAcres, Mocha and almost me if I don't see growth in another cycle that have things holding them back from NBE results.

And me Tibetan! Don't forget me! My results are PANTS!!!! HEHHEEHE!

Talking of not feeling well, I have a symptoms of a cold for the first time in 4 years what is going on!!!

Doll, is everything in that post copy/pasted, or are you really "strongly against doctors". If you did write that, I hope your just overstating your position a little bit, for effect, and that you don't really intend to eschew all modern medical treatment. Just the thought of that is frightening.

(15-12-2012, 23:19)mochaccino Wrote:  Doll, is everything in that post copy/pasted, or are you really "strongly against doctors". If you did write that, I hope your just overstating your position a little bit, for effect, and that you don't really intend to eschew all modern medical treatment. Just the thought of that is frightening.

Oh, I just mean that I'm personally against doctors. Sure, if I NEEDED to go to one, I would, and suggest that anyone who trusts their doctor actually go to one. But for me, especially with no real health insurance, a doctor isn't really an option. I've learned of so many problems I have in the past year, and how to self-treat them. Problems that I've been addressing to doctors my entire life. My pediatrician told me when I was 5 that my daily migraines that were keeping me from getting out of bed was from food allergies, OF FOODS I DIDN'T EVER EAT, and didn't even raise a brow to the fact that I got almost deathly sick at least monthly, oftentimes more than that.

Although this isn't something that necessarily needs to be checked by a doctor, and many, many people actually diagnose this problem and treat it themselves. I by no means want people to think I don't want them to talk to their doctor about it, just that if you are in my position and can't even afford to do such a thing, it is still treatable.

I've taken 6 pills at a time and still don't feel that warming sensation, and the pills I'm taking are the highest dose, so I guess I basically don't produce it at all. Dodgy I'm still only taking 3-5 at a time, and am seeing results from that, so I'm not sure if I should try taking more or not (right now I'd rather not, as the pills are somewhat expensive and go very quickly!) I AM noticing it helps me absorb things MUCH better, though! There's a drink called Neuro Passion that my friend turned me onto. It helps her migraines and puts her in a good mood. It only did this to me the first time I took it. But now if I take some HCl before drinking one, it actually works on me! I'll bet this is the reason Tylenol never works for me at ANY dose, and why caffeine never gets me hyped up. I'm so excited to see what happens next!

My friend ALSO has low HCl like me (this may actually be the cause of her hypothyroidism), and she needs well over 6 pills at a time to feel the warming as well. She's becoming regular for the first time as well, and is also absorbing things for the first time. Just a week ago she was taking 20mg of melatonin and still couldn't sleep, but now she's able to pass right out on 5mg! It would be amazing if this simple solution could cure her of her hypothyroidism!

I know I got great results in the beginning, but I've actually gotten worse these past few months. I think with normal HCl levels I would have responded to much lower doses of everything. Also, if you have low HCl, protein will be your worst enemy. Your body won't be able to absorb it, so it will float around your bloodstream and make your blood too acidic. I've been taking so much protein these past few months while working out, and in this time the problem has only gotten worse, so I think it's safe to say that's the culprit. I only actually responded to PM the first few weeks, and no longer respond at all. ^^; I think at this point HCl is the only thing that will get my NBE to work again.
I'm already noticing results from this past week going to the gym and being able to absorb protein. Didn't see any real results until now. Every time I go to the gym now I'm able to increase my weights!

(16-12-2012, 18:38)Doll Wrote:  
(15-12-2012, 23:19)mochaccino Wrote:  Doll, is everything in that post copy/pasted, or are you really "strongly against doctors". If you did write that, I hope your just overstating your position a little bit, for effect, and that you don't really intend to eschew all modern medical treatment. Just the thought of that is frightening.

Oh, I just mean that I'm personally against doctors. Sure, if I NEEDED to go to one, I would, and suggest that anyone who trusts their doctor actually go to one. But for me, especially with no real health insurance, a doctor isn't really an option. I've learned of so many problems I have in the past year, and how to self-treat them. Problems that I've been addressing to doctors my entire life. My pediatrician told me when I was 5 that my daily migraines that were keeping me from getting out of bed was from food allergies, OF FOODS I DIDN'T EVER EAT, and didn't even raise a brow to the fact that I got almost deathly sick at least monthly, oftentimes more than that.

Although this isn't something that necessarily needs to be checked by a doctor, and many, many people actually diagnose this problem and treat it themselves. I by no means want people to think I don't want them to talk to their doctor about it, just that if you are in my position and can't even afford to do such a thing, it is still treatable.

