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March 2 2009 at 7:51 PM Corinsa (Login Corinsa)
I am seriously considering quitting my program, even though I feel I am getting results because of acne. The acne on my face has really cleared up, but it's acne on my back!! I never had this before, besides the occasional one or two, but it is BAD!! I have a bunch of little ones, a few cystic ones, and a BUNCH of red scars. I know it's not bikini season yet, but I am afraid it will stay like this if I don't quit NBE. This is my current program:

Massage - 15 minutes
Fenugreek - 600mg
Flaxseed Oil - 1000mg
Nettle Root - 250mg
Collagen - 1500mg

Fenugreek - 600mg
Nettle Root - 250mg
Maca - 500mg
Fennel - 550mg

Massage - 15 minutes; Heating pad - 30minutes
Fenugreek - 600mg
Nettle Root - 250mg
Flaxseed oil - 1000mg
Collagen - 1500mg
Zinc - 30mg

I was taking 2600mg's of EPO a day, but it seemed to make it worse, so I took it out and upped my Flaxseed oil instead. I've also added zinc, I wash with tea tree oil organic wash, and I put a benzoyl peroxide lotion on after I shower. I shower immediately after working out. I don't know what else to do!! Any suggestions?!?

Does this normally happen? Should I stick with it and it will clear up, or should I stop until my back goes back to normal and start up slowly? I thought I started slow this time, so i am so frustrated! Any help would be appreciated!

(Login Antheia)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 1:45 AM


I'm not sure what you should take out, but when I was really young, like 10 through 12 years old, I had really bad back and chest acne (and face, well, I still have the face acne...blah), but after I stopped growing (in breasts, hips and height) at about 12 years old, the acne faded on its own. I have never had it before or since. I think it was from all of those lovely puberty hormones which resulted in my boobs, so maybe it's a good thing? Maybe it's a sign that your program is working? I dunno, just trying to stay positive. =)

It could be that you are throwing yourself way out of balance hormone-wise, too. Maybe your program is aggravating an underlying imbalance that you already had? I was going to suggest taking Saw Palmetto, but I see that you're already taking nettle root. Sorry that I'm not really much help, but hopefully my reply will bump this up so that someone who can help you sees it.

Take care, and good luck!

(no login)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 2:38 AM

I remember maca making me break out when i tried it. I think I remember reading that it increases testosterone levels but i'm not positive

(Login Corinsa)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 3:01 AM

Thanks for the reply Antheia (and the bump)!! I'm not sure which I am doing either, creating a huge hormonal imbalance or maybe creating hormones needed for NBE. . . maybe I will stick with it for another month or two because I think it's working for me. I am just embarassed by the back acne, I don't want my boyfriend to touch my back, see it, or tickle me. And I scar really easily, and don't want embarassing scars when I wear tank tops in the summer. Any suggestions from others would be greatly appreciated!!

(Login Corinsa)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 3:01 AM

Thanks for the reply Antheia (and the bump)!! I'm not sure which I am doing either, creating a huge hormonal imbalance or maybe creating hormones needed for NBE. . . maybe I will stick with it for another month or two because I think it's working for me. I am just embarassed by the back acne, I don't want my boyfriend to touch my back, see it, or tickle me. And I scar really easily, and don't want embarassing scars when I wear tank tops in the summer. Any suggestions from others would be greatly appreciated!!

(Login Antheia)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 3:47 AM

Hey girl, I know what you mean, it's like a toss up, pimples or boobs? =P I used to even get weird bumps on the tops of my thighs, I mean, what was that all about? I went through all of middle school and most of high school without wearing shorts! The bumps on my legs stayed with me for years, which stunk once I moved down to Florida when I was 13. Not wearing shorts + Florida's humidity + summer = one REALLY moody teenager.

Oh well, just hang in there, I hope something works out for you soon. I hope my little bumpy leg story gave you a smile, at least. Take care!


(Login Lillypilly)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 3:51 AM

Hey, you know my skin broke out really bad too for the first month or so??? Then it cleared up, and is the clearest it has ever been now... I started in November.

You are doing everything right with the tea-tree etc, maybe run some cold water over your back after you shower to close the pores.

When the weather warms up nothing is better for back acne than some salt water and a little sunshine - you know what that means! The BEACH!!

