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MzHoney's Program Thread


Totally!!! It's kind of amazing how there seems to be such a large group of people who feel hypo but get denied and deemed normal. You'd think that the docs would have caught on by now??

Cycle 1/Day 8

So shoot. I've been eating eggs AND meat. I feel better, but it's my ethical side that is bothering me. I've done the paleo and heavy meat diet before, then went vegan, and I love vegan foods and lifestyle, but I really do think that I fare better with meats! TMI, but I stink more when I eat meat tho Dodgy. I just don't like the idea. But heck, maybe my lesson here is that I need to honor the cycle of life > that life begets life > with my own eating habits. The world can seem like a cruel and unfair place at times. If you can't beat them, join them? IDK, but I feel like if I'm going to be healing myself and working with glandular therapy then I might as well come to terms with it. And if eating eggs and muscle makes my body feel better then I have to honor that. Shoot. But I still love raw and vegan foods, it doesn't mean I need to be a total carnivore! Yea. Daily struggles. I'm grateful I have these choices to make! I am blessed to have ANY food on my table. It's gonna be so much easier to keep the protein levels higher if I include meats though... let's just be honest.

I am LOVING the SP. Loving it. I feel like it has just been the miracle my skin has needed. Granted, I'm not totally clear yet - but there is a marked improvement. I am so thankful that I decided to take it. My swelling is around the same, but my domes are FULL. I need to upgrade to CL domes asap. My boobs are so wondeful! Lol. It's been a little more than a month of dedicated noogling, massage, and SP, and they are just responding so well. I am just so positive that I am on the right track for me and love the cleavage that I am getting! I am amazed! technically the numbers are the same, but they definitely look fuller, more rounded from the quarter angle, less pointy. More full, and just. Yea Big Grin Can't wait until I start adding more to my program and really get moving.


(31-12-2013, 07:38)MzHoney Wrote:  So shoot. I've been eating eggs AND meat. I feel better, but it's my ethical side that is bothering me. I've done the paleo and heavy meat diet before, then went vegan, and I love vegan foods and lifestyle, but I really do think that I fare better with meats! TMI, but I stink more when I eat meat tho Dodgy. I just don't like the idea. But heck, maybe my lesson here is that I need to honor the cycle of life > that life begets life > with my own eating habits. The world can seem like a cruel and unfair place at times. If you can't beat them, join them? IDK, but I feel like if I'm going to be healing myself and working with glandular therapy then I might as well come to terms with it. And if eating eggs and muscle makes my body feel better then I have to honor that. Shoot.

You're not the only one. I've been told that "If vegetarianism/veganism doesn't work for you, you're doing it wrong", but I think that's crap. I really couldn't handle vegetarianism. My health declined significantly. I remember waking up one morning so tired I could barely get out of bed. I had enough... went to the super market, grabbed a ham sandwich, and felt 100X better. I haven't been on a vegetarian diet since.

(31-12-2013, 07:38)MzHoney Wrote:  I am LOVING the SP. Loving it. I feel like it has just been the miracle my skin has needed. Granted, I'm not totally clear yet - but there is a marked improvement. I am so thankful that I decided to take it. My swelling is around the same, but my domes are FULL. I need to upgrade to CL domes asap. My boobs are so wondeful! Lol. It's been a little more than a month of dedicated noogling, massage, and SP, and they are just responding so well.

Hi Sweetie Smile

did the SP help with hair loss / thinning hair? What is the dosage of the SP? Do you take any other herbs at the moment?

How long do you noogle every day? I am also using the 7/2 method and like it so far. Well, just started a few days ago to use my pump.

Sorry for all those questions. Blush

@roseblossom - I know! And that's the thing - is I WAS definitely doing it "right." Although everyone has different definitions of that.

@peggy- I am taking 160 mg (1 pill) of SP 2x/day. I use the Jarrow brand. I like them, they are in small softgels. Really easy to swallow. So far they seem to be working and are promising. But I can't speak on the hair thinning yet. It's just too soon. I'll keep ya posted and let you know but I'd definitely give at least a full 6 months before I comment on the hair aspect. Because that sorta thing just takes a lot of time I think. Although I HAVE noticed little baby hairs on my hairline. That could be the castor oil too!!! Either way, I'm very optimistic about it. I am also taking a cayenne capsule 2x per day and one Primal Defense probiotic a day. I'm going to start taking adrenal glandular soon and I'll let you know how that goes too. I noogle about 45 minutes -1.5 hours a day usually. I was 7:2'ing with a timer, but now I just pump for a while, maybe ten minutes, and then release and massage for a few - just not so rigid. It makes time go by faster I think. IDK.

Cycle 1/Day 11
Nothin new, really. My temps are pretty unstable and low. Like, they go from 96.3 one morning, to 97.3-5 the next. I read that unstable temps are a strong indicator of adrenal stress/fatigue. So that is my next step in addressing that issue. I ordered adrenal glandular. It should be here tomorrow... I'll start taking that right away. I'm gonna hold out on the PC for now, and just see how the adrenal treats me. I hope that it will stabilize my temps, and perhaps raise them. If it only stabilizes then I'm going to try dessicated thyroid and see how that goes. That's only if I feel I need it still after working with Adrenal Glandular. It seems that the two are pretty hand in hand - and it just depends on your own personal heath meter. Underactive thyroid could be due to adrenal fatigue, and adrenal fatigue could be due to underactive thyroid. Chicken or egg? It all depends. I think it's wise for me to try adrenal first.
I'm still noogling everyday, except for one day a week.
I'm sort of annoyed because I wanted to start the Bovine Ovary this month, but now I'm realizing I should try balancing this and that first. I'm actually very grateful, because the idea of B.O. as NBE exposed me to Glandular Therapy as a whole, and in turn opened a world of possible healing for me, which I had given up on. I'm sincerely optimistic that these therapies will help me!!! Even if no BE occurred (although I'm doubtful of that! Smile) I would be so happy with FEELING BETTER.
This week has been tough for me - trying to stay awake, sleeping for 12+ hours and not feeling refreshed, tummy aches, sore throat, vaginosis, oh yea and intolerance for stupidity. I can't wait for my adrenal glandular to get here so I can get moving with my program - and be one step closer to starting B.O! Cuz that stuff takes long enough as it is Tongue But I might as well do it right, I guess.

