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butt growing with fishoil or maca ?


Or I guess you can do an adjustment to what I did with the castor oil. And put the oils on your butt, then put a heating pad down on your bed, lay a sheet of plastic wrap over the heating pad (just to avoid getting it all oily), then put either a wool cloth (they sell them at the health food stores too), or a baby burp cloth over the plastic wrap (make sure it covers the plasic wrap completely to avoid the plastic from touching your skin) and lay on top of it. Don't make it too hot though, I think low heat should be fine since your body weight will be pushing against it. And really, you can lose the heating pad after about 10-15 min.

The heating pad just adds circulation in your butt (which is good!) and with castor oil anyway, it helped the oil penetrate deeper.

(20-06-2014, 19:41)Charlie_girl Wrote:  
(20-06-2014, 17:28)xonana.h Wrote:  
(20-06-2014, 16:13)Charlie_girl Wrote:  I'd still stretch all of your legs though, and really your whole body a little. Everything is tied in. But mostly butt, then you can go lighter on the stretching with your hamstrings & quads, then some calf. Then just a quick stretch out for the rest of you.

I just came across this thread and thought I'd share it. Not sure how effective it is, it seemed to work for her. I haven't heard any updates though

thank you so much <3 with everything

oh and i was also wondering with the lavender scent to kill out the fishoil smell would i have to get a specific kind??

and so with the saran wrap would i just have to wear a pair of panties and then saran wrap it around my bum or would you suggest not trying it ?

i also seen that the girls wrap their towels with the saran wrap too.

No problem!! Smile Man, I wish I knew this when I was 15!! I would have gone nuts trying to get a butt! I've always had a complex about my booty until recently. Well, I guess I still have one since I'm trying to pump it up, but it's all positive now instead of negative Smile

Lavender oil, just get essential oil. Brand doesn't really matter. That's why I suggested you ask someone that works there where it is. When I first went there, I couldn't fid the essential oils until I asked. Lol. The ones I get come in tiny dark bottles, I think in 1.5 oz and 3 oz. (they might all come that way to preserve the oil, but I'm not positive.)

I would lay a towel down on your bed to where it's long from the side to the side of the bed, where your butt would be when you lay down. So if you roll around, you won't have to worry about it getting on your bottom sheets. I wouldn't wrap the towel around yourself, that seems like it would be a pain in the butt. (Haha!) plus it would unravel while you sleep.

Honestly I'd just not do the Saran wrap. I'd pick 3 panties or boyshorts or bikini bottoms that the oil wouldn't seep through as easily. Avoid any lace (obviously). I'm not sure what materials would be best honestly. But I would personally try satin or satin-like panties or boyshorts vs cotton. Cotton breathes better. So I'm thinking the more the fabric breathes, or has bigger holes, the more the oil will seep through.

I know they have cheap plastic-y slip on diaper covers (from having a baby) and I know they have protective undergarments for people who have a leaky bladder, but I'm not sure if they have those plastic slip on covers for adults. I would think that would be your best bet if they do. The baby one I felt kind of felt like a really thin cheap white plastic shower curtain (just to give you an idea).

But, I think you're over thinking it. Just give the towel & butt covering panties a try for a night. Worst thing that would happen is you have to wash your sheets

thank you c: and im not sure with the saran wrap because like you said its used to lose weight also , so im kinda iffy about it , but ive also heard the girls say that it's suppose to keep the oils intact with the skin as well.

for your opinion why wouldnt the saran wrap be a good idea to do ?

and haha well my inches are a 37/38 , but its not where you can see it pop out you know ? and like i also have always wanted a bigger bum (btw im asian , so we're not particularly the " curvy , busty " types cx ) but as for me i have HUGE thighs, but not a big bum where it can pop out how i like it .

thats why when i found out about this method i was up for it haha

First, when you say "huge thighs", do you mean you're pear shaped? Are the thighs more muscle or more fat? I'm asking because if they're mostly fat, then trimming them down with exercise will also make your butt look bigger.

Saran wrap (or any standard plastic wrap from regular grocery stores) contain chemicals in it that are toxic. When heated, these chemicals become even more toxic/leak into food and skin rather quickly. When plastic wrap is wrapped around your skin, these toxins leak into your skin, therefore leak into your body/bloodstream. They cause multiple health issues (see links below). Even if you were to just wrap your skin without using a heating pad, your body heat while sleeping (and rolling around and sleeping on your butt) is enough to warm up the plastic wrap to make it even more toxic/more susceptible to getting into your system. There is no need for this risk, so why do it? And as I mentioned before, if you wanted to use plastic wrap to protect your heating pad from getting oily, just make sure you have a wool rag or a baby burp cloth over it that COMPLETELY covers the plastic, so none of the plastic actually comes in contact with your skin. But it would be best to avoid it all together, honestly. Just put a towel between you and the heating pad.

