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hello ! ^_^


Hey guys, Smile

When I was 15 my first bra made me out a DD, which for a height of 5,10" was fairly average looking I think. Over the span of a few years I gained a few stone as a result of an ED, went up two sizes. Under a lot of stress, sleep deprivation and poor diet my breasts began to go south. Even so, I wouldn't have passed the pencil test but they looked full, so I didn't concern myself too much till the pain became too much. My breasts were always in pain and covered with stretch marks. I went to a specialist and I thought with long term weight loss goals (I lost around a stone and a half over 6-8 months) and daily exercises there was a chance my breasts would revert, but if anything they only got more droopy, less full looking, and the nipples have been heading south. I was also given permission by the doctor to come off the pill which I'd been on since I was 15, with the thinking it wouldn't make any difference (the doctor, not me, but having read more on the forum I'm not so sure now). At any rate my ladies need saving and I'm hoping this is the place I can do it !

My ambition is for them to look fuller, and if it is possible, perkier! For this they'll need to grow, possibly fill out the stretched skin. Time will tell if they will 'revert' as my doctor said, but I'm thinking now that would be unlikely without some surgery to remove the stretched skin. Rather than aim for the impossible, I'd just love a healthy looking pair of breasts, and if possible a bit of raising of the nipple.

I've started taking collagen, been doing daily exercises and started to massage. Also been taking fenugreek for a month but I hear herbs isn't a good idea for my age group (recently turned 21). Really hoping this site will be lots of help and any advice with what to do with my southern girls would be appreciated! Big Grin

Hi! Welcome to the page!! :-) I hope you get what you want here, too!
Do you have a boyfriend? If so, I'm SURE he'd LOVE to help out with massaging.
You're SOOOOO lucky that your girls were so big when you were 15!! I know a girl that was too big for her C-cup bras by the time she was 13!! Her mom was the same way! By the time her mom stopped growing, she was a DDD cup!! Another friend of mine was a D by the time she was 12!!
Good luck to you, hun!! Take care!! :-)

No your good to the make herbs after 18 and the fenugreek could help. If you have a lot of breast pain kelp could help. Collagen would help but only if your taking teams and grams msm is easier for your body to use and helps make collagen I take 6-9g msm and 2-3g vitamin c and I noticed firmness in a few weeks.

Thank you for the welcome ^^

Sadly I don't have a boyfriend but it sounds very tempting to have one as an on duty masseur Tongue I think my breasts came about their size purely out of spite for all the girls who made fun of me in gym class for being as flat as a plank Big Grin

Thanks BonitaDDs- I have clearly being going -very- wrong here. I have only been taking 0.5g of vitamin c and 5g of collagen (I use shiseido power). I'll up my doze, especially where the vitamin c is concerned, and I'm lucky enough to have quite a lot of neglected kelp in the cupboard so I'll begin to incorporate that in my diet.

(21-10-2013, 12:16)in-hope-we-trust Wrote:  Thank you for the welcome ^^

Sadly I don't have a boyfriend but it sounds very tempting to have one as an on duty masseur Tongue I think my breasts came about their size purely out of spite for all the girls who made fun of me in gym class for being as flat as a plank Big Grin

I'm SURE he'd LOVE the job!! You'd probably have to MAKE him stop!! ;-) Put an ad in the paper: Wanted, on duty breast masseur. No pay but nice benefits!

(21-10-2013, 12:16)in-hope-we-trust Wrote:  I think my breasts came about their size purely out of spite for all the girls who made fun of me in gym class for being as flat as a plank Big Grin

Well, everyone grows different ways at different rates of speed. A girl will be flat as a pancake while all her friends are already toting B, C or D cups, then, one day, her girls suddenly sprout whole hog and she's 3 cup sizes bigger than her friends!!
I think people, ESPECIALLY girls, put WAY too much stock into having bit tits!! They seem to think that if you don't have them, you'll be inadequate in bed, or not as attractive to guys, what have you. I can PROMISE you, if a guy is worth it, he won't give a shit HOW big or small your tits are!! He's gonna love you for YOU!! NOT what's filling your bra.
Boys are the same way! They think that bigger balls, bigger muscles or a bigger dick is going to make them better lovers. It's simply not true!! It's not how big the tool is, it's how you use it!!

(01-01-1970, 01:00)Missed Missdoesn't 710' Wrote:  
(21-10-2013, 12:16)in-hope-we-trust Wrote:  I think my breasts came about their size purely out of spite for all the girls who made fun of me in gym class for being as flat as a plank Big Grin

Well, everyone grows different ways at different rates of speed. A girl will be flat as a pancake while all her friends are already toting B, C or D cups, then, one day, her girls suddenly sprout whole hog and she's 3 cup sizes bigger than her friends!!
I think people, ESPECIALLY girls, put WAY too much stock into having bit tits!! They seem to think that if you don't have them, you'll be inadequate in bed, or not as attractive to guys, what have you. I can PROMISE you, if a guy is worth it, he won't give a shit HOW big or small your tits are!! He's gonna love you for YOU!! NOT what's filling your bra.
Boys are the same way! They think that bigger balls, bigger muscles or a bigger dick is going to make them better lovers. It's simply not true!! It's not how big the tool is, it's how you use it!!
Haha true but big breasts muscles and penises look sexy I think that's the reason
I do love my mans big body parts and my big breasts I want bigger but I don't feelinadequete i had no problem with men when I had small breasts and always I felt comfortable naked I just want bigger ones to play with.

(21-10-2013, 12:16)in-hope-we-trust Wrote:  Thank you for the welcome ^^

Sadly I don't have a boyfriend but it sounds very tempting to have one as an on duty masseur Tongue I think my breasts came about their size purely out of spite for all the girls who made fun of me in gym class for being as flat as a plank Big Grin

Thanks BonitaDDs- I have clearly being going -very- wrong here. I have only been taking 0.5g of vitamin c and 5g of collagen (I use shiseido power). I'll up my doze, especially where the vitamin c is concerned, and I'm lucky enough to have quite a lot of neglected kelp in the cupboard so I'll begin to incorporate that in my diet.

Yh that sounds like a good amount I still prefer msm over collagen because it has more benefits but what you have should help too.
I know msm is making mine perk up a lot even more since I started kelp iodine is important for healthy breast tissue so I guess it helps a noogleberry can be the best thing for sagging though I had one they do work but I needed to biggest size.

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