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Beer for breasts


Beer for breasts
January 18 2007 at 3:12 AM Surf (Login Surf.)
From Fox News -

Bulgarian Beer Boasts Breast-Boosting Benefits
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

For those looking to boost their bust size sans surgery, Boza beer may be just the ticket.

Men from across Europe are flocking to Bulgaria to buy the beverage, which has been reported to have breast-boosting properties.

The libation is skyrocketing in popularity as a gift from hopeful men to their wives and girlfriends.

The beer is made from fermented wheat flour and yeast, and it's unknown what the ingredient may be that leads to the buxom aftereffects, reported Ananova.

One buyer from Romania bought a case for his wife in the Bulgarian town of Ruse.

"I really hope I see an improvement," he told Ananova.

Klaus Schmidt, landlord for an Austrian ski resort, said he's planning an upcoming trip to get a hold of the useful elixir.

"I had heard of Boza before, but it was always so expensive once the tax was added. But now that's gone I'm going to start offering the drink to my après-ski customers," he added.,2933,244013,00.html

heee heee... I just had to post!

(Login Diana1978)
oh my
January 18 2007, 3:36 AM

i cant believe that guy said he hopes he sees an improvement! like small breasts are a sickness. wow. if he were my hubby i'd conk him upside the head for saying something stupid like that. only we get to complain about our small boobies! Smile that was interesting. i wonder what gives the effect? i could stand getting getting a little tipsy right about now. lol

(Login Lillea)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 18 2007, 3:47 AM

Whoa, that's crazy! Actually, many people are intolerant to wheat (and other foods that contain 'gluten' (rye, spelt, triticale, kamut, barley) and it can mess up hormones big time. That's what happened to me, it seems. Beer still has gluten in it. Sad No, not good for bigger boobs at all.

(Login Magickwomun)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 18 2007, 4:30 AM

Beer is made from hops right? Isn't hops good for NBE? It would be great if we could get hammered while increasing our boobs, but unfortunately we would also end up increasing our guts. If that beer thing is ligit, it will blow up and become a huge success but i'm not holding my breath until it does. I'll stick to hops tea!

(Login Halome)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 18 2007, 4:51 AM

Darn! I just created an account to post that article but someone beat me to it! haha!
I think I'd give it a try maaaaaybe.. I'd probably gag because beer smells horrible to me... but I want boobs... I can barely drink even a quarter of my soy shake every night without gagging *cries* I try thoooough!

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 18 2007, 10:13 AM

haha, that's really funny, actually where i'm from it's like an old fols tale that drinking beer makes your boobs grow, i think i was also told to put onions on them and hit them with a wooden spoon ;-))
i used to drink beer quite a lot when i was younger but it didn't affect my boobs;-(
but i know some men who developed big boobs in their forties/fifties because of years of regular beer consumption so maybe you need to spend like twenty to thirty years drinking beer every day and then you will have giant boobs. you might also have a giant belly to complement your boobs

(Login gingerD)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 18 2007, 10:29 AM

Any one found the actual ingredients,i am willing to make the stuff!!!!-i love beer and have always wanted to make home brew and this justs adds to the incentive-might end up an alco but id av massive boobs, n a big beer belly to match lol

(Login gingerD)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 18 2007, 10:30 AM

Mark LOL-where the hell r u from-onions and wooden spoons-LOL that is so funny iv never herd anything like it.

(Login emmiedee)
i might be able to find out...
January 18 2007, 1:40 PM

i will ask a bulgarian friend of mine if he can find out the ingredients... but it will be funny because how am i supposed to ask? "uh... you know that beer that is supposed to make your boobs bigger? whats in that stuff?" that will go over well, especially because i met him through a work-related thing so its not like we are big drinking buddies... plus his english isnt great, and my bulgarian is non-existent...

but it will be worth a fun try! i will let you know if he responds... or just tells me im crazy (which is possible). anyone with good ideas of how to approach the topic, let me know!

haha... brew up some boobies!