Smile Lilly

(Login Corinsa)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 5:20 PM

Thanks for the support Lilly! I wonder why all of a sudden my back would break out and not my face due to herbs? I have two on my face right now, but a lot more on my back. I'm not exaggerating either, it's really really bad. I have even tried going to the tanning bed twice a week to help clear it up, but that's not working either. Did your back break out or just your face? Well, I am going to stick with it for another couple of months and see how it goes. Hopefully mine will clear up as well. . . fingers crossed!

does anybody else have any suggestions or reasons why my back wouuld be breaking out and not my face? Waxingmoon any input from your abundance of knowledge?? :-)

(Login LaReve)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 5:26 PM

All I have to say is I feel your pain, sister. I have back acne and it sucks. I've never been able to figure out why. Usually it's just a summertime plague for me but come to think of it, it's winter right now and I have it. Hmmm... maybe it does have to do with our NBE projects? I like the idea that it's because our bodies are "going through puberty" again! Yeah! NBE is working!! Boobs should be sprouting any time now. ;-)

Good luck. I will be following this thread to see if anyone else can throw in some wisdom.

(no login)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 5:58 PM


Sorry to hear that hun! I can't imagine having to deal with that. I bet bra straps are irritating it even more Sad I'm not sure if this will work because I've never tried it myself, but a few friends and family members have had acne/small bumps that would darken on their upper arm area (scarring). I'm always reading up on products (JUNKIE!!) and recommended a Neutrogena body scrub that's meant to treat body acne. It seemed to help and definitely kept the problem at bay, and helped with reducing the scars that were there before they started using it (in my family, our skin gets darkly pigmented around scars, no matter how slight the wound is). I think it's all about exfoliation. But mind you, the acne wasn't cystic, so I would worry about applying a scrub and irritating it more. But maybe you can use this on left over scarred areas, or on areas with smaller bumps? If you're interested, you can find it in the facewash isle with all the other neutrogena stuff.

Sounds like you're on the right track with tea tree oil and drying the acne up! Good luck!

(Login Antheia)
Re: Acne!!
March 3 2009, 10:39 PM

Agh! I just noticed that I have a small break out on my back...a couple on my upper back, and 3 going down my back! All of the sudden, too, I was fine before this. Hmmm...I guess it is NBE, well, I hope that our "backne" is a sign that things are working!

Just thought I'd share, because I haven't had this problem since I stopped growing (ages 10-12).

Take care, everyone!


(Login Corinsa)
Re: Acne!!
March 5 2009, 1:22 PM

Thank you sunshine for letting me know what has worked in the past, I am going to go out and buy some today!!! I don't know why I thought of that before, a scrub to get rid of old skin cells and turn over new ones faster, plus an acne fighting cleanser. Brilliant! And thanks for the support ladies, and letting me know I am not the only one with thisSad Maybe we're getting it because we're going through "puberty" again to grow some boobies, but all I have to say is I hated puberty the first time and I hate it even more at 26!!!! I better get some beautiful breasts out of this, haha!!

Quick question though, does anyone thinking adding in milk thistle would help? I read that toxins can build up in the liver, causing acne. Would I have to quit taking my herbs to do a three week detox of the liver, or could I just add it in to my program?

(Login LaReve)
Re: Acne!!
March 5 2009, 2:45 PM

Hey Corinsa,
I was thinking- a lot of the NBE herbs are detoxifying. I have done nothing but read about herbs for days now and the more I find out, the more I think these herbs are bringing us into balance so much that our bodies are throwing off toxins that may have been in our systems for a while. I bet if we are just patient we will see a bunch of junk come out through our skin but then we will be cleansed and hopefully see some results in our bustlines too! I read that fenugreek, for example, breaks down hardened mucous in the body and forces it out.

Sooo... I bet if you added milk thistle to your program it would help with that cleanse, and hey you can't beat that herb- detox the liver AND work on NBE! (I was thinking about doing the same thing). It might not stop your acne right away but I bet it would be a step in the right direction. I personally keep going back and forth between breaking out and clearing up, even on my face, and I am in my thirties... so this is a true test for me! But I'm gonna keep on truckin' through these dang forsaken zits!

I agree, puberty sucked the first time and it's no more fun now! Haha!


