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warning: do not buy brava off jesuswait4u on ebay!!!


the ebay seller "jesuswait4u" is an exteremely dodgy seller and i feel the need to warn you all about her. Her name is laura dillon, and she is usually the only person selling brava on ebay. I went to buy large wide domes off her and she said wed be better to do the transaction off ebay to save on ebay fees and make the item cheaper for me (and it ends up- also absolving herself of responsibility for her dodgy dealings with me!!!)

she promised me as new domes (which i hear she has promised others- but then sends obviously quite worn out domes, wich she has sold to you for a very high price)

I cant describe to you just how nasty she was about this purchase i made from her... well the domes were posted out to me many weeks after the purchase, when they were promised to be sent immediately but after that it got much worse. I received the domes and they were certainly not barely used (she claimed they were used twice). They were piling and obviously a little worn out although they didnt look so bad. I asked her for a partial refund, as she had promised as new domes. She initially agreed, but when i also raised the issue that she had charged me $123 for postage- when the box clearly showed the postage price as being $80 (i rose the issue politely by the way) she told me she would then retract the agreement for the partial refund because she felt i was trying to rip her off my asking for a refund off the extra unused postage i paid for....

crazy huh?? It did get even worse.... I noticed that besides piling, the domes had several tears in the rims, i emailed her and told her about this immediately- saying i was concerned about how quickly tears in rims deteriorate, and how much use i would get from the domes- i told her i was most likley entitled to a higher partial refund- now that i saw the domes were also torn- i did not want to totally return them, as id waited so long for them and didnt want to break my brava program... she didnt reply the email... after a couple of days of use the tears got alot worse, and after a week they got really bad. the whole outer plastic encasing of the silicon rim came away from one side, about 2 inches long, and the piling also got 10 times worse in that short time. it was shocking. when i told her this, she told me it was too late for a refund, that id used the domes now.. When i told her how much worse the tears had got and showed her pics- she said she couldnt see tears, (the pics showed the tears very very clearly!!!) she said that there were no tears, it was just that the glue must of just come away- which alerted me to the fact that shes probably gluing broken rims together and possibly even doing temprary fix it jobs on rims that temporarily make them look newer and as though they are piling less- but most likely makes them age MUCH faster soon after they are used several times!!! This is extremely dodgy!! Looking at my domes now, a week after i recieved them and started using them- they look as though theyve been used several months at the very least, when i first recieved them they looked like theyd had had probably a month of daily wear, or maybe a bit more... the way theyve aged this fast is really quite alarming and it really makes me suspicious she is doing some dodgy things to domes to make them appear newer. And these tears in them make them quite uncomfortable to wear- so now im in the position of having to look for new domes yet again- and i very much doubt these are worth more than $200, when i paid $400 for them- not includeing the inflated postage price Sad. I paid 580 for them including shipping which is astromonical right??? she did end up agreeing again to the $80 partial refund, but in a very reluctant and rude way and only under the condition that i didnt let forum users know about my dealings with her (as i told her in a previous email i was planning to let others know what she had done) of course i lied and agreed not to publish this just to get my refund- of which i was obviously deserving of a much larger partial refund!!!

But honestly ive never had dealings with a more decietful and down right nasty seller. im warniing everyone stay right away from her!!! and dont sell your used systems to her either as she has dominated the second hand brava market through very manipulative and horrible tactics. if you post your brava on ebay, dont let her buy it- not sure if you can block a buyer, but if you can, block her from buying it. She bought my system that i sold recently- and she is now reselling it on ebay- she has advertised it as being new but stored ina box for a long period which has caused it to discolur slightly!!! My domes were far from new! I used them a month or a little more than a month- and when i received them they had already gone through two previous owners!! their condition was good, yes, but they are very obviously well worn.

