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PM with Natureday Extract


Hello everyoneSmile
I have started my NBE program about a month ago. This is my current program.

1 fg 3xday
1 sp 1xday
1 dropper of ND liquid extract 2xday. I have only been using it for about 10 days.
I massage daily with flaxseed oil mixed with sp and pm powder.
I also bought an breast enhancement pump. Seems to work alright. Experience some swelling after using it. I have only used it a few times though. I am hoping to use it everyday.

I started my period last night. So I am starting with PM now. I will continue to use it for 14 days. Its only 100g. I really don't want to mess my period up. But I think that 2 a day will be ok since its a lower dosage.

Does anyone have any advice for my program? Something I need to change, add to or take away?

I would really like someone's input on my program. I have spent hours of researching and reading on different ways to do NBE but after so long it just gets all jumbled. If there is something I need to do different, plz plz tell me.

If you honestly want input we'll need more accurate numbers and units and what they mean. I mean... How many mg per fg? sp? what's the ml of the dropper for the nd? What is IN the ND and what's their mg/ml or ppm? How much pm and sp mixed into the fso? And I'm pretty sure you mean mg for the pm pills. 100 grams would be like. More than 100 times what ANY girls are taking.

Also. Mixing PM and SP and FSO... Why? And why are you using SP at all? Do you actually have any of the problems it purportedly treats? Soooooo many girls mistakenly believe that SP is for everyone. It isn't. Actually I'd wager to say that maybe 1% of girls actually need it. And maybe half the guys. Seriously. It's not as big a deal as some people think.

You know the history of how SP came to be regarded as an NBE herb? It's helpful for guys... and for girls with PCOS. Because it's the strongest herbal blocker for 5-alpha-reductase. Which is what makes the strongest form of testosterone...

As for mixing PM+SP+FSO... All three have estrogen mimics called phytoestrogens. PM is strongest. If you mix them you can't have any idea which one gets the receptors because they WILL compete.

Speaking of competition... ND probably has phyto's too. So you're going for some internal competition there as well with mixing ND+PM+SP.


In short. You're asking for input on a program so poorly designed that no one honestly had a clue what you were even going for to begin with therefore we couldn't really say anything other than rip it to shreds... And... We really prefer not doing that. So we skipped over it. But you asked......

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