(Login lilly-pilly)
Re: Acne!!
March 6 2009, 2:18 AM

Hey guys,

You know how I said my skin had cleared up???? Well I just realised that I haven't had many growing pains this month so have taken it as a sign to ramp up. And do you know what has happened???? I have a new little friend on my chinnie, chin, chin. Annnnnd, one on my chest (gross!). Since starting the ramp-up, my growing pains have really increased again.

The plot thickens.....

Also, any breakout on your chin and jawline, are usually due to (you guessed it) hormones!!!!!

Smile Lilly

(sorry the log-in is different was having problems with old account!)

(Login Corinsa)
Re: Acne!!
March 10 2009, 10:42 PM

Well when I increased my fenugreek, the acne on my back got worse, which I didn't even think was possible!!!! I just ordered some goat's rue to see how that will work for me, and will replace the fenugreek in my program with that instead. Cross your fingers for me, I'm really getting bummed about thisSad Anybody else had acne from fenugreek?

(Login Iza82)
Re: Acne!!
March 13 2009, 5:00 PM

I have had awful acne on WU. I had to stop after three or four months the first time cuz I couldn't take it. I'm also the kind of person who picks at it, so I had an awfully scarred face for a while. Finally I stopped for the whole summer and started again in November. I am determined to get through this acne thing without scarring my face this time.

I have a darker complexion so I go tanning every now and again to blend in the marks from the acne.

I've noticed lately that I've gone further this time than last time and now my acne is clearing up. So maybe your body just has to get used to it?

I know, it really sucks. But yeah, it's a toss up. At least you know that when you are done with your routine the acne will go away.

You'll have bigger boobs forever and acne only temporarily Smile

(Login Corinsa)
Re: Acne!!
March 13 2009, 6:14 PM

I have stopped taking my fenugreek for about three days now, and my acne is getting better. Then again, I also use the Neutrogena body scrub then a tea tree oil wash in the shower, then proactiv lotion in the morning. At night, I use salyclic acid pads before bed. I read that the back is much tougher skin than the face, so you usually have to use more intensive treatment like that to make a difference. My goat's rue should be in tomorrow, so I will see how that works for me. If that causes acne too, I will just stop the galactagogue's and probably increase my fennel. Hopefully that will work!

Iza - how long have you been on WU this time around and your acne is clearing up? I like to think my body and skin are detoxing and it's a sign that this is working, but I can't handle the acne on my back. It's terrible, I can't exaggerate how bad it is. Plus, I am very fair skinned and scar easily, so it will take months for the scars to go away and I want to wear a bikini this summer! Hopefully I can figure out a program that will give me clear skin and big boobs, I can hope, right?!? Smile

(Login Iza82)
Re: Acne!!
March 14 2009, 7:28 AM

I've only been on the WU a little longer than last time. Last time when I got the acne I more or less freaked out and stopped because I wasn't used to it... So I would say it's been a little over three months, maybe two weeks or so, and only in the past week I noticed it clearing up, not a whole lot, but definitely enough to notice.

Like you I was getting the cyst-like acne, but also with a little bit of clusters of the superficial stuff. The cyst like acne has not resurfaced in at least two weeks... but when I had it, it was BAD!

Maybe yours will go away if you ride it out for a bit. I definitely recommend taking better care of your skin than your used to. For me I use a scrub and I put some acne cream on in the morning and night, and vitamin E to fade the scars.

The best advice I can give you is not to pick at it. When I was younger I had something similar on my back (really bad cysts) and it was awful, but I definitely made it worse by picking.

Anyway, I wish you luck!

(Login diamarena)
Re: Acne!!
July 12 2009, 8:33 AM


Yes, I am getting acne from my Fenugreek+FlaxSeed routine, I fear that as it was mentioned in here, we might be messing with an imbalance that was already there before.

Or really just pushing puberty to come back with all its nasty side-effects.

Any updates or new ideas?

(Login periwinkle12)
acne as well...
July 12 2009, 10:20 PM

Getting acne on my face and chest too. Real big bumps that hurt. I'm taking fenugreek and hops. I think it's the fenugreek, so I'm going to half my intake of it and see if it makes a difference.