i hope you still paid through paypal cause you can dispute it and get your money back, also contact ebay to get her ass reported. if she does this often, which it sounds like, shell eventually get in trouble for it.
(16-08-2013, 14:34)universallove Wrote:  the ebay seller "jesuswait4u" is an exteremely dodgy seller and i feel the need to warn you all about her. Her name is laura dillon, and she is usually the only person selling brava on ebay. I went to buy large wide domes off her and she said wed be better to do the transaction off ebay to save on ebay fees and make the item cheaper for me (and it ends up- also absolving herself of responsibility for her dodgy dealings with me!!!)

she promised me as new domes (which i hear she has promised others- but then sends obviously quite worn out domes, wich she has sold to you for a very high price)

I cant describe to you just how nasty she was about this purchase i made from her... well the domes were posted out to me many weeks after the purchase, when they were promised to be sent immediately but after that it got much worse. I received the domes and they were certainly not barely used (she claimed they were used twice). They were piling and obviously a little worn out although they didnt look so bad. I asked her for a partial refund, as she had promised as new domes. She initially agreed, but when i also raised the issue that she had charged me $123 for postage- when the box clearly showed the postage price as being $80 (i rose the issue politely by the way) she told me she would then retract the agreement for the partial refund because she felt i was trying to rip her off my asking for a refund off the extra unused postage i paid for....

crazy huh?? It did get even worse.... I noticed that besides piling, the domes had several tears in the rims, i emailed her and told her about this immediately- saying i was concerned about how quickly tears in rims deteriorate, and how much use i would get from the domes- i told her i was most likley entitled to a higher partial refund- now that i saw the domes were also torn- i did not want to totally return them, as id waited so long for them and didnt want to break my brava program... she didnt reply the email... after a couple of days of use the tears got alot worse, and after a week they got really bad. the whole outer plastic encasing of the silicon rim came away from one side, about 2 inches long, and the piling also got 10 times worse in that short time. it was shocking. when i told her this, she told me it was too late for a refund, that id used the domes now.. When i told her how much worse the tears had got and showed her pics- she said she couldnt see tears, (the pics showed the tears very very clearly!!!) she said that there were no tears, it was just that the glue must of just come away- which alerted me to the fact that shes probably gluing broken rims together and possibly even doing temprary fix it jobs on rims that temporarily make them look newer and as though they are piling less- but most likely makes them age MUCH faster soon after they are used several times!!! This is extremely dodgy!! Looking at my domes now, a week after i recieved them and started using them- they look as though theyve been used several months at the very least, when i first recieved them they looked like theyd had had probably a month of daily wear, or maybe a bit more... the way theyve aged this fast is really quite alarming and it really makes me suspicious she is doing some dodgy things to domes to make them appear newer. And these tears in them make them quite uncomfortable to wear- so now im in the position of having to look for new domes yet again- and i very much doubt these are worth more than $200, when i paid $400 for them- not includeing the inflated postage price Sad. I paid 580 for them including shipping which is astromonical right??? she did end up agreeing again to the $80 partial refund, but in a very reluctant and rude way and only under the condition that i didnt let forum users know about my dealings with her (as i told her in a previous email i was planning to let others know what she had done) of course i lied and agreed not to publish this just to get my refund- of which i was obviously deserving of a much larger partial refund!!!

But honestly ive never had dealings with a more decietful and down right nasty seller. im warniing everyone stay right away from her!!! and dont sell your used systems to her either as she has dominated the second hand brava market through very manipulative and horrible tactics. if you post your brava on ebay, dont let her buy it- not sure if you can block a buyer, but if you can, block her from buying it. She bought my system that i sold recently- and she is now reselling it on ebay- she has advertised it as being new but stored ina box for a long period which has caused it to discolur slightly!!! My domes were far from new! I used them a month or a little more than a month- and when i received them they had already gone through two previous owners!! their condition was good, yes, but they are very obviously well worn.


