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timarie's must-increase-my-bust program


I think they run a half cup smaller, they were originally created for smaller breasted women so they could push up their breasts. Try, Frederick's or Wacoal, those are made to match. Also Hanes is a nice one for sports bra. But still it's good to hear your growing! Keep it up girlie!! Big Grin

(18-04-2013, 11:46)Emily Loretta Wrote:  I think they run a half cup smaller, they were originally created for smaller breasted women so they could push up their breasts. Try, Frederick's or Wacoal, those are made to match. Also Hanes is a nice one for sports bra. But still it's good to hear your growing! Keep it up girlie!! Big Grin

Ah, ha! Thanks for confirming that for me. Actually, looking at their sizing chart, it looks like the perfect fit for me right now would be their 32DD, so I will just have to exchange these C bras for the DDD because I want something that I can grow into (for Bradelis bras, that is! ). And thank you for the bra brand recommendations for true sizing. It's so hit or miss if your bra size isn't in the local stores to try on, and if you don't know how the bra brand runs when you're shopping online. So thanks Smile

Congrats on ur new purchase I saw the pic of that bra it's sooo
beautiful. I would give myself a treat by buying that ki d if a bra when I would start growing :p
Checked ur reply at my post thanks!

Today marks the 21st day of this first full cycle on my program, and what SHOULD be my Luteal phase (approximately the 7th day of my Luteal phase)... however, I have yet to experience my typical Luteal swelling, so these measurements are without swelling.

My updated Luteal measurements are:

Underbust/Bust: 29"/35.75"
Waist: 26" (!)
Hip/Butt: 40"

So as you can see I have had minor growth (according to the tape, anyway), although I honestly don't see it (only when I wear any of my bras I can see the difference... but I still have soft, limp Follicular-like boobies going on). And I lost another half inch off of my waist! ...and did not gain anything on my butt.

My BBT chart looks nuts. My first two cycles without extra hormones followed very clear and obvious patterns, and the Luteal cycle of my last cycle just dropped an average of a degree, still managing to be slightly higher than my Follicular phase, and still following a pattern. However, after the introduction of my PM, my temps look like the silhouette of the Rockies. I really cannot see any point of ovulation, and my temps are actually slowly dropping Huh and are, on average, lower than my Follicular phase temps! I have spotted about twice, once of which was very heavy (noted in my last update). I just, HOPE that my period comes on time, and that my body will adjust to these new hormones soon....

Additionally, I think after this month's supply of Maruman pig placenta is finished, I will start using Otsuka Pig Placenta Collagen C Jelly from Rakuten, because it is still cheaper than Maruman and it has more stuff in there that will benefit my program!

oooooh, glad to see you started your program, after all the research and work putting together your routine, i'll be checking in often to see how you're getting on Smile

i actually bought the placenta jelly to try it because i liked the idea of a non pill supplement and because it has so many other good things in it (i'm fasinated by the birds nest in it!) tastes very pleasant Big Grin

(22-04-2013, 19:18)Augentrost Wrote:  oooooh, glad to see you started your program, after all the research and work putting together your routine, i'll be checking in often to see how you're getting on Smile

i actually bought the placenta jelly to try it because i liked the idea of a non pill supplement and because it has so many other good things in it (i'm fasinated by the birds nest in it!) tastes very pleasant Big Grin

Thanks for your input, Augentrost! I have always admired your program Smile But how on earth did I miss that you are now taking the Placenta Jelly? Maybe I just forgot. I would have asked you your opinion on it! For how long have you been taking it now? I hope the pleasant taste is subtle, because sweet flavors make me want to gag lol. And yes, I too am intrigued by the various ingredients in it!

New Exercise Routine for strengthening and building Pectoral Muscles!

I finally got the beginning of a routine down yesterday, and my pec muscles are so sore today! It feels great! The following will be my Pectoral/Upper-Body Routine:

Mondays AND Thursdays:
• Cardio Warm Up 10-11 minutes on the inclined elliptical
• Pectoral Fly Machine—30 lbs, 4 sets, 12 reps, 60 second breaks
• Pectoral Fly/Rear Deltoid Machine—30 lbs, 4 sets, 12 reps, 60 second breaks
• Chest Press Machine—30lbs, 4 sets, 12 reps, 60 second breaks
• Static Stretch Cool Down for legs and chest

(see details of cardio on Post #1 of my other thread

Notice the amount of reps. I want to prioritize strengthening these muscles (as I hope them to be a better support for my breast) and build a little bit of muscle for some added volume. I am not prioritizing to bulk this area though, which is why I am doing 12 reps at lower weights (instead of 5 reps with higher weights as I do for my legs).