(Login prettypurplekao)
Re: Acne!!
August 8 2009, 6:19 AM

I've always had acne, I'm a veteran now (11 years of acne woohoo) on my face. I broke out with small little bumps when I first started massaging with borage oil and fenugreek. I stopped massaging with it for a month and used Bella's PM cream on my chest and the bumps went away. I am using borage oil and Fenugreek again now and no acne so far on the chest. I normally have acne on my forehead or at least that's where it's been for as long as I can remember and sometimes around the mouth during my period. I now have constant acne on my chin and lower cheeks, still a little on my forehead as well and on my cheekbones near my ears as well. All concentrated on my face. Not sure what this means, I haven't tried tea tree oil in years. I use cetaphil and then put Bella's PM cream on my face at the moment. It is definitely helping the scars and bettering my complexion but my acne hasn't improved in a while. Just thought I'd give this thread a bump.

Also I don't mind too much because it seems like my mood has at least improved and I feel like the Fenugreek is working. I'm sticking with the Fenugreek for a while this I am sure.

(Login chinky_marie)
Re: Acne!!
August 31 2009, 7:34 PM

Geez. . . I already have pretty bad acne and spent the last few years trying to clear it up. I recently found an all-natural product that has been working wonders for me- My acne isn't completely gone but my face looks the best it ever has and I have a hunch that after my liver cleanse it's going to get even better. I'm really worried that starting my program next spring will make my acne come back and I'll be right back at step one, but it's common sense that all the toxins and build-up in my system are probably the reason why I have acne anyway, so I'll just have to tough it out. But it sounds like you guys have been at it for months now and your acne hasn't gotten better or cleared up. I figured that after a while of cleansing your body that it would ease up, right?? I haven't started my program yet but I'd very much like to avoid making a current problem even worse, so any tips or advice would be great =)

(Login Wahaika)
Re: Acne!!
August 31 2009, 10:34 PM

Try cod liver oil. Thanks CousinRose!

This message has been edited by Wahaika on Aug 31, 2009 10:35 PM

(Login chinky_marie)
Re: Acne!!
August 31 2009, 11:52 PM

Cod liver oil for acne??

(Login ashleyjt)
Re: Acne!!
September 1 2009, 1:32 AM

i dont consider that a big problem bc ive been living w/ bad back acne for almost 10 years now. id rather get boobs and have acne.

This explains why I am breaking out all over, except my face. Arms and legs mainly and on my tummy.

Thanks for the thread

NBE and Acne...?
June 9 2008 at 5:23 AM Redqueen13 (Login Redqueen13)
Hey everyone,

Wondering if anyone can give me any feedback on this. I've been breaking out lately and want to get it under control. Here's a bit of history about me:

I was on the pill since 18 (now 25) and tried going off of it last year, during which time I slowly started to break out worse and worse. I ended up going back on it after 6 or so months because the acne was making me depressed. But now, I've decided to go off it once and for all and its making me break out again. I've noticed I seem to be breaking out more this past week, specifically the past few days and I'm wondering if I could attribute it to my taking 4 full potential pills a day, rather than 2. Since the FP doses are low I'm concerned about it not being so effective.

I've read here and there that vitex is supposed to balance hormones, but I dont' understand why people take it with NBE if their goal is to raise the estrogen levels. If that didn't conflict with NBE, perhaps that would help with my skin.

I guess its the lower estrogen levels in the pill that kept me from breaking out before.... anyone else have this problem, breaking out after the pill?

(Login tinacker)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
June 9 2008, 9:45 AM

I have the same problem. I started taking WU 2 months ago and have noticed that my skin have gotten a lot better. I also take Vitamin E. I still break out a little when starting my period bu nothing like before. It has really helped me out.

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
June 9 2008, 11:11 AM

Try using a salycilic facial wash to try and combat these pimples, and I also think they have a special acne moisturizing lotion that might be worth a shot too. I think its a side effect many women get from NBE - for some it seems to disappear after a few months once our bodies adjust, for others it just sticks around. Try not to pick at them though or it will leave some scarring.

(Login Redqueen13)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
June 11 2008, 6:44 PM


Did you start taking the vitamin E at the same time as WU? Did you take Vitamin E for your acne?

Mine seems to have gotten worse when I tried doubling the dose of Full potential pills.

Maybe I should stay away from the wild yam and fenugreek in FP and try WU. Any results yet?