tibetan113- she advised we do the transaction outside of ebay to bring the price down - i unfortunately agreed- i can be too trusting of people sometimes... so theres not much i can do about it... ive read that others who bought off her have the same experience- promised 'as new' domes- only to receive obviously worn and damaged domes- after paying a very high price for them. she does readily accept returns it seems- but of course its a huge hassle for the buyer to have to send it all back- and she probably relies on the fact that some buyers wont go to that hassle. im guessing also she is charging everyone very inflated postage fees- which probably in the end covers her costs for the postage money she loses out on from the returns she does get, very dodgy dealer she is.... i spose she probably receives the product back and waits to find a more gullible buyer. Probably also, she asks people to step outside ebay for the transaction to reduce costs- and then she can get away with being even more dodgy

Does she have listings on ebay? How did you find her as a seller? If she has listings on ebay than does seperate transactions, I would think you could some how report her activity. Now, if she does not have any listings with ebay at all, then I understand, there is absolutely nothing one can do.

Paypal is the only way I know I can get my money back (not media).

(16-08-2013, 15:27)universallove Wrote:  tibetan113- she advised we do the transaction outside of ebay to bring the price down - i unfortunately agreed- i can be too trusting of people sometimes... so theres not much i can do about it... ive read that others who bought off her have the same experience- promised 'as new' domes- only to receive obviously worn and damaged domes- after paying a very high price for them. she does readily accept returns it seems- but of course its a huge hassle for the buyer to have to send it all back- and she probably relies on the fact that some buyers wont go to that hassle. im guessing also she is charging everyone very inflated postage fees- which probably in the end covers her costs for the postage money she loses out on from the returns she does get, very dodgy dealer she is.... i spose she probably receives the product back and waits to find a more gullible buyer. Probably also, she asks people to step outside ebay for the transaction to reduce costs- and then she can get away with being even more dodgy


yes all bravas currently on ebay are hers, i found her through ebay

(16-08-2013, 16:46)universallove Wrote:  yes all bravas currently on ebay are hers, i found her through ebay

If I were you, I would report her to ebay. Ebay and paypal are owned by the same entity or are partners and they lose money everytime someone does this. I know they cannot do squat about sheisty transactions like what she does, but I would imagine, they would not allow her as a seller doing this, especially since she said she did not want to lose money by ebay seller/paypal fees(goes against the agreement). I imagine, she owes lots of money to ebay.
Its my hunch, though I am not for sure. I just know this is not in the seller agreement with ebay. They are not supposed to do this!!!

If I had the emails she sent me saying she wanted to do this outside of ebay, than you can send them to ebay. Please do this if you can. Report her dumbass. People have the right to know about swindlers that's why ebay says not to do transactions like this.

No buyer will ever know since the "feedback" on ebay is not there for these transactions with her.


Selling violations*****

Seller performance standards violations: Sellers are expected to complete sales and offer a consistently high level of buyer satisfaction. If you're a buyer, find out what to do if you don't receive an item or it's not as described in the listing.

Listing violations: Sellers can't list prohibited or restricted items and need to follow our rules for listings.

Offers to sell outside of eBay: Members can't offer to buy or sell a listed item outside of eBay.

[undefined=undefined] Avoiding eBay fees: Members can't use systems or techniques to avoid paying eBay fees.[/undefined]

Shill bidding: Members can't use bidding techniques to artificially increase an item's price or desirability.

Clearly, something CAN be done about this. You should do this now. I bet she'll be really happy. Her swindelin' days are over!


(16-08-2013, 17:10)tibetan113 Wrote:  *****
Selling violations*****

Seller performance standards violations: Sellers are expected to complete sales and offer a consistently high level of buyer satisfaction. If you're a buyer, find out what to do if you don't receive an item or it's not as described in the listing.

Listing violations: Sellers can't list prohibited or restricted items and need to follow our rules for listings.

Offers to sell outside of eBay: Members can't offer to buy or sell a listed item outside of eBay.

[undefined=undefined] Avoiding eBay fees: Members can't use systems or techniques to avoid paying eBay fees.[/undefined]

Shill bidding: Members can't use bidding techniques to artificially increase an item's price or desirability.

Clearly, something CAN be done about this. You should do this now. I bet she'll be really happy. Her swindelin' days are over!

