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How shall I massage? any success stories?


I read to massage u massage ur right boob looking down.. like clock wise... and left boob counter clock wise. but I jsut read somewhere its suppose to be the other way around butttttt I read one time that that way actually makes it smaller :OOO !! Idk how I should massage!?!? and I heard u can swish ur boobs... idk what that means lol. any suggestions??

ALSOOO I did the 30 day massage to increase cup size... but only my left one got bigger. can i keep massage/ rubbing them even after the 30 days?? or is that it?

I tried massaging in many different ways. Here's the one that's been more effective for me (makes my girls ache and tingle a bit):

1. grab you right breast with your left hand;
2. rotate your hand AND your breast clockwise (as you look down). It's like cleaning a window. Your hand AND your breast are like the tissue making circular movements in the window (your rib cage).
3. The same goes for the left breast. Grab it with your right hand and move your hand along with your breast counterclockwise, like you were cleaning a window.

I used to massage in the opposite direction (left breast clockwise and right breast counterclockwise) for 3 months and haven't noticed big changes.

I started doing the massage I described above about 2 weeks ago, and I fell my breasts a bit fuller and a bit bigger.

I don't think that massaging in this or that direction will make you boobs smaller. And I also think that there's no universal massing technique that will work for everyone. We've got to keep on trying until we find out which technique is more appropriate for each of us.

If only your left breast got bigger, I guess you should spend more time massaging the right breast until they became more equal.

Good luck!SmileWinkBig Grin

IDK either. Basically just massage to bring in blood circulation. Nothing can happen unless blood is their to bring in oxygen and nutrition to the cells.

If you're going to massage your breasts in circles make sure they're inward circles. In other words, massage your breasts in circles going towards each other. Going in outward circles like Eagle27 said is known to decrease breast size.

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