(Login firish69)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
June 11 2008, 7:01 PM

my skin has cleared up alot on wonder up ,but i think it may be the milk thistle thats in it

I also started pharmasutical grade fish oil with omega 3 6 and 9

itake 4000 mg a day currently till my acne is fully gone then will go down to 2000

its not only about what u eat its what u dont thats real important
U need protien fresh veggies and lose the sugar soda and junk food
las but not least exersize (sweat)or take a sauna if ur lucky enuf

add sugar to ur facial cleanser every other day to assist ,just put a tsp in ur hand and add it ur cleanser/or soap )

mabe add sawpalmetto too but i know 1 ,all or the combo cleared me up alot Smile

hope that helps
p.s no luck with the boobies yet

(no login)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
June 12 2008, 2:21 AM

Hi there! I don't think you can isolate the problem too quickly. While I was taking Fenugreek I did experience mild acne but this eventually cleared up after a week. Perhaps it could be high testosterone levels, in this case, Saw Palmetto would be a nice addition to your program.

Try not to look at that effect particularly, if you have been experiencing coarser hair, dandruff and acne simultaneously you might have PCOS. Try to get your hormone levels checked.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
June 12 2008, 8:48 PM

Going off BCP causes definitely causes breakouts of acne, because your estrogen levels suddenly decrease an your androgen levels suddenly increase. Androgens are the most important cause of acne in women. Going off BCP also throws your hormons out of balance so it's really bad for NBE. Why are you going off? I'd avoid it if possible. But you could help yourself with nettle root for acne and also vitex, but the later takes longer time to work I think. You could also take both.

(no login)
To Redqueen13
June 12 2008, 10:59 PM

I've left you message couple of days ago about Acne on the PM page under the thread "Very Cranky", check it out and hope it's help.

(Login tinacker)
Sorry for the very late response
July 30 2008, 3:17 PM

Hey Redqueen. I feel my skin has gotten better but still when my periods comes I break out. It is very annoying. Everyone says drink a lot of water and I think I drink more than enough 2-4 liters a day. I know that the water and the vitamin E have made my skin a lot more radiant minus the sometimes large red spotsSad

I do like WU, I think I have gotten Fuller but not much of a real change for far. I will continue the program until for another 6 months, if I don't have any results after that then I will try something else. Figured I would give WU a good try considering everyone who has stuck with the plan has gotten some results.

Again sorry for the late response, I was going through the threads and came across this one and realized you had asked a specific question.

(no login)
Acne & Saw Palmetto
August 6 2008, 7:48 PM

I got off BCP one cycle before starting NBE. My acne since starting on herbs has been really bad the whole cycle, not just PMS. i am already taking saw palmetto. Should i take more or is my body still adjusting?

(Login angelrage)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
August 6 2008, 9:54 PM

that's me ^ Angel, got my login set up now.

(Login Redqueen13)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
August 7 2008, 1:43 AM

Hi Angel,

My answer about the acne is: I don't know.

I was on both Red Clover and Saw Palmetto and it seemed to get a bit better when I was taking both 3x a day, but then i stopped getting the aching breast-feeling.

So, I've gone back down to 2x a day (both about 500mg each) and i seemed to break out a bit more.

I think the using a steam sauna helped a bit for the two days consecutively that I did it... I think I will continue doing that this week every day and see how that goes (simmer lavender flowers in hot water and when its not too too hot, hold my head over the pot - once I remove it from heat - and put a towel over my head to keep the steam in).

Anyways... I'm going to try saw palmetto alone this week (but with a little soymilk) and then possibly introduce some wild yam. My acne went away when I was on ortho tri cyclen (but I was moody and sensitive a *lot*) so maybe I need saw palmetto to reduce the androgens and some estrogen (soy) and some progesterin... I dunno.

And to answer moon: A lot of doctors might not advise going off the pill, but my emotional and physical health is more important than anyone's opinion or personal experience. It is difficult because sometimes I want to go back on the pill to avoid pregnancy and clear up my skin, but sometimes things just aren't that easy...