Yup, she bought Universallove's Brava and then sell it to others at Ebay. I notice her practice as I used to sell /buy my electronics at Ebay in 90's. If you could google there should be a direct phone line at Paypal or Ebay you can call them up and talked to the representative. I had tried 2 yrs ago when I tried to sell my iPhone4 on Ebay. I now only go local - craigslist.

PS: I dont understand why people can't understand Karma will catch up with them one way or another for their yuck deeds Big Grin


shes now changed the description of the set i sold her from being new but just with discolouration to being used- so maybe some remorse did end up catching up with her at least a bit- yep i dont understand at all why someone would feel ok with trying to rip someone off like that.... well the domes she promised me at first, werent the ones she sent me- she wrote to me a few days after my payment that for some reason the as new domes i purchased were no longer available, but she said she was expecting a return of the same size domes in the same condition and she'd send me those instead- which were the ones i ended up recieving- and she assured me that they were as new just like the ones i purchased....she said they were returned by the buyer because they came with an airlock instead of a sport box, when the buyer thought they were getting a sport box with them- and i know this does seem a bit far fetched when looking at the way she advertises her airlock systems- she makes it very clear that they come without sport box- so most likely she outright lied to me about why the set was really returned. She said the returned set was late in arriving back to her which is why i waited weeks for her to post them to me... yes she is one nasty person... funny but from her ebay name i thought she must be christian and i thought followers of christs example would be honest and considerate of others. Maybe i really am way too trusting!!! but i must say, i have done alot of buying online and ive never once had a situation like this. My experience has been that just about everyone is quite honest at heart and dont wanna rip people off. the first brava set i bought was exactly as described and the seller was very helpful, honest and straight forward.

I have kept her emails where she asks to do the transaction outside of ebay. Yea it might be a good idea to report her. Terrible thing about the situation is that i really tried to be reasonable and level headed with her- i never resorted to anger or spitefulness in my emails to her- despite the terrible way she was handling thiings. i kept trying to reason with her and make her see why her actions were dishonest and not right, and how she could recitify it. i kept giving her a chance to make it right- and she kept responding to that as though i was being rude, and she would write i was just being greedy and trying to rip HER off. very infuriating to say the least

I'd say you have the responsibility to report her. She's going to do this to someone else and continue to until something happens to put a stop to it. People don't change.

(17-08-2013, 03:58)universallove Wrote:  shes now changed the description of the set i sold her from being new but just with discolouration to being used- so maybe some remorse did end up catching up with her at least a bit- yep i dont understand at all why someone would feel ok with trying to rip someone off like that.... well the domes she promised me at first, werent the ones she sent me- she wrote to me a few days after my payment that for some reason the as new domes i purchased were no longer available, but she said she was expecting a return of the same size domes in the same condition and she'd send me those instead- which were the ones i ended up recieving- and she assured me that they were as new just like the ones i purchased....she said they were returned by the buyer because they came with an airlock instead of a sport box, when the buyer thought they were getting a sport box with them- and i know this does seem a bit far fetched when looking at the way she advertises her airlock systems- she makes it very clear that they come without sport box- so most likely she outright lied to me about why the set was really returned. She said the returned set was late in arriving back to her which is why i waited weeks for her to post them to me... yes she is one nasty person... funny but from her ebay name i thought she must be christian and i thought followers of christs example would be honest and considerate of others. Maybe i really am way too trusting!!! but i must say, i have done alot of buying online and ive never once had a situation like this. My experience has been that just about everyone is quite honest at heart and dont wanna rip people off. the first brava set i bought was exactly as described and the seller was very helpful, honest and straight forward.

I have kept her emails where she asks to do the transaction outside of ebay. Yea it might be a good idea to report her. Terrible thing about the situation is that i really tried to be reasonable and level headed with her- i never resorted to anger or spitefulness in my emails to her- despite the terrible way she was handling thiings. i kept trying to reason with her and make her see why her actions were dishonest and not right, and how she could recitify it. i kept giving her a chance to make it right- and she kept responding to that as though i was being rude, and she would write i was just being greedy and trying to rip HER off. very infuriating to say the least


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