(22-06-2014, 04:31)Charlie_girl Wrote:  First, when you say "huge thighs", do you mean you're pear shaped? Are the thighs more muscle or more fat? I'm asking because if they're mostly fat, then trimming them down with exercise will also make your butt look bigger.

Saran wrap (or any standard plastic wrap from regular grocery stores) contain chemicals in it that are toxic. When heated, these chemicals become even more toxic/leak into food and skin rather quickly. When plastic wrap is wrapped around your skin, these toxins leak into your skin, therefore leak into your body/bloodstream. They cause multiple health issues (see links below). Even if you were to just wrap your skin without using a heating pad, your body heat while sleeping (and rolling around and sleeping on your butt) is enough to warm up the plastic wrap to make it even more toxic/more susceptible to getting into your system. There is no need for this risk, so why do it? And as I mentioned before, if you wanted to use plastic wrap to protect your heating pad from getting oily, just make sure you have a wool rag or a baby burp cloth over it that COMPLETELY covers the plastic, so none of the plastic actually comes in contact with your skin. But it would be best to avoid it all together, honestly. Just put a towel between you and the heating pad.

huge thighs as in pear shaped, mostly from fat , and so my best guess would manly be just using satin like kind of panties and a towel ? since i dont want any toxins in my skin.

and so with the panties i would just use something that doesnt have alot of holes so that the oil leaks out , am i correct ?

The excersizes you're doing for your butt also work out your quads, hamstrings & hip flexors, so you'll be working on toning up your legs too. So, it's actually a good thing that it's mostly fat, since you can slim them down (and help your butt look bigger). You can also add running (great for the butt & will help lose fat on your thighs). And quick short distance sprints are great too. Those work your fast twitch muscle fibers and will really help boost your booty. (Think sprinters and gymnists in the Olympics. They all have great butts! Those are from working fast twitch fibers.)

Yeah, just any panties or bathing suit bottoms that cover your butt well, like full coverage or boy short. Even tight gym-type shorts would work. The less holes, the better. You can just hold them up where a light is behind them (and open the panties to where you're only seeing the butt part of the fabric, instead of both layers of front & back). Hold up several. The ones that are hardest to see the light through would be your best bet.

(22-06-2014, 17:39)Charlie_girl Wrote:  The excersizes you're doing for your butt also work out your quads, hamstrings & hip flexors, so you'll be working on toning up your legs too. So, it's actually a good thing that it's mostly fat, since you can slim them down (and help your butt look bigger). You can also add running (great for the butt & will help lose fat on your thighs). And quick short distance sprints are great too. Those work your fast twitch muscle fibers and will really help boost your booty. (Think sprinters and gymnists in the Olympics. They all have great butts! Those are from working fast twitch fibers.)

Yeah, just any panties or bathing suit bottoms that cover your butt well, like full coverage or boy short. Even tight gym-type shorts would work. The less holes, the better. You can just hold them up where a light is behind them (and open the panties to where you're only seeing the butt part of the fabric, instead of both layers of front & back). Hold up several. The ones that are hardest to see the light through would be your best bet.

thank you so much for all the information c:

and when you say open the panties , would i have to be facing the butt part ?
and so boyshorts and full coverage kinda saying the granny panties ? haha

also with the lavender oil how much would i put in ?

and with rubbing my cheeks would i put it on my hips with my butt or just rub my cheeks ? and would i have to rub them in a specific way ?

(22-06-2014, 18:12)xonana.h Wrote:  
(22-06-2014, 17:39)Charlie_girl Wrote:  The excersizes you're doing for your butt also work out your quads, hamstrings & hip flexors, so you'll be working on toning up your legs too. So, it's actually a good thing that it's mostly fat, since you can slim them down (and help your butt look bigger). You can also add running (great for the butt & will help lose fat on your thighs). And quick short distance sprints are great too. Those work your fast twitch muscle fibers and will really help boost your booty. (Think sprinters and gymnists in the Olympics. They all have great butts! Those are from working fast twitch fibers.)

