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My heavier Rosebuds ;)


Hi Beauties!! I'm super excited! Why? Because after a while without success with herbs, I finally got a Noogleberry! I've had it officially for two weeks and LOVE IT. (I'm even Noogling right now! Shhhh...)

I took Maca Root for a while and was so sad that it basically dissolved my 'disk' shape of dense breast tissue. Now I have it back with Noogling!!! Also, my breasts are itchy on the outsides (growth i hope?) and my boobies feel a LOT heavier and can tell a difference especially on the under side of my boobs.

Only side effects have been a lump or two from over pumping and my nipples don't seem quite as sensitive, but I'm sure its only temporary. As of yet, I don't have any soreness =( And another "side effect" is the pumping getting me kinda frisky, if you know what I mean. Not a bad side effect necessarily! haha

I will keep y'all up to date on my progress! I'll attach a couple pictures.


Do pumping devices haves safety measures to prevent putting too much pressure and causing harm?

Wow what a difference they do look a lot bigger well done.

Wow I see a huge improvement! Congrats! Smile

Great improvement for 2 weeks!

For only 2 weeks of pumping, you have a great amount of fullness so far! I think you will have much success from pumping by the way things are looking!Wink

They look GREAT for only 12 days in!!!! I'd be at LEAST as excited as you if that was me!!!!

Heck YEAH I'm excited!!!!! Noogling actually gets addictive - especially when you start seeing results!!!

And no there's not a safety device to prevent over pumping. Its different for everyone so you have to go based on feel. Pump till the pull is strong, but not painful. Also, if you see any red dots or get any lumps, you know its too strong.

I pump at least once a day (although in 2 weeks I've probably skipped 3 days total due to being busy) and pump, hold for 10-20 min, release for 10 min, then repeat maybe 3 more times. I've also found that it feels better on my skin when I use coconut oil first.

Added below are my side views before and after pumping on days 1 and 12 =)


(20-05-2014, 01:17)PerkyRosebuds Wrote:  Heck YEAH I'm excited!!!!! Noogling actually gets addictive - especially when you start seeing results!!!

And no there's not a safety device to prevent over pumping. Its different for everyone so you have to go based on feel. Pump till the pull is strong, but not painful. Also, if you see any red dots or get any lumps, you know its too strong.

I pump at least once a day (although in 2 weeks I've probably skipped 3 days total due to being busy) and pump, hold for 10-20 min, release for 10 min, then repeat maybe 3 more times. I've also found that it feels better on my skin when I use coconut oil first.

Added below are my side views before and after pumping on days 1 and 12 =)
Thanks for tips, guess I should get busy with it!! Problem is I've got so much other stuff to do here!! If only I could pump at work!! I got LOADS of free time there between jobs!!!!

Great progress!! Wish I had reacted that fast! sigh......

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