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Another new program. *sigh*


I'm back.... yes, I am starting yet ANOTHER program. lol. As some of you know, I have gained 3'' since I started NBE. I am very happy with this size but like most of us, bigger is better, so my journey must continue. lol.

Since, my last program ended, I have gained 25lbs. Yes, the largest I've EVER been. I quit drinking and dropped 5 pounds... than nothing. So, I decided to try a low-carb diet. I'm between a keto/atkins diet. I started on the 4th at 135, I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 128. Two days ago I also started a 30 day glute challenge and on my rest days I will be doing my upper body workout (resistance only) I am trying to lose the last of my weight by my birthday in February. I will not be starting a boobie program until I am back to my original weight of 115-120lbs to ensure I don't mess with the progress for my breasts or my body. I will be taking the rest of my non-herbal supplements to get ready for my new order.

I will be starting with pumping/massaging first, I am going to use a costume mixture of flax seed, castor oil, 20% vit c serum, spearmint oil and PM. I've never tried flax and am eager to see if it improves my results. I like castor because it softens my skin along with lightening my stretch marks. Vit C helps lighten skin and scars and increase E. Mint will hopefully block some T. And PM because DUH, it has worked wonders when i use it to massage. I will make my serum/oil before each session. Session times will be at least 15min and may include a hydropumping session after/before. I will keep a notebook of times/methods when i start.

I am on a BC called Microgestin Fe 1.5/30 It has drastically helped my cycle. I will continue on this pill as long as my Dr. will allow it.

After a month I will start to including non-herbal supplements. The following month I will add glandulars, after a month i will switch the glandulars with herbal supplements for another month. The following month I will include both glandulars and herbal. Obviously, I will show you my supplements and amounts before I start my programs each month. I will also post before photos and progress photos the start of each new "month" along with measurements. My boobie goal is 38''. Here's a little run down of my future program.

Lose weight... as long as it takes (fingers crossed by february)

Month 1 (after weight loss) Pumping/massage with my custom oil/serum

Month 2 add non-herbal supplements & pump/massage

Month 3 add glandulars & pump/massage

Month 4 stop glandulars, start herbal supplements & pump/massage

Month 5 take both glandular and herbal supplements & pump/massage

Month 6 take a break from EVERYTHING

Wish me luck, and I hope to update SOON!

Looks like a good program. Best of luck! Smile

I suggest that you start your 1st month routine now and keep it up while you lose your weight. This should maintain your boob size while you loose from the rest of your body, I fear if you don't then your boobs will go with the rest.

Here's my photo as of today. They need more tissue up top and i still need to get more volume on my left side to even them out. Fingers crossed this program is my last. Lol

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

I have made some progress with my weight loss, woo hoo! My starting waist was 29'' and I'm down to 27.5'' and finally dropped from 128.3 to 127.2.

The one thing I didn't learn about a keto/low carb diet, until too late.... it can trigger your cycle.... FML, I finally got my cycle on track last month with the consistent BC usage. LOL, so much for that. Oh well, I guess I just have more estrogen to work with for my boobies.

I think I will order my oils today for my massages, then I can start when I'm to my goal weight, or as James suggested if my breasts start losing mass. I'm going to try high pressure pumping this weekend, to see if I can get some good swelling. I'm right on the line of needing new cups.... I think. I do not fill my cups but my breasts are too wide for them. I have to bend forward to get all the tissue in. It is causing the tissue to fill at the bottom of the cups with little expansion and I really want to boost the bottom half of my breasts. *sigh*

I placed my order for the oils. I haven't lost anything in my breasts yet, but they are starting to feel less full. So, I might just start the oils before I reach my goal.

As far as my keto... I got the keto flu, it comes and goes in spurts. I'm taking it as a good sign of my progress. Still on my period with no signs of it letting up... which isn't horrible considering saturday it is going to be "due" and maybe once I start my BC again I will be more regular.

I placed my order for latisse which I will start when it arrives alone with my "rogaine" I am doing research on the best anti-androgen for hair growth (which will also benefit my breast development) I will not add that until I start my vitamins.

I'm feeling pretty positive about my program, hopefully it gets me to my goal!

Hi Smile massaging /pumping can be very effective, would like to see your results !

I received my oils and I have them all mixed and ready to go. I only have 11lbs to go... i might only decide on 6lbs more to lose, i don't want all my fat to disappear and affect my breasts/butt.

I also finally started taking my vitamins and doing my hair growth routine. (today... ha, better late than never)

I have been pumping my breast (about every 3 days) and my lips (everyday) I am massaging them and using light pressure when pumping while soaking in a nice hot bath. It really helps me relax and keeps the blood in my breasts. which, hopefully makes a difference.

i've been using my oils. i'm nearly to my goal. I've hit 124.5 at my last weigh in. I haven't measured myself yet or taken updated photo. I will take pictures on the 10th or around that day.

I have had lots of growing pains throughout the days. which is always exciting. Haven't been pumping as often as I was Sad but that should pick up once i'm in my own place again.

the eyelash/brow serum is already working, woo hoo. I feel really good about my program so far. I also started waist training again.

slowly but surely. Smile progress is progress.

Go girl! You are doing awesome. Sounds like you've made great progress with your goals so far.

Wow.. looks like a very well thought out plan. I was thinking of adding spearmint to my routine to block the androgens. Amazed you were able to grow 3 inches before. Good job on that one.. and good luck on this journey.

btw when you say lip pumping, you mean using suction on your lips? I used to do that but gave up after a week because everything I'd read said it wasn't permanent. Have you noticed any long term permanence?

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