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Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 14 2007 at 1:16 AM Susan (no login)
I am a giganto nutrition freak. I ask a lot of questions to Dr. Rich Gorris - a professional nutritionist - and I asked him about increasing the quality of blood circulation. He had one answer: CAYENNE. I took him up on it before I started my NBE program. I had Hemorrhoids (which 1 in every 3 women have). He told me to up my cayenne intake. I did, and in 3 weeks, they were gone. I stopped my intake, and now they're back. I'm going to start back up on my cayenne along with my NBE program with high hopes that the cayenne will work with my massage and herbs.

*Cayenne is an all-natural vasodilator, opening blood vessels so that circulation is enhanced, resulting in normalizing your blood pressure and allowing vitalized blood to reach areas that it may not typically reach due to poor circulation.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 14 2007, 1:29 PM

I agree with you on the importance of cayenne and blood circulation. Thanks for this info!

(Login Lillea)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 14 2007, 2:04 PM


How much should a person consume daily? My circulation could use some improvement. I tend toward cold hands and feet.


(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 14 2007, 2:20 PM

@Lilea - I read somewhere that the normal dose of cayenne is from 30 to 120 mg 3 tmes per day - quite low, as cayenne is very hot and causes sickness and vomiting at to high doses. but how high that is depends on the person. I think that it's ok to take some more, I started out with 200 mg 3 times per day after a meal to not get an upset stomach. But about two weaks afetr starting cayenne, I noticed that I can take higher dose now and not have any problems, as if my stomach became even more resistant, so now I take arround 350 - 400 mg in one dose. I think it's best to try up to how much you can take without upseting your stomach and stick to that and later see if you can maybe slowly increase the dose.

(Login Alcest)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 14 2007, 2:42 PM

Susan, you said cayenne might be helpful in massage... So do you think if I dumped a capsule or two in my massage cream and rubbed it right on it would be good for NBE?

(Login Alcest)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 16 2007, 2:50 PM

I am bumping this because I am still in need of an answer...

(Login snowdropsfalling)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 16 2007, 3:36 PM

I would think it would irritate and burn your skin... I know just touching some peppers stings my fingers. I would think heat applied to skin would be alot less irritating but I think it's meant to be taken internally.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 16 2007, 5:28 PM

I agree with Snowdropsfalling. I fill the capsules myself and sometimes my fingers burn, especially when it gers behind my nails. Cayenne acts great inside the blood, but inside surrounding tissues I think it could have a series of unpleasent effects.

(Login Alcest)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 16 2007, 5:50 PM

Hhaha, thank you for responding guys. I'm glad i didn't go make myself a guinea pig for it.

(Login Ann5)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 16 2007, 6:05 PM

I've been sprinkling some cayenne in my booby batter since I started with my program. Because of the oils, there is no burning sensation. I did have more tingles using it in the batter, but I also did add EPO the same day. So not sure.

michelle choi
(Login chelle_choi)
Cayenne pepper
January 16 2007, 11:30 PM

I did use this awhile back (powder form) in my massages and then wrap up with saran wrap and after about 30min or so with the saran wrap on, the cayenne pepper heated up and was actually burning cause it was so hot, not so much that I couldn't stand it though..I stopped using it cause I got paranoid that maybe that was too hot for my skin and was actually working against me. I think I remember SugarQ saying she used the cayenne extract in her massages before..along with listening to hypnosis for a month or two and grew like an inch, so maybe cayenne extract might be good in small quantities. Please correct me if I'm wrong SugarQ about you using it.

(Login selhunt)
January 17 2007, 1:41 AM

My nutritionist told me to take 2 100,000-180,000 heat unit capsules 3 X a day. IT BURNS UNLESS YOU COAT YOUR STOMACH WITH FOOD OR AT LEAST A GLASS OF MILK

(Login gingerD)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 17 2007, 12:41 PM

Now this is a very interesting post.i just wondered if you guys could give me some more info on the beneits of cayanne,and do you reccomend cayanne along side other herbal products,
Iv only really herd about the lemon and cayyane diet, any more info would be fab

Thanks guys

(Login Lillea)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 17 2007, 1:01 PM

Hi GingerD,

Here are links with information that you might find helpful:

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 18 2007, 12:04 AM

Cayenne powder has been used by researchers in Antarctica to help them bare the extremely cold temperatures. The Cayenne powder is sprinkled into the boots before putting them on. As the powder slowly comes in contact with the skin through the socks, it will draw blood to the feet, thus bringing much needed warms to the extremities.