I've taken 6 pills at a time and still don't feel that warming sensation, and the pills I'm taking are the highest dose, so I guess I basically don't produce it at all. Dodgy I'm still only taking 3-5 at a time, and am seeing results from that, so I'm not sure if I should try taking more or not (right now I'd rather not, as the pills are somewhat expensive and go very quickly!) I AM noticing it helps me absorb things MUCH better, though! There's a drink called Neuro Passion that my friend turned me onto. It helps her migraines and puts her in a good mood. It only did this to me the first time I took it. But now if I take some HCl before drinking one, it actually works on me! I'll bet this is the reason Tylenol never works for me at ANY dose, and why caffeine never gets me hyped up. I'm so excited to see what happens next!

My friend ALSO has low HCl like me (this may actually be the cause of her hypothyroidism), and she needs well over 6 pills at a time to feel the warming as well. She's becoming regular for the first time as well, and is also absorbing things for the first time. Just a week ago she was taking 20mg of melatonin and still couldn't sleep, but now she's able to pass right out on 5mg! It would be amazing if this simple solution could cure her of her hypothyroidism!

I know I got great results in the beginning, but I've actually gotten worse these past few months. I think with normal HCl levels I would have responded to much lower doses of everything. Also, if you have low HCl, protein will be your worst enemy. Your body won't be able to absorb it, so it will float around your bloodstream and make your blood too acidic. I've been taking so much protein these past few months while working out, and in this time the problem has only gotten worse, so I think it's safe to say that's the culprit. I only actually responded to PM the first few weeks, and no longer respond at all. ^^; I think at this point HCl is the only thing that will get my NBE to work again.
I'm already noticing results from this past week going to the gym and being able to absorb protein. Didn't see any real results until now. Every time I go to the gym now I'm able to increase my weights!

I am much the same as you. I suspected having leaky gut since my food poisoning years ago and maybe even before that. I can take pain killers and never feel the effects. When I began taking enzymes with HCI, I noticed tingles and stinging sensations and I would have to stop them because they were a pain in the ass. I think my colon walls were so porous, it hit my blood stream causing this reaction and with yeast, who knows, it could have wreaked havoc.This was the same with B vitamins and I am wondering if there were traces of yeast that caused this reaction??

But the cool thing is, I notice I can take them now and not have this issue. I think my colon is slowly healing. I think you are def on to something.

Hello all! Been a while since I posted in here. ^^;

I think I've nearly cured my low HCl!

I found a discussion online where people mentioned oftentimes low HCl is caused by a Niacin deficiency! I went out and bought a bottle of Niacinimide, 500mg. I take 1,000-2,000mg a day at meals. It not only helps you convert carbs into energy, it also helps quickly cure low stomach acid issues! And best yet, you only need to take these high doses for one to two weeks! I've been on it almost two weeks now, and rarely need my HCl anymore (of course, just after I get a new bottle!) I actually took too much HCl the other night and had horrible chest pains. I had only taken 2 pills rather than my usual 5 or 6. The intense pain was my body's way of telling me I shouldn't have taken any! Haha! ^^; I'm so glad this nightmare is finally over!

Although, to finish cleaning up the horrible mess low HCl for such a long period of time, I'm going to have to start taking Magnesium supplements. Low HCl causes low Magnesium, and it may be hard for your body to produce enough of it after long-term low HCl. Magnesium is what helps keep you "regular". I've had irregularity issues that have only gotten worse over the years. Nothing worked to "cleanse" me. I bought Magnesium citrate liquid, and I love it so far, but it's not enough for me to just use it occassionaly. I'm going to be buying Magnesium Citrate pills and taking them every day until my body is able to function normally. I'm hoping this is the cure to my irregularity, as well as my cure for always being sick and having no energy! Fingers crossed!

I know this is an older post but I also struggled with mal absorption from low HCI, I felt like crap every day even when taking the right vitamins and eating a raw diet. My mother actually gave me advice that worked and i haven't had issues since. 1/2 cup lukewarm water, 2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp raw honey, and juice from 1 large lemon, mix together and drink on empty stomach in the morning and wait 30 minutes before drinking or eating. It's NASTY but the honey takes the edge off a little bit! I noticed i was digesting my food better that day and it even helped with kidney stone pain i was having. Overall, i felt less digestive distress, and felt like i was actually getting something out of my supplements! It's somewhat of a home made remedy, take it for what it's worth but it helped me in that area Smile

Tell your friend to stop taking melatonin stat, especially at anything above 1mg!!

Melatonin just resets your sleep schedule, its not a pill that aids in sleep! Plus, at that level she is shutting down all her Growth hormone production.

DO NOT EVER DEPEND on melatonin to put you to sleep and NEVER take more then a 1mg to reset your cycle ie jet lag.

Melatonin is a HORMONE and as such. Should not be on OTC shelves - should be prescription only and even then, doctors need to be educated on its use.

Just cause you buy it everywhere doesn't mean its safe.


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