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 18 2007, 2:12 PM

Not to be a downer about the beer... There is a link between alcohol and breast cancer. It is recommended that women drink no more that one alcohol beverage in a 24 hour period.

One study I read said the risk was an impressive 40 percent greater in those women who drank verus those women who did not. Those are frightening statistics and I have yet to find any study that refutes it.

Hops yes, alcohol no. Even if that beer would make me a 36E, in my opinion it is not worth the risk.

(Login emmiedee)
January 18 2007, 5:10 PM

i just read an article a week or two ago on that talked about how alcohol (in moderation, of course!) can be good for you, but it was a study with a male focus group. it was more about blood pressure and mentioned nothing about cancer.

i dont know... seems like everything these days can cause cancer. i dont smoke, i try not to use the microwave as much, i toss on some sunscreen, but i cant change EVERYTHING on the off-chance that im going to get cancer from it. there are plenty of people who do the right thing and get it anyway... thats just how i look at it...

but hey, back to topic, how on earth would i bring the beer ingredients up to a bulgarian i know from work that speaks limited english??

(Login Diana1978)
January 18 2007, 5:23 PM

you might not have to ask after all, is this right?

(Login gingerD)
January 18 2007, 5:26 PM

LOL!!!-well u could ask him to do a survey on the women where he is,in his opinion those that drink loads of beer, are they more endowed than those who don't drink,if he could get a poll on 100 women we would have a good idea+i can imagin its a good pulling tactic-"hey babe my lady friend is doing a survey on breast and beer you'd be helping out alot of women if u could just show em to me"-or he could get plenty of slaps,either way im sure it would be a good laugh
Emmie seriously u could start a proper statistic here, he could get his mates involved and b4 we know it we have surveyed 80% of bulgarian women
and we would know the truth then.

(Login Alcest)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 18 2007, 6:11 PM

Someone told me about this at work on Monday... it made me feel sick. Especially the "men flocking to get it" part.

(no login)
Re: Yahoo - Let's get some Boza Beer!!!
January 19 2007, 3:11 PM

The reputed breast growth properties of this beer is not based on hops, as is usually the case, but on other ingredients.

breast growing beer!!
April 27 2007 at 9:59 PM Anonymous (no login)
Looks like this beer could make womens breasts grow! any1 herd of this beer in uk? it's supposed to be sweeping europe.

(Login Lisa121)
Re: breast growing beer!!
April 28 2007, 4:33 PM

Sounds interesting, check out this link, it tells you how to make your own Boza Beer.

(Login Corrie73)
Re: breast growing beer!!
April 29 2007, 2:00 AM

Beer is made from hops and grains. I feel that beer, especially the heavy darker beer, is good for NBE. But that's just my intuitive feeling.

Good luck everyone!

(Login Jenneelle)
Re: breast growing beer!!
April 29 2007, 8:00 AM

Well this beer apparently contains barley and oats which were both used in Eve's program, so I suppose it has some credibility.

(Login WiccanWoman123)
Re: breast growing beer!!
April 29 2007, 1:25 PM

I suppose it might help but on the same token the alcohol might not be good for NBE ?

(no login)
Re: breast growing beer!!
May 16 2007, 1:35 AM

seeing all theser articles about "hopeful men" buying boza for their wives makes me so sad i could kill myself

if you are so upset with your wives breasts why are you even with her? thank god i dont have to deal with ******* men like that in my relationships. sadly i work around them in entertainment every day and they make me sick. when im home with my bf who LOVES my small boobs i just try to pretend those creeps dont exist

(no login)
Re: breast growing beer!!
May 16 2007, 11:05 PM

I don't think boza beer has any hops. It's based on millet.