Just something I found on a totally non nbe related site

Wonder if there is a way you can sprinkly the powder into the bra, but keep it from coming in direct contact with the skin? Like maybe were the padding is or special pouches? It would make a mess, but, you would avoid burning your skin, because it would slowly come in contact with your skin, instead of all at once.

(Login Alcest)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 18 2007, 12:47 AM

Hmm..But would all that extra blood burn fat or add it?

That's an amazing discovery btw. I'll be sure next time I'm in the Northern or Southern poles to bring along my cayenne pepper =D.

(Login LovelyAmanda)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 18 2007, 1:06 AM

I'm currently taking Cayenne and I just thought I would chime in. On one of the websites containing information about Cayenne and its woderful powers, the author said that Cayenne increases the matabolism by about 25% because of the increased blood flow. Increased blood flow does not "add" fat and in actuality, helps burn fat by heating the body.

Best to all,

(no login)
January 18 2007, 1:44 AM

Yeah, about the metabolism being increased. Very true. It's used in a lot of diets for that purpose. My boyfriend didn't know about that extra bonus and after 10 days of being on cayenne, he reported to me that he had quick weight loss and a faster metabolism. It showed.

Nice tough guy
(no login)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 18 2007, 3:48 AM

Remember ladies, one the many good things about cayenne is that it
gets the nutrition (from food and herbs) deep into places that is
a little malnourished.
Cayenne should make your herbs, BO and gelatine (collagen)
more effective.
So it should not matter if your are a bit tubby or skinny,
slow or fast metabolism, cayenne can only be good for you.

(Login selhunt)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
January 18 2007, 5:53 AM

My boyfriend took cayenne for medicinal benefits and after ten days had noticeable weight loss. He asked me if it sped up the metabolism. I asked my nutritionist and he said it did. Another added bonus.

(Login js89)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
March 14 2007, 6:05 AM

If using a cayenne extract, how many drops should be used to how much water? Does anybody know? Thanks.

(Login luCy34)
Cayenee pepper
March 15 2007, 3:21 PM

You're absolutely right about the cayenne pepper. That's one of the ingredients I used too. It definately improves circulation and that is so important if we want our breasts to grow because it is the blood that brings the essential nutrients to the breasts so they can grow.

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
cayenne topically
March 16 2007, 8:54 AM

i've just used a small pinch of cayenne in my massage - doesn't seem like a bad idea, as long as one doesn't overdo it. i already use ginger in my lotion and i think will look for a liquid cayenne extract as well

lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: Cayenne Pepper!!!
March 16 2007, 9:03 AM

eh, it actually says here that repetitive daily usage may cause nerve damage... screw that. once a week-ish pinch in the lotion is probably plenty good

December 21 2006 at 9:37 PM
Anonymous (Login kittycatra)
Thanks to Alcest and Moon for emphasizing/bringing up the importance of blood circulation.
I decided to go with the CAYENNE as it seems to be highly recommended from medical herbalists as well.
I also found this link (, which talks about how taking it in powder form is MUCH better than in capsule.

However, I know that the strongest form to take is in 90,000 units I believe? It was said in Alcests post about circulation to take it in tincture. How do you find something like this in powder form with that high of units? And how much do you know (teaspoon wise) to take?

(Login mitharatowen)
December 22 2006, 4:22 AM

oh ack a teaspoon of cayenne powder?? ouch!

(Login Alcest)
December 22 2006, 2:57 PM

Your post there says the website you went to said it's better to take it in powder form than in capsule form... except capsules are in powder form. And once the capsule breaks open in your stomache, or wherever, the powder is released. Maybe they meant tablets? Since tablets have more extract than powder I thought. Ack I'm confused.

I take the cayenne in capsules from my local hfs. Same with ginko. My saw palmetto is in liquid extract gel tabs, and the wonderup is in tablets.

