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Does it matter which phase I take PM if I am on POP BC


Hi all,

Any advice would be much appreciated!

I have been doing NBE for the past 2 months. Last month I was taking Yasmin and I cycled this. The way I decided to go was taking PM the day after my period ended for two weeks rather than starting the day my period started. I achieved 0.5 inch of growth from this which I was thrilled with however I lost all this growth shortly after my period which I have heard is quite common.

Since then I have started a progestogen only pill as I have heard people have great success growing with this and PM however I feel it is making me have mood swings which isn't too good but it may just be my hormones adjusting for now. I haven't experienced any of the breast pain or tenderness that I felt when taking PM with Yasmin and they are not growing at the mo which is a bit depressing.

Anyway, I am taking siriporn PM which you are meant to take on 1st day of period so I am unsure if this is why I am not feeling anything at the moment or if I am better suited to taking the combined pill with PM. I am not sure if I should take this on the 1st day of my period, the day after my period finishes or not cycle as the POP is different from other BCP in the way that you don't have inactive pills. All the pills are the same in the packet and it can make periods irregular so I'm quite confused about what to do as I may not get a period :-S.

Sorry for the massive story but I thought it better to put a bit of background info in there so it all makes sense.

Mhairi x


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