????about BEER???
January 10 2007 at 8:07 PM chiquita83 (Login chiquita83)
i have read several contradicting theories that beer is either good or bad for NBE, i think on one thread it said beer is an estrogenic im a bit confused if its okay to have some...see i have a few beers every sunday(football sunday) and maybe one or two during the week...eventhough im not on herbs yet i have been massaging and it hasnt stopped any of the aches and fact after having beer i actually start aching more....not sure why but i figure if beer is made with hops and barley (NBE herbs) could it really be that bad???any advice pls????thxSmile

(Login mountainkat)
Re: ????about BEER???
January 10 2007, 8:45 PM

If beer is helping with your growth then I wouldn't be worried if I were you. Maybe you need the extra estrogen. But I do believe it can effect some people negetively. Ever noticed some men who drink a lot of beer have little, but larger than average boobies for a man? I don't think it effects all men though, because some estrogen is even benificial for men because a lot of them have too much testosterone and androgens which causes hair loss. But too much of anything is not healthy.

(Login jellyboobs)
Re: ????about BEER???
January 10 2007, 10:25 PM

just watch out for a growing tum too ! thats all love jellydeee..

(Login sam76)
Re: ????about BEER???
January 11 2007, 8:17 AM

Ever noticed some men who drink a lot of beer have little, but larger than average boobies for a man? I think this is because they're getting fat!

(Login Alison.)
Re: ????about BEER???
January 12 2007, 5:43 PM

In Central Europe it's a big tradition that beers cause breast growth.

Beer ?
January 25 2006 at 5:21 PM Wendy (no login)
Of course I know alchol in general is not a healthy thing but if you do drink on occasion should beer be the drink of choice? I know hops plays a rolein NBE. All my friends who have always been beer drinkers(I am 34)do have bigger boobs. I usually choose red wine when having a drink but I am thinking about switching. Any thoughts?

(no login)
Re: Beer ?
January 25 2006, 5:29 PM

well some members started using beer as a regular part of their NBE routine in hopes it would help with NBE. i was a fairly interesting discussion on beer and NBE.
beer is known to increase prolactin levels and in men who drink excessivly it can cause NBE. so some women believed that will would help with NBE. but the problem is that you have to drink a whole lot to recieve enough of a benifit and there are more health conserns with that aspect then with one could benifit with NBE. members have tried to drink beer as a part of their routine. but so far ist been at least a year and i havnt heard much success from that experiment. but you can check for is made from hops which is a common NBE herb and contains one of the strongest phyoestrogens. but i dont think that you can benifit from those estrogens in beer though.

(no login)
Re: Beer ?
January 25 2006, 7:18 PM

You would have to choose a beer that was high in hops for there to be any chance it would work (Guinness for example).

(no login)
January 26 2006, 6:17 PM

Thanks. I think I may try substituting beer for wine and see if there is any increase. I seem to be at a stand still in progress.

(no login)
Re: Thanks
January 26 2006, 6:23 PM

you may have better chance with massages (increasing the duration and/or frequency) and pumping (with a lactation pump). those are some better alternatives then beer but i hope that what ever you do you jump start your growth. good luck Wendy.

(no login)
Re: Thanks
January 27 2006, 1:28 PM

Guinness or other hoppy beers make your breasts grow? I so wish I believed in that.

Root Beer
March 15 2008 at 11:58 PM
Hopeful88 (Login Hopeful88)
I had some root beer today (I know it is carbonated & full of sugar and caffeine but I couldn't resist!) So as I was drinking I started to wonder where it gets all of its flavors from. I then looked it up online and alot of it comes from the plant Sarsaparilla (as well as Licorice Root, Anise, and Nutmeg!) I then came across some sites saying how Sarsaparilla is related to Progesterone synthesis and such:

"Sarsaparilla contains the amino acids methionine and cystein. Sarsaparilla contains a sapogen called diosgenin which contains the female hormone progesterone and male hormone testosterone. Sarsaparilla helps strenghten the nerve fibers and tissue of the brain, spinal cord, lungs, and throat. Sarsaparilla is especially good for removing heavy metallic contaminants from the blood, which are received through the nostrils in the foul, smog filled air of urban areas. Sarsaparilla root, which contains testosterone, will help hair to re-grow."