I really hope to do the bench press with bar soon, but the bar was a little too heavy for me Dodgy So I will wait until my chest muscles are stronger and then I will add that and the inclined chest press into my routine! But this is it for now Big Grin

Supplement Update
I have finally finished off my bottle of melatonin, and since I read melatonin is in fact not good for NBE (only for men, lol, see under "precautions" under the second link) and, I have decided to try the alternative. Additionally, this alternative has been mentioned to also help increase metabolism (while melatonin promotes fat storage), treating cases of depression (while melatonin worsens symptoms of depression), and promotes sleep... all of which I can benefit from using. It also works to increase human growth hormones!!! I will be taking L-5-hydroxytryptophan (102mg) with Vitamin C (200mg) and Vitamin B-6 (25mg) (by Solaray). I will start out with taking only one before bed for this week, then two before bed next week, then possibly three the next week (depending on how two works for me).

i've been taking it about 3-4 weeks, hmm i guess it was during the time i had visitors staying or went On i may not have posted that i was taking it. i only ordered 5-6 weeks supply to try it, my worry was that thinking too much about what's in it would make me gag, but it's actually nice Big Grin

i'd be terrified to take melantonin because of an ex-coworker, her feet got all pigment spots on them because of it...although she was a long time user. Hops or valerian make you sleepy too, and hops is good for nbe (i've never used either though)

i envy your dedication to excircise...i'm so lazy at such things, i'd love to be athletic and sporty

Just wanted to stop by and say your program looks great! I'm also doing a program based on Chiyomilk! Well, I'm starting in about a week when my cycle starts, just doing a milk thistle cleanse right now. Glad I found your thread and I'm excited to follow your progress! Good luck!!

So, I was waiting to post an update when I'd finally start my new cycle and start my menstruation, but that day still has not come Dodgy so I figured that my LACK of period would be my update.

Also, still no signs of luteal swelling, but my temps have climbed so I assume that I am in the luteal phase. Also, I have taken measurements several times since my temperatures have risen, and my measurements are the following:

Underbust/Bust: 29"/36" (consistently)
Waist: 26"
Hip/Butt: 40.5"

I enjoy seeing this measurement, but I have a hard time seeing it on myself. I am one of those types of people who really are not observant at all.... I would have to jump from a B to a DD overnight for me to say, "hey, wow! I think I've grown." which is why measurement tape is soooo important for me to measure my progress. However, I know that in the beginning my measurements would fluctuate A LOT and I think it is because I did not have a method down-pat (as you know the slightest difference in tape placement can change your bust measurement by a whole inch). So, the only thing I know that is reliable is that before I filled my B cups just perfectly, and now I am a little too big for them and can fit (without filling) a 32C, but I cannot say anything more than that. I now know, now that I have a set way of measuring, that I am at 36", but I am feeling a little unsure about my beginning measurements. It is time for me to order a 32C from either Frederick's or Wacoal, and then judge my growth by how well I can or cannot fit them.

(25-04-2013, 18:41)Augentrost Wrote:  i'd be terrified to take melantonin because of an ex-coworker, her feet got all pigment spots on them because of it...although she was a long time user. Hops or valerian make you sleepy too, and hops is good for nbe (i've never used either though)
i envy your dedication to excircise...i'm so lazy at such things, i'd love to be athletic and sporty

Augentrost, that which you posted about melatonin is just... scary! And about exercise--everyone has their own personal demon. As yours may be laziness, mine is that I get overwhelmed way too easily, and this kept me from performing to my best ability for at least 9 months or more. It wasn't until recently that I finally became comfortable with the gym, to be honest with you! It took a lot of mind games and persistence for me to get to where I am today. Where there is a will, there is a way!

(26-04-2013, 00:53)ariel Wrote:  Hello,
Just wanted to stop by and say your program looks great! I'm also doing a program based on Chiyomilk! Well, I'm starting in about a week when my cycle starts, just doing a milk thistle cleanse right now. Glad I found your thread and I'm excited to follow your progress! Good luck!!

Good luck to you too, Ariel! I will be keeping an eye on your program as well Wink

So, my period finally came today and it has been the WORST in a while. I am cramping and bloating more than I have in years. I look like a hippo. Stupid PM. I feel like complete shit and no amount of my meds is helping. And I demonstrated this feeling to a guy at the gym who has been nothing but nice to me for the past 6 months by telling him that he was being annoying-- really buddy, you decided to ask me too many questions on the wrong fucking day! I know I will feel terrible about it later, but right now I am just feeling like a bitch and cannot help it. I can't believe I worked out today, too, and Wednesdays are my busy days... My abdomen is growling like there is a war going on down there. My meds finally kicked in, but who knows what my experience will be in the morning, if I manage to make it through the night.

So, this makes my last cycle 37 days long. Looking at my BBT chart, it looks as though my Follicular Phase was 20 days in length and my Luteal Phase was 17 days in length... even though I never did get any Luteal swelling. Now I just need to do my research to discover how people decrease their PM... finish taking it earlier in the Follicular Phase, or start taking it later in the Follicular Phase? I took PM for a total of 11 days this past cycle, so if my period went 7-9 days longer than it should have, I am going to take a poorly educated guess and shoot for 9 days of PM for this current cycle (I just calculated that my cycle increased in length by a quarter, so I decreased the amount of PM I will be taking by a quarter. No more logic to it than that! Until I learn more from trial and error...).

So now today I am no longer taking my Luteal Phase supplements and am only taking what I take all month long... until I decide when I should begin taking PM again.

EDIT: my purse was stolen last Saturday so I will have to wait till Monday to receive the card with which I will make the purchase for a measuring bra! I think this is so important because I do not 100% trust my measuring...

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