Cheers, dolls.

Cycle 1/Day 15

I got the Adrenal Supplement a couple days ago. The first day I took it I noticed that I wasn't as fatigued and was buzzing around like nothing and was alert most of the day. Today, though, I am not necessarily tired, but really unmotivated and just wanna lay down and sleep, even though I can't really sleep right now, and I'm just kinda annoyed about my life. Ugh. I'm gonna try and get moving and walk over to my mom's house. Maybe a change of scenery will liven things up. Or maybe I just need to clean my damn house and that will make me feel better Dodgy How does that happen so fast??

I like, know I need to eat something too, but I just don't know what to eat/don't want to. Ugh. Anyways.

I've been noogling and massaging as usual... so yea. Ok, Just wanted to do a quick check in, so that I can log my reactions to the adrenal. Bye for now.


Cycle 2/Day 2

Well, the past few weeks have been tough for me. I got some pretty tragic news about my family, and then got sick with the stomach flu, and just have been overwhelmed with other things too. So my routine kinda got tossed to the side. I still am taking adrenal - not quite sure how I feel about them. I started to increase and felt weird. I dropped back down to the lowest dose, and handled it. But still felt kinda tired. I'm gonna introduce thyroid soon - as soon as I get home. I basically moved into my moms for the past week and a half, so I haven't been home in a while.

One thing I noticed is as soon as I got stressed and got to my moms, I ate soooo much dairy - cream cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk, etc... ugh, so yummy! milk and dairy products are my ultimate weakness. But check it- as soon as I started consuming these again, I broke out BIG time!!! Like, for real. Nasty! I cut it out (again) 3 days ago and my skin has already calmed down.

I wonder if I'm allergic to dairy, if I can still have protein shakes. When I start my B.O. regimen, I want to get as much protein as possible, but obviously not to the detriment of my health, so... this is something I will look into.

My measurements are the same, but even despite the fact that I haven't been noogling or massaging, my boobs still look slightly larger/fuller! I think it may be the S.P. Who knows?

Well, I'm gonna be back on track now. I got a pump in today and it felt good :-)

One thing I noticed at the beginning of my cycle this time, was that I was spotting for 5 days before I started. This is abnormal for me. I never spot, I usually just start and flow heavy for 2 days, then taper off. It was so weird. Progesterone, maybe? Well, I plan on including that next LP.

Anyways - I hope my next update is more exciting. :-)


Sometimes those adrenal supps can be to overstimulating so good thing you back down on the dose or else, you risk things getting worse.

You can always look into vegan proteins like hemp, sprouted brown rice and or pea protein.

I will do this blend next time around on BO.I did whey first and I believe even though it helped me develop new glandular tissue, I had allergies to it. So I wonder if the results will be as good next time. Only one way to find out.

SP is pretty good with me. SP itself is a good adrenal nourisher so you may not need the adrenal supps or need them as often as you take them. So keep that in mind. Good Luck with it. Cant wait till you actually get in the first few months of it (BO).

Quote:I wonder if I'm allergic to dairy, if I can still have protein shakes. When I start my B.O. regimen, I want to get as much protein as possible, but obviously not to the detriment of my health, so... this is something I will look into.
You can look for protein shakes that aren't derived from dairy. If you think it might be lactose intolerance or something, though, I don't think whey protein contains lactose.

Good luck and hope you feel better. Smile

Take a break from dairy for a few days. Try some lactose-free milk at the grocery store and see if you have any symptoms. I am lactose intolerant and have no trouble with lactose-free milk or lactose-free protein powder.

Cycle 3/ Day 1

YAY!!!!!!!!! Today is the day I officially started taking my BO! I'm SOOO excited to finally start. I'm really glad I took my time getting started. I think it will pay off in the long run. For starters, I've been able to raise and stabilize my temps significantly! They were 96-97ish up and down all the time. Even as low as 95 last summer!!! Now it is pretty consistently 97.2 in follicular and 97.9 in luteal. I even got up to 98.5 one night. I'm very happy about that. The progesterone cream made a HUGE difference in my PMS. I was way less hysterical and anxious and no crazy zits either. I did still have strong sugar cravings but that happens even when I'm not pmsing haha. My skin is continuing to clear and look better... Slowly but surely. Way less hair fallout. My breasts look slightly fuller even! I haven't measured, but things look promising. I really need to get cl domes! My large ones have done all they can do for me now. I keep putting it off, as it still is suction after all, but it's not giving me max potential. They are FULL. So that's my update. I can't wait to see what bovine o has to offer me. So excited!

Oh, in case you are wondering I started off with a low dose. I'm gonna do 7 drops twice a day and ramp up from there.

And I stopped the adrenal after one bottle, and now am taking thyroid with great success. Still looking for that ideal dosage, but I can definitely feel that it is helping me. I'm taking that slow too. Till next time, dolls! Muah!

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