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fenugreek !


will my breasts grow if i leave fenugreek seeds to soak in water and mix the water with baby oil and massage with it?

try not to use baby oil its not good for nbe it doesnt absorb into your skin well flaxseed oil is good or almond or other natural oils if they are higher in omega 3 it normally helps more and you could probably just put some seeds into your bottle of oil and leave them in the bottom water and oil dont really mix. I dont do topical fenugreek because i dont want to smell like fenugreek but this might not be a problem if you massage with it before bed or showering but i would recommend eating some seeds or drinking water from soaking seeds as well with fenugreek i am getting fast results fenugreek growth will normally start as swelling then it should turn permenant after a few months.

(01-08-2013, 00:53)BonitaDDs Wrote:  try not to use baby oil its not good for nbe it doesnt absorb into your skin well flaxseed oil is good or almond or other natural oils if they are higher in omega 3 it normally helps more and you could probably just put some seeds into your bottle of oil and leave them in the bottom water and oil dont really mix. I dont do topical fenugreek because i dont want to smell like fenugreek but this might not be a problem if you massage with it before bed or showering but i would recommend eating some seeds or drinking water from soaking seeds as well with fenugreek i am getting fast results fenugreek growth will normally start as swelling then it should turn permenant after a few months.

thanks Smile so ure seeing results with fenugreek? and how are u using it? and what is swelling? Sad

swelling is where your breasts get bigger by a lot quickly but then it will go down a little normally not all the way away then back up and after a while it will will become a permanent increase a bit like if your breasts get bigger on your period sorry its hard to explain.
Me yes after 3 days of massage and only taking fenugreek i gained an inch i soak seeds then drink the liquid and eat the seeds in the morning then before lunch i eat a teaspoon just dry seeds not soaked then before bed i just eat another teaspoon I think they can cause slight bloating this way the best way would be to soak them i think i will try only doing this maybe if i have time.
Allways take herbs on an empty stomach its stronger.

en i drinkt it it makes me feel like vomitting literaly... and u do the massage with fenugrreek?

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