Yeah, just any panties or bathing suit bottoms that cover your butt well, like full coverage or boy short. Even tight gym-type shorts would work. The less holes, the better. You can just hold them up where a light is behind them (and open the panties to where you're only seeing the butt part of the fabric, instead of both layers of front & back). Hold up several. The ones that are hardest to see the light through would be your best bet.

thank you so much for all the information c:

and when you say open the panties , would i have to be facing the butt part ?
and so boyshorts and full coverage kinda saying the granny panties ? haha

also with the lavender oil how much would i put in ?

and with rubbing my cheeks would i put it on my hips with my butt or just rub my cheeks ? and would i have to rub them in a specific way ?

Yeah, granny panties, or any panties or tight shorts that cover as much butt as possible. Yeah, hold up just the butt part (and face the butt part) to the light so there's only one layer of fabric to look through. I read a girl on here added 3 drops of Lavendar Oil to the Vitamin E and Fish Oil. I wouldn't go crazy with it, the smell of Lavendar in the essential oils is pretty strong, so 3 drops should be enough.

No, you don't need to rub them in a specific way, just put it on. And put it wherever you want to try to increase/plump. I put mine on my hips and butt.

(22-06-2014, 18:48)Charlie_girl Wrote:  
(22-06-2014, 18:12)xonana.h Wrote:  
(22-06-2014, 17:39)Charlie_girl Wrote:  The excersizes you're doing for your butt also work out your quads, hamstrings & hip flexors, so you'll be working on toning up your legs too. So, it's actually a good thing that it's mostly fat, since you can slim them down (and help your butt look bigger). You can also add running (great for the butt & will help lose fat on your thighs). And quick short distance sprints are great too. Those work your fast twitch muscle fibers and will really help boost your booty. (Think sprinters and gymnists in the Olympics. They all have great butts! Those are from working fast twitch fibers.)

Yeah, just any panties or bathing suit bottoms that cover your butt well, like full coverage or boy short. Even tight gym-type shorts would work. The less holes, the better. You can just hold them up where a light is behind them (and open the panties to where you're only seeing the butt part of the fabric, instead of both layers of front & back). Hold up several. The ones that are hardest to see the light through would be your best bet.

thank you so much for all the information c:

and when you say open the panties , would i have to be facing the butt part ?
and so boyshorts and full coverage kinda saying the granny panties ? haha

also with the lavender oil how much would i put in ?

and with rubbing my cheeks would i put it on my hips with my butt or just rub my cheeks ? and would i have to rub them in a specific way ?

Yeah, granny panties, or any panties or tight shorts that cover as much butt as possible. Yeah, hold up just the butt part (and face the butt part) to the light so there's only one layer of fabric to look through. I read a girl on here added 3 drops of Lavendar Oil to the Vitamin E and Fish Oil. I wouldn't go crazy with it, the smell of Lavendar in the essential oils is pretty strong, so 3 drops should be enough.

No, you don't need to rub them in a specific way, just put it on. And put it wherever you want to try to increase/plump. I put mine on my hips and butt.

thank you so much <3 if i have any more ill surely come to you c:

ill buy the fish oil and vitamin e with the lavender sometime soon , so ill tell you about my results c:

and so after finding the panties i would just wear it and lay a towel on my bed when i sleep in it ?

I take maca since i have PCOS and it helps my symptoms and i can say i have seen some growth. My butt is rounder but i've also been taking it for three months now. just remember that it doesn't work overnight. Nothing does. it'll take time and commitment to more than just one thing. do hard workouts for your butt. the best is using weights that only allow you to do 5-12 reps. do that 4-6 times a day, three times a week. you need to let your muscles rest for a way in between workouts cuz that lets them grow. If you do it every day, you won't let the muscle grow. Also eat TONS of protein. Protein helps muscle growth. I'm also 15 and i'm kinda hoping to do the same. Hope i Could help

(09-07-2014, 21:03)DieselChick Wrote:  I take maca since i have PCOS and it helps my symptoms and i can say i have seen some growth. My butt is rounder but i've also been taking it for three months now. just remember that it doesn't work overnight. Nothing does. it'll take time and commitment to more than just one thing. do hard workouts for your butt. the best is using weights that only allow you to do 5-12 reps. do that 4-6 times a day, three times a week. you need to let your muscles rest for a way in between workouts cuz that lets them grow. If you do it every day, you won't let the muscle grow. Also eat TONS of protein. Protein helps muscle growth. I'm also 15 and i'm kinda hoping to do the same. Hope i Could help

thank you so much c: for telling me , & i have been doing the fishoil & vitamin e but somehow it gets messy like this     would you know if im doing it wrong or not with my fishoil ? i also do my squats with and without weights also c:

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