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Bovine Ovary side effects???PLEASE HELP


I'm 19 and I also worry about the side effect infertility also.
Has anyone had babies after using BO? Maybe I need to email the women in the testimonial of BB website to ask about this. But the again, they all have children when they took the pills, so I don't know.

I'd be able to answer this in a couple years, I plan on having another child then, but right now not ready for a 2nd one.

I sent an email to BB and I might plan to email Ultrabreast. asking them whether they can give proof that it has no affect on fertility. meanwhile I'm looking into breast pumps. Theres so many! I want to try noogleberry but then theres enhance and bosom beauty. The only thing that puts me off noogleberry is that it has no gurantee and it suggests it gives temporay swelling. while enhance and bosom beauty do. has anyone tried these pumps?

This will sound silly to say, But imo a pump is a pump, and they all work the same way. They pump up your breast and the only difference is how long you wear them. With brava, it's a light pressure for many hours, with noogleberry it's a stronger pressure for a short time. The only reason the other companies offer a gurantee is because they have ran trials and research so they can make the statement without legal issues. Noogleberry is a smaller company and hasn't done that but their customers speak volumes for them. I think if one will work for you any will work for you and my thoughts are that I would rather spend 60 and risk being one of the few ladies it doesn't work for than spending 1500 because they say they garentee it. You can't beat the cusomer service you get from noogleberry compared to the other places either.

Noogleberry DOES have a guarantee! Email Lucy and ask her about it

Trust me on this they have AWESOME customer care, I was sent a XL dome that kept leaking no matter what I did, she sent me a new one, free of charge, didn't even pay shipping, and she didn't ask for the other one back like most places. When I first went with noogleberry I read I believe on the forum somewhere there is a guarantee, I believe it's a 6 months one can't remember. But I agree with itsjust4fun the money for noogleberry isn't that much compared to all the other things, and just because something says they have a guarantee, it doesn't always pan out how you want it to. I learned that the hard way getting ripped off by a pill company that I spent $300+ for a 6 months supply of pills and I thought, they have a full year guarantee, why not, but I NEVER got my money back! Oh and if you sign up on the noogleberry forum, and tell Lucy you did so, you get a discount. And I use a noogleberry and love it! I've gone from a 32B to a 32C with it. And still going.

I got an email back from 'julie' which I thought was quite dodge because the whole email was her life story basicly a copy of what was on the website. She gave a list of documents trying to prove how safe it is.
If theres anything to put me off BB it was the email;
1) she gave a list of documents at least 6-one telling me how to eat?? the others describing bovine ovary as you would find on the internet. The only thing new about it was this experiment with bovine ovary proving it wasnt estrogen and so didnt cause infertility, that way-i'm sure they didnt read the document, just expected the fact that it was from a medical journal would shut me up. I read it and this journal AVOIDED MY QUESTION basically BO doesnt act as estrogen-thats it. Whether it causes prolactin which in high doses causes infertility is questionable. They obviously dont know how it works, which is troubling
2) after sending me all those useless documents they thought would convince me to use it they sent me an order form-im sorry, I just thought that was rude-they where basicly taking me for a fool
3)Julie??? how is that Im so 'lucky' to have the women on the website as my 'body consultant' Im sure theres '30 Julies' in that company!
4) I sent them a second email telling them the documents did not make any reference to prolactin and they still havent emailled me back

I am NOT impressed

I am sorry if I sound very aggressive but how can I take in something that I dont know how it works?and surely if the safety of the drugs is questionable how can they be advertsing it to teenagers??

Lucy is great!I placed my order few days ago and she replied to all my questions.I hope NG is as good as Lucy´s customer service because she is Great really!
as for BB i also recieved that email from Julie about her experience and all that but after i sent her an email back with my satus and all she asked for i never heard back from her!BB should really improve their customer service!

I know I said this in a previous post, but will repeat it. As much as I adore what BB is doing for me and don't have a negative thing to say about the product, the company itself definately raises questions in my mind sometimes. I think that Julie may well be the only consultant. Not long ago I said she was the only person I ever talked to and it made me wonder about the place, but the same day as I posted that statement I got an email from BB from Bryan, the director of marketing congratulating me on my success so far and saying they had read through my story here on breastnexus and thought I had a great story to share. So, I do need to correct my statement of a few weeks ago about wondering if Julie is the only person that works there. LOL Though you should know. I replied to Bryan's email asking him a couple of questions that none of us have been able to find the answer to about BB and I've never heard back. I would have even been content with, we can't tell you that due to patent, ect, but no response was a little disappointing.

They have such an aswesome product, I really think it can stand on it's own if they would give it a chance and focus on creating a customer service comparable to noogleberry's. If they could do that I think they could really become something major.

If Julie is the only consultant, that might explain why responses take so long -- you've got one person trying to deal with scores of women that are as obsessed and curious as we are and some of them haven't stumbled across this place yet, so only have them to email constantly.

So, Bryan or Julie if you are keeping up with the board like you said you are, I hope you consider what we are saying. The women that find your product and have success could be die hard fans that could sale your product better than you ever could. We are devoted when we believe in something. It makes it hard for us to say, yes go this route, when we don't have faith in the customer service.

So, that's my two cents on the matter. Will I continue to use BB? Hell yes. Will I spread the word to every person I think will listen? Not until I feel safe in doing so.


i have to agree with mel... bb can be pretty shady at times (i have no idea who bryan is... i dealt, OF COURSE, with julie!). when they think you are all about buying, they are all over you. once you make your purchase, they disappear. by "they" i mean julie...

will i keep taking it? i will. bo worked for me before and i have a feeling these will work. they have worked on others on these forums (checking the archive, it was the most popular there, too). would i recommend it? not for someone concerned about infertility or any of the other scores of questions about a largely untested method like bo. to those people i say "pumps," because pumps don't screw with your hormones whereas herbs and bo do.

if you ladies ever DO get responses from ub or a real one from bb (or even just find bryan... or anyone else! maybe someone without a five-letter name...), please let us know what they say!

I have no reason to believe BB doesnt work-at all. It's just to want expense. It goes without saying I one of the 'other' people who will not take hormone imbalancing drugs, call it ignorance or naiivty but I would have thought companies have a regulation to which drugs they can sell. If they dont what it does...well then thats wrong,surely?

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