(no login)
August 8 2008, 12:01 AM

When you're doing NBE and it's working and you're trying to re-create puberty to make the girls grow; you're gonna get pimples. I've been getting them pretty bad and I know I'm growing cuz my bras are fuller. I've been trying to treat them and everytime I get them under control I get another batch of them. It's pretty embarassing to be getting pimples at my age!
As a matter of fact I never did get them this bad when I was going through puberty. Think we've maybe hit on something that's showing your routine is working?

(Login kieyah)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
August 8 2008, 5:30 PM

taking pumpkin seed oil internally really helped me when I had bad breakouts from herbs. I stopped taking fenugreek and increased fennel to replace it and the acne stopped. Now I only get a few during pms, as now i use an asprin mask topically.

(Login Redqueen13)
Re: NBE and Acne...?
August 9 2008, 5:29 PM


It looks like when I googled pumpkin seed oil that it has high fatty acids. I currently take hemp seed oil capsules (which are high in omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids plus GLA - all good for the skin) but i have only been taking 2000 mg a day. Maybe I should up that to at least 3000 mg.

How much pumkin seed oil did you take?

And, I don't have a problem with the occasional pimple, but I have a large area near my chin that has quite a few... it's pretty noticable and not so nice Sad

I'm wondering whether I should keep taking the red clover because I read in the herbal info pages here that it might not work so well with saw palmetto. Maybe I should do fennel instead... I don't think fenugreek agreed too well with me when I used it previously (moodiness).

Thanks for all the tidbits everyone... I haven't seen much growth but that's okay - I do have slight aches and pains and that's it. It's all about getting the right routine, being consistent and being patient (so I keep saying).

acne! Sad(
March 27 2007 at 10:22 PM dunny (Login lil_dunny)
just terrible acne, got so much worse in the last few days... yeah i've been stressed, a bit, but this is unbearable! not so much face acne, oddly, but on my neck, and worst of all, on my chest! it's awful Sad makes me want to cry. how am i supposed to let my man anywhere near my breasts when the skin is so inflamed and bumpy Sad(
leaving on a trip with him today for 10 days and i guess the best solution is stop taking all herbs and stop using the boobie batter in the meantime :-\

(Login -Moon-)
Re: acne! Sad(
March 29 2007, 7:05 PM

Zinc helps with acne. I also read someone write not long ago that applying aspirin topically on the face helps greately (but I'm not sure if it wasn't you :p).

(Login BiggerBoobsPlease)
Re: acne! Sad(
March 29 2007, 7:49 PM

l'il dunny...I feel for ya girl! I had the same thing happen just before my trip to Florida with my husband, but mine was all on my face. It took a week or so to clear, but it seems to have passed. I hope it clears for you soon. Drink as much water as possible, it is great for the skin.


Ask, Believe and you will Receive

(no login)
March 29 2007, 11:48 PM

i used to have that problem and tried everything including zinc, healthy diet, flaxseed oil etc. but nothing really cleared it, still got bumps on my neck and then started taking vitex and saw palmetto 3 months ago, my acne has completely cleared

any acne you get like that is hormonal so the only real solution is to deal with the cause of the imbalance ie. vitex to rebalance hormones and saw palmetto to block androgens.

(no login)
March 31 2007, 1:48 PM

Hey tirrian,

Just wanted to know - did you have any blackheads before taking vitex - and did they disappear? I just ask, as my acne whitheads don't bother me too much, and come and go - but my blackheads are so permanent and look awful. I suppose it should work theoretically?

Hope to hear from you

Ps any vitex growth? I've been on it 3 months and have really tender breasts/painful nipples - it's actually the wrong time of cycle to be luteal swelling - so hoping it's something happening. They are definitely fuller. It's actually made my acne worse - but I just feel like my body is like it was at 14 which can't be bad! Maybe I could benefit from the SP.

(no login)
March 31 2007, 3:06 PM

...although i know vitex doesn't work for acne in my case - I'm still asking as I untimately want to know if blackheads respond to herbal rememdies of any kind in the same way acne does. (as my blackheads are permanent - not relying on a hormone cycle like my acne).....

....just re read and made no sense!


