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Delete account and contents?


Is it possible to delete accounts and threads? To be perfectly honest, I just don't want my pictures and personal threads on here anymore. I feel like NBE has been giving me feelings of anxiety and desperation.

I am grateful for the progress that I've made in correcting breast asymmetry. But I think I'd like to quit now, and learn to be happy with what I've got-- even if it's not much.

(19-02-2014, 18:41)roseblossom Wrote:  Is it possible to delete accounts and threads? To be perfectly honest, I just don't want my pictures and personal threads on here anymore. I feel like NBE has been giving me feelings of anxiety and desperation.

I am grateful for the progress that I've made in correcting breast asymmetry. But I think I'd like to quit now, and learn to be happy with what I've got-- even if it's not much.

Rose Peggy knows how to delete photos, its somewhere in the User CP in your profile page. Also you can go in and do a full edit under once in your post and just wipe all the text and put a couple of dots etc. I've done this before.
I will be sad to see you go, you are the voice of reason for me anyway (you know what I mean). Hope you don't leave.

(19-02-2014, 18:41)roseblossom Wrote:  Is it possible to delete accounts and threads? To be perfectly honest, I just don't want my pictures and personal threads on here anymore. I feel like NBE has been giving me feelings of anxiety and desperation.

I am grateful for the progress that I've made in correcting breast asymmetry. But I think I'd like to quit now, and learn to be happy with what I've got-- even if it's not much.
i sincerely hope you do not leave us .
you have been a good contributor and helping with comments and information which will be sorely missed .
it is good to have experienced members who have achieved their goals to guide others .

you could always delete your pics and blog and still contribute Big Grin

First make sure you REALLY want to leave. I already deleted my old account here and photos.....only to come back 4 months later, except without my starting photos. BIG regret! This is a great forum for self-love if you let it be.

(19-02-2014, 18:50)ELLACRAIG Wrote:  Also you can go in and do a full edit under once in your post and just wipe all the text and put a couple of dots etc.

You only have 1440 minutes from original post time to edit (as set by the Admin), or at least that is what it tells me.


The admin will not truly delete your thread, only change your username. That's what has happened to me. I can still pull up my old thread. You CAN delete all photos though.

Noooo please don't leave us! Thanks to your advice on consistently massaging with FSO, my boobs are growing! Don't get discouraged, you have to believe that you will grow and keep saying that to yourself all day everyday till your subconscious believes it then it will act upon it. I've been listening to breast enlargement subliminals and they've been a great help so far, try it if you haven't. I know you don't like herbs so how about you try to noogle?
Have patience and you will get there, don't set a time frame, I know you've been at it longer than me but in time you will get the results you want, there's no way around it!

It's awful people are afraid or anxious to share that they'd leave delete all trace of their journey. It's understandable though, I won't post my photos for the same reasons.

Wouldn't it be possible to have the personal program and photos section members only? That way photos won't be available in random searches or to any completely anonymous unregistered lurkers.

To enlarge the photos is already members only, I believe. It would be nice if the preview didn't show up for non-members either, though.

Thats so sad I hope you change you mind think how many women with low confidence from asymetry your progress thread could inspire your nbe story was amazing I really hope you keep it on here.

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