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personal program questions


Hello! This is mg first post here so i hope im doing it okay
Anyway im 17 y/o and yes, some of you might say its too early to start worrying about breasts but im despred.
My whole family has a natural C-D cup, even my sister and shes 13 y/o, while im still on B cup.
I started recently eating cabbage every day, it didnt help alot, but it did allitle.
plus im eating apples everyday since i've heard it helps abit with the growth.

I've started eating flax seeds and massaging, i found some pretty good youtube videos here!
But the probleme is I cant get flax seed oil right now, and i was wondering if the massage will help even without the oil.
And another question, if ill stop the massaging my boobs will come back to their original size? Or stay in their new size?

Thanks for anyone who'll answer!

Massage always helps, regardless of using an oil. It is because of increasing the flow of blood in the chest area. As for its permanency, it all depends on the individual. since you are 17, do not take any strong herb, but try to eat healthy food. Flax seeds are very good for every one, it is full of Omega 3 fatty acids, and if you take the seeds they also are great for regularity. Good Luck, POM

You can eat asparagus, barley or rye. PreVitamins and vitamins A-E plus K according to the Daily Reference Intake or Optimum Daily Intake help your overall body function and breast health. A multivitamin can help with the rest, especially during menstruation. Eat fiber too. Massage helps, possibly because it increases prolactin, which in turn increases progesterone. You can also massage with unrefined olive oil.

Herbs shown to scientifically influence healthy breast tissue There are more herbs, but these have been proven by tests and published. These can be used topically. There's milk thistle too. See this MedLinePlus - Herbs and supplements for safety information.

There's temporary swelling at times, but if it stays past a month, it's pretty permanent, unless a drastic change happens.

Thank you so much! I was really worried about those stuff.
Ill keep doing those stuff and i hope i'll see an improvement soon!

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