There's alot more links but you get the idea. It is a downside that it affects testosterone but nonetheless I just thought this was an interesting little relation to NBE! So if we must have some soda pop might as well have root beer and perhaps get a little bit of those NBE ingrediants in it right? Tongue

(Login Kekie)
Some rootbeer is caffinated
March 16 2008, 12:32 AM

I give my toddler A&W (also Mug rootbeer) because it is caffine free. There is still sugar, but it doesn't hype her up like a caffinated soda would. Interesting info. You really do your research Hopeful.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Root Beer
March 16 2008, 3:35 PM

Aw, thanks for the complimet and for sharing that ino with me because A&W is the kind I was drinking so I'm happy to hear it doesn't have caffeine in it Smile

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Root Beer
March 16 2008, 6:31 PM

Hi Hopeful,
I did a bit of looking and found out a few things about the progesterone potential of sarsaparilla... The following is an excerpt of a quote from Dr. John Lee:

"In the 1930's Dr Russell E Marker was searching through plants in central America that were known to have some estrogen like effect. In the sarsaparilla plant he found a fat that was very close to cholesterol, kind of half way on the way to progesterone so he devised a series of chemistry steps, 3 steps I think it was, and he ended up with real progesterone. But then he discovered that there wasn't enough sarsaparilla beans. So then he tried the Mexican wild yam, which is a very large tuber, that grows in the ground - it's like a great big squash, blackish greenish squash and it's very greasy and bland in tasting because it has all these fats and oils. Very nice for the scientist, the fats and oils are very similar to cholesterol...... he showed the world how to make real honest to God human natural progesterone from the fats and oils of plants. So I hope you all know now that it is not in the plant. There are no plants that make our hormones. It was a discovery in the 30's that you could take the fats and oils in plants and they could be converted into the hormone which is identical to ours. So it is real honest to God natural progesterone."

This was taken from this website:

So apparently, just like wild yam -sarsaparilla can be transformed in the lab into progesterone - but not in our bodies. Too bad -I would have liked to have a reason to drink root beer other than just for the taste... lol.


(Login Louise1982)
Re: Root Beer
March 16 2008, 6:40 PM

Waxingmoon, I'm almost blushing as I write this because of the retard-potential in my question! Obviously I should spend hours doing my own research but you sound like you'll know off the top of your head - would eating more cholesterolly fatty foods help with progesterone?

Just a simple 'no you moron' will suffice! (I have a feeling that may be the case but if it's debateable then any info's welcome)

(Login Kekie)
Re: Root Beer
March 16 2008, 10:23 PM

Well Louise the fatty food part might not go well with the rest of the body. I however haven't minded packing a few extra pounds (about 10lbs) because it makes the boobage area a little more full.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Root Beer
March 16 2008, 10:28 PM

I don't mean getting fat I mean substituting calories with cholesterol high foods for other foods. I've still got a few pounds to lose elsewhere.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Root Beer
March 16 2008, 10:57 PM

Hi Louise,
It is not a dumb question, since our bodies make our hormones out of cholesterol. However, there is little evidence to support that eating high cholesterol foods actually raises our cholesterol (I know all the hype says differently, but when you look at the science, the claims just are not true).

You could potentially raise your cholesterol if you ate certain fats. In order to keep you heart healthy, you would want to eat the mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats. These will raise your HDL (good cholesterol) and lower your LDL (bad cholesterol). People who have diets high in these fats often have slightly higher cholesterol levels, but it is not considered detrimental since it is their HDL that is high.

This is probably one of the reasons that Evening Primrose oil and Borage oil are considered good for NBE. They are both omega 6 fatty acids which support the creation of HDL cholesterol. Of course for health you would need to balance them with equal or greater amounts of omega 3 fatty acids (from cold water fish like salmon or sardines or from Flax seed).

