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My personal program. (and pictures)


Hello ladies,

I have started my breast enhancement regime 2 days ago.
At the moment, it looks like this:

- PM (Ainterol) in the morning, the powder of the pill under tongue for 1 minute (after a week I will take it both morning and evening)
- breast massage (chyiomilk’s technique) in the morning and evening, with olive oil in which I’ve added powder from the PM capsules (I really don’t know if the powder will make any difference, since extract is the product that needs to be added to massages)
- I do the massage after dry brushing+warm shower
- krill oil, MSM and natural vitamin C
- hypnosis audio I have found online
- relatively healthy eating, with vegetable juice and protein salads, and eggs etc. I don’t eat junk food, but I do eat sweets once in a while, and I drink coffee, but I will be quitting coffee from tomorrow, because this regime is important to me.

In 2 weeks I will add organic vegan protein powder shakes daily.
I started in the 1st day of my period. And I will take PM for 15 days, and then switch to Fenugreek for the next days until my 1st day of period again. I will also switch to flaxseed oil while I am taking fenugreek.

I don’t know if I am estrogen dominant or not. I have always had regular periods and no pain. Last year I tried fenugreek and flaxseeds oil for about a month and I could see results, but I stopped. This time I am committed to keep the regime until I get my desired results no matter how long it takes.

I am 27 years old, my measurements are 85cm bust, 66cm waist, 95cm butt.

In the pictures you can see that my right breast is smaller. The difference is much more noticeable in pictures than in real. And the pictures are after my massage so they are a bit oily. The bra is a 34B, but my breasts don't fill it fully. (they do with a 34C bra)




I like my breasts, even if they are small they look nice. That’s one of the reasons I wouldn’t go under the knife, I’ve seen so many bad results, and if natural growth won’t work, I prefer my breasts as they are rather than regret.

I would appreciate any advice from you ladies, regarding my regime. And I will keep updating my thread with new results and pictures.



Hi Kayla, welcome to the forum Smile you have a pretty good size already but going bigger is always better! Lol your program looks good to me so far, if you want you can add pumping to it too. I'm doing pumping and BO and a lot of people have had good results with consistent pumping, but if not your program looks solid.

Good luck to you and happy growing!Smile

Welcome to the forum, Kayla, and, good luck, but, they already look GORGEOUS!!!! I CERTAINLY wouldn't call them, "small", either!!

Wow u already have a gorgeous pair. I would love to get that growth m will happily stop there. But yeah more the merrier Smile.

It program looks good. Wish u good luck with it goals.

Hello again ladies,

I am back with updates, after 2 months.

I have been taking PM and fenugreek like in my previous post, but i haven't been consistent with massaging, there have been days in a row when I wouldn't massage, days when I would massage once a day or 3 times a day.
I quit coffee for like 2 weeks, but now I'm a coffee addict again lol
I have done the hypnosis thing for like 5 days, and stopped, I didn't really like the program.

I've got some results, not a big difference, but it is something, and that makes me happy. My breasts are fuller and perkier, the pictures won't say much, but I can see the difference from one side, and in my hands.
Also, they are more even now, I have been massaging the right one more.

I wanted to ask you ladies if starting with next month I could skip the PM (next month i will finish the bottle and I cannot find it in my country), and just take Fenugreek (with other herbs? if yes, which ones would be best?) for the whole month.


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(26-04-2015, 22:32)sweets93 Wrote:  Hi Kayla, welcome to the forum Smile you have a pretty good size already but going bigger is always better! Lol your program looks good to me so far, if you want you can add pumping to it too. I'm doing pumping and BO and a lot of people have had good results with consistent pumping, but if not your program looks solid.

Good luck to you and happy growing!Smile

Thank you sweets93,

Yes, I am thinking of doing pumping, I want to buy the Bosom Beauty set, maybe next month.

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