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I have questions!


Hey guys,
So I'm 19 (20 in October). I'm about 5'4" and weight about 112-115 lbs. I've been this hight for 4 years now, and I've maintained the same body size and shape for the past two years. I'm thinking I'm done growing. That being said, I wouldn't mind trying Natural breast enhancement. I'm inbetween a 34a and a 34b. However my left boob is a fair size smaller then my right one. That being said, I would really enjoy finding a way to make them even out more, and maybe go up a cup size or two.
I'm not really a fan of taking big pills, so I'm looking into making a homemade breast cream. Does anyone have any that include only FG and FS, along with maybe cocoa butter and vitemin e? (only asking because at the moment that's all I have to work with)
At the moment please note FG and FS are in powder form in capsules.fg 610mgs and fs 480mgs.

I would be willing to try taking these capsules as they are smaller, has anyone had success with just that combination?

other questions:
do you think it would work if I made a paste of the ground fg and fs and applied straight to my breast?
what are combinations to try that aren't excessive with the dosages?
what are possible brand name creams I should try?

I thought I should also mention, I'm a little confused with all the cycle stuff. And with the detoxing thing.
Is it important to follow your cycles? Or could I use the same thing all month except while on my period and it still have the same affect.
As for detoxing, How long can I go between a detox? and generally how long does it take?

I have a lot more questions, but I thought I would start with that


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