So- all in all your idea of increased cholesterol helping to increase hormone production is valid. Just look to the mono and poly unsaturated fats for your increase. (by the way there is nothing wrong with eating cholesterol containing foods - egg yolks are very nutritious - just watch out for too much saturated fats in those high cholesterol foods - saturated fats increase both the HDL and the LDL (bad) cholesterol)

waxingmoon -(once again answering a simple question with way too many words... lol)

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Root Beer
March 17 2008, 5:45 AM

Thanks, a better answer than I was hoping for but still not the 'burgers for boobs' excuse that would've sent me running for the takeaway! It's so long since I did any biology that I can't remember all this stuff. I don't worry too much about having a heart attack or anything I haven't got family history and even the fat people in my family have made it to their 90s.

I understand it's healthier to be pear shaped because it means you're storing fat away from the heart - by growing boobs are we upsetting this?

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Root Beer
March 17 2008, 3:34 PM

Hey Louise,
Yeah, I tried that burgers for boobs technique and I think that is why I have all this extra 'me' hanging around. I am in that 'meditation' stage of attempting to lose some of my extra fat (or to translate I am thinking about fixing to get ready to seriously consider creating a plan to lose some of my extra fat).

About boob fat... it isn't so much the size of the breast that would contribute to the 'fat above the waist line' issue of heart disease. Yes, pear shaped bodies are 'more healthy' up to a point - but I mean we also have to consider the SIZE of the pear. "Mega-pears" -meaning anyone who is grossly obese do not fair well heart wise (and WHY do all the ones I see always have to be wearing stretch pants??? I mean just how much of a fight to they go through just to get those things on -ah well I guess it is a form of exercise... but I digress)

We have all seen those slim women/girls with enormous natural boobs. (seen them and wept) They are not at risk of heart disease. It is the 'apple shape'... egg on toothpick... skinny legs and butt, yet really big and round from the waist upward.... Those are the bodies that attract heart disease like a duck to a bug.

But really, where we store our fat is genetic - we can change our 'fate' through controlling our weight and eating the healthy fats (mono and poly unsaturated).

So Louise have no fear - your great big honkin boobs will not be bad for your heart (but I can't say they won't cause stress to the hearts of the men who see you... lol).


(Login classyfashh)
Re: Root Beer
March 18 2008, 8:48 PM

Oh wow. So if you are pear-shaped... and you are taking all these herbs for NBE and eating all these fatty foods full of omega-6 and what not, it'll just all go to your waist or lower [IF you are pear-shaped]????
I'm a bit pear-shaped but my legs are pretty skinny and I'm not obese at all. It's mainly my hips that are wide and the love handles that make me it.
I really hope everything I'm taking for NBE doesn't go to my waist :/

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Root Beer
March 18 2008, 9:39 PM

Hi Jackie,
Where you build body fat is one of those DNA/Fate kind of things.

Whether you gain body fat is one of those more calories in than calories out kind of thing.

In regards to fat gain, our body can just as easily build fat out of too much carbohydrate as too much fat or too much protein. A calorie is a calorie in this regard. Now, as far as how much calorie is in each gram of food - that is totally dependent on whether it is a protein, carbohydrate or fat.

Protein and carbohydrates = 4 calories per gram
Fats = 9 calories per gram.

So this means if you are eating the same gram amount of something that is totally fat you are eating more than twice the calories of something that is totally carbohydrate.

As long as your total calories per day don't exceed what you need you will not gain weight. We can easily lower the portions of other things we eat in order to allow for the extra calories from our supplements.

The idea of NBE is not just getting fatter (I keep having to remind myself of this every time I want to chow down on a greasy burger) -Rather our cunning plans revolve around getting our bodies to put the fat in the boob portion instead of the booty portion.