(Login BObabe)
acne! Sad(
April 1 2007, 1:16 PM

I'm a bit of a zit enthusiast...gross, I know!
If your main concern is blackheads that are in the same place and have been there forever (Not new whiteheads, pustules,etc...) and there's never any inflamation or built up ouch factor behind them, you've most likely got pores that just need to be cleaned out. To much dead skin built up and whatnot. I would suggest one or a combination of the following options:

-steam your face with hot-but not burning-moist heat a couple times a day to open up your pores. You can get facial steamers, but I find filling the sink with hot water, draping a towel over your head to make a tent and leaning over the sink for a while to trap your face in the steam works just as well and it's free!

-use a good exfoliating scrub, but don't be so harsh you scratch yourself. Either a scrub from your pharmacy-made for face, or some like making up home scrubs from honey, lemon and sugar, or avacado, honey and sugar....

-Does your local pharm. carry Biore cleaning strips? you steam your face good, put the strip on the affected area, wait till it dries up and ripit off...Ha! kinda like pulling a bandaid, but is fun to see the stuff yanked out of one's pores! You might have to do this a couple of times a wekk for a week or two, but normally helps

-Get a full facial done at a day spa where they also do extractions......sounds unpleasant, but actually feels quite good.

Anyhow, Best of luck to you!

(Login rose34)
red zits!!!
April 1 2007, 10:20 PM

hi there katherine..

maybe you can help me i am coming out with red horrible zits on my face the ones that you can feel the pain as they are pushing out....gross!!! anythng i can put on them to stop the redness...i'm desperate my hubby keeps calling me zit face....Wink!!


(Login BObabe)
red zits!!!
April 1 2007, 11:20 PM

Ouch, that sounds like it hurts!

The first thing you need to do is give your hubby a good swift kick in the butt! LOL...SOOOOOOO not helpful!

The only thing I can comment on is from my own experience and "the word on the street" so to speak.

Not knowing your program are you taking SP or Vitex? These are both supposed to be quite helpful in this regard, but do take a bit of patience to reap the benefits.

I'm a big believer that what you put into your body has to come out and skin, as the largest organ is prime toxin landfill site. Drink lots of water!!!

In terms of immediate redness coverage, Visine (eye drops for red eye relief) is supposed to help take the red out of zits. Personally haven't tried it yet, but have talked to others who swear by it!

I like making Oatmeal paste (just oats with a bit of lemon juice) and putting it on like a mask. Put it in the fridge first to make it cold and it's quite soothing -but might nip a bit if you've got open sores!

Or put ice cube on it for 5 min throughout the day can help calm them down a bit.

I can't say for certain what will work for you, but sometimes doing something (as long as it's not harmful) feels better than doing nothing!

Good luck, rose

(no login)
red zits
April 1 2007, 11:45 PM

lol......Smile!!! yeh i did that already.... yeh i've been on vitex for 3 months and saw plamettto for about 2 not seen a huge differance in zit control but periods are sorting themselves out....thanks for the response i'll give it a go hopefully stop the zits from popping out...!! lol

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Re: acne! Sad(
April 1 2007, 11:46 PM

Hey girl, sounds like you need a QUICK fix. Steam and then pat your self dry, then swab the affected areas with perioxde, they kind you buy at the grocery store or drug store. If it is only on you body parts swab it on and let it dry. If you have some on your face swab on face for 2 minutes then rinse with cold water. Should see clearing after a few treats. Do it 2 or 3 times a day, with the perioxde that is. steam once a day. Good Luck, you still have 10 days, don't panic.

(Login rose34)
red zits!!!
April 2 2007, 12:01 AM

lol..i did that already maybe should do it again..!!!Wink

ive been on SP for about 2 months and and vitex for 3 months not much differance to teh acne but periods are sorting themselves out ....i'll give it a go hopefully it will stop the zits from popping out...!!!


(Login Sarabell239)
asprin mask
April 2 2007, 12:34 AM

This is the only thing that has helped me with my terrible acne. YOu can use it on your face for sure, i havent tried it on my body but i am sure you can.
for my face, i take 2 uncoated generice asprin, put a few drops of filtered water on it to help it disolve and make a paste, then add some honey. Rub this on your face and gently exfoliate, then leave it on for like 15 min, then wash off, again gently scrubbing. After I wash this off, I use a toner I made that is 50/50 Apple cider vinegar/home brewed green tea. works like a charm. good luck, hope you find relief!

I had bad acne and I treat it with Neutragena clarifying cleanser and liquid body wash. I used anti scar skin cream for scars on my arms and streatch marks.

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