If, however, you are born with a lot of estrogen receptors in your 'pear-sterior' then welcome to my world. NBE gave me larger boobs, no doubt, but it also gave me a couple of cup size increases in the rear. I am still looking to train those cells to migrate upward (I am currently recruiting some nasty little fat-moving cells with whips to drive those fluffy fat cells up north this spring - a wild west fat drive... yeehaw).


(Login classyfashh)
Re: Root Beer
March 18 2008, 11:10 PM

HAHAHA [at the last line].

Wow, yeah because I don't need more weight in that area.
What are you doing to make the fat go towards the boobs?
CHRIST! After reading all this. I am definitely going to start major working out and eating ONLY boob foods, so really healthy.
I do NOT want to get any wider. So I HOPE, maybe this will have the fat NOT go to my waist down area.

So, since you are pear-shaped waxingmoon... I am taking vitex to even out my hormones... what herb for NBE do you personally think worked best for you in this case?

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Root Beer
March 19 2008, 12:56 AM

Fighting the pear has been a full time job for me. I work out a lot and I concentrate on exercises for the butt - This does not serve to remove the fat from that area but it does make it much nicer to look at. The only way I have ever found to lose body fat is to reduce calories slightly, increase cardio workouts slightly -and the hardest for my busy life -eat 6 small meals a day. I have not done this since beginning NBE because (wait for it, the rationalization as to why she has not kept control of her body fat.. it's coming) I was afraid my boobs would exit if I lost any fat (now there, isn't that a great excuse for being lazy... lol)

As far as my NBE routine - it has been about progesterone, massage, and protein. The progesterone started as progesterone cream to control my estrogen dominance (I have to revert back to it every so often when my symptoms get out of control - I take about a 2 -3 month break from it every 9 months) - I began taking vitex in October of 2006 and have kept it up with a month or two break since then.

The protein has always been important since I work to build muscle - I keep protein levels about 100 -150 grams per day. I also use Vitamin C to help with collagen production.

Every time I tried to use estrogenic herbs or galactogouges it has been miserable for me... and don't get me started about maca (lousy butt fat inducing radish... if I could get my hands around your radishy little neck...)

But this is just what has worked for me - others have done well on different routines. That is what makes NBE so frustrating for many. I believe that almost anyone can grow but they must not give up when something they try fails. They should just review, research and try again. (and patience, always patience...)


(no login)
Re: Root Beer
March 25 2008, 7:27 AM

I like a root beer but I can't summon up the optimism that it will help my breasts get bigger.

Beer a boobie no-no?
April 8 2009 at 10:35 AM jlh2334 (Login jlh2334)
Hello all!
I was just curiois because i've seen on here that beer is on the boobie no-no food list, but I also know that hops have breast enhancment properties. Does anyone happen to know why beer itself is no good?
I am not a big drinker anyway, but I do prefer beer over hard alcohol so I'm just wondering if I should find a new drink of choice!
Thanks! All of your posts are so helpful, thank goodness I found this site!

(Login millanii)
Re: Beer a boobie no-no?
April 8 2009, 8:22 PM

hey, i dont think you need to give it up completely just dont drink it every day and seeing as your not a heavy drinker its probably fine. I wouldnt of thought it would stop you from seeing progress just might not actually be "helping" the progress Smile

(Login BellaBB)
Re: Beer a boobie no-no?
April 9 2009, 5:05 AM

I think the reason beer is on the boobie no-no list is because any type of alcohol in excess can have a detrimental effect on our hormonal balance therefore a detrimental effect on our NBE program.
But I would think that if you are gonna drink, beer would be the best choice because at least it does contain hops, unlike other forms of alcohol. I have a few drinks a week and it is usually beer (although sometimes I just have to have a nice glass of red wine!!) Wink

(no login)
Re: Beer a boobie no-no?
April 15 2009, 10:13 AM

Beer also has barley in, but I still don't think it's good for NBE.

I've read that moderate alcohol intake can actually be good for your health. Moderate meaning no more than 1-2 drinks a day for women.

Life is all about moderation and balance so I say enjoy that beer (or two!!)!



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