I just figure they all work, just different ways of working.

(Login -Moon-)
December 22 2006, 7:50 PM

Cayenne migh be hard on the stomach so take it with food. Some people migh develop excess production of gastric acid because of aking herbs, like I did. Luckily I was perscribed pills for reduction of gastric acid production so i'm able to continue with NBE. But anyway, if somone gets upset stomach cause of cayenne, check with your doc.

cayenne and herbs
March 12 2008 at 1:30 AM kt.knight (Login kt.knight)
i take cayenne with wonderup so it gos thru my blood stream better
does anyone know if it's good to take cayenne pills before or after i eat so it burns the food i eat into my blood steam?

also should i take cayenne an hour or so before i take wonderup or an hour after taking my wonderup?
because if i take it before wu an hour before it could melt in my stomach and then when i take the wu it will melt right away and go or..
if i take cayenne an hour after taking my wu pills it could still be in my stomach (the wu) and the cayenne would burn it right away into my blood stream.
does anyone understand or have ne suggestions??

(Login -Moon-)
Re: cayenne and herbs
March 12 2008, 3:29 PM

Uhhh sorry I don't understand you very well, you use such strange phrases, ''burn into your bloodstream'' and ''melt''... From what I know it's usually recomended to take cayenne and herbs together.

(no login)
March 13 2008, 1:52 PM

huh sorry but I dont even get what that thing is !!?

I mean to say what is it the pepper sauce? how does it help

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: cayenne and herbs
March 14 2008, 12:09 AM

Cayenne improves circulation.

(no login)
Re: cayenne and herbs
March 14 2008, 6:46 PM

how much should be taken and how..I woudl love to improve circulation since I have issues with it.thanks

(no login)
Re: cayenne and herbs
March 16 2008, 9:09 AM

Cayenne can be taken much like any other herb. People think it's just pepper, but it has many health benefits.

January 17 2007 at 1:36 AM Susan (Login selhunt)
Great way to increase blood circulation with your massage! I have hemorrhoids. A nutritionist told me to take 2 cayenne pills 3X a day to increase my blood circulation and to rid me of my hemorrhoids. I did (ON A FULL STOMACH!) and in three weeks, my hemorrhoids were gone. I immediately stopped the cayenne and now the hemorrhoids are back and my circulation is slow. I'm now on cayenne again, along with my NBE program - I have full confidence that the cayenne will also work well with my breast growth. Let the experiment begin!


* Cayenne Pepper Fruit (Capsicum frutescens) is perhaps the most healing plant in the herbal kingdom.* Each capsule delivers 500 mg of this blood-warming herb that has an invigorating effect on your digestion and the heart and circulatory systems. It may help keep cholesterol levels in check as well as acting as a catalyst to increase the effectiveness of other herbs when used together.*

* Capsaicin, cayenne’s most active ingredient has been shown to increase blood flow to the gastric mucosal membrane and may provide protection from peptic ulcers. This increased circulation in the stomach and intestines stimulates the normal flow of digestive juices assisting your body’s defenses against stomachaches and cramping pains.*

Cayenne is an all-natural vasodilator, opening blood vessels so that circulation is enhanced, resulting in normalizing your blood pressure and allowing vitalized blood to reach areas that it may not typically reach due to poor circulation.*

Cayenne has also been shown to help manage cholesterol levels by reducing fat deposits in the arteries, which causes the narrowing of the vessels as they become thick and solidified.*

(Login Mandy)
Cayenne good stuff
January 23 2007, 8:48 AM

It sounds like powerful stuff. Another every day food that can help with breast growth.

Girls, add cayenne!! (once again emphasising the importance of cayenne)
December 23 2007 at 3:26 PM Moon (Login -Moon-)
Cayenne improvess blood supply to all tissues. Blood flow is what directly determines how much of the herbal substances you take actually bind to the receptors. Increase the flow, more molecules will bind. That way, you will get a stronger effect and possibly faster results! I very much recomend cayenne to any kind of herbal program.

(Login wenonae)
Cayenne isn't for all...
December 23 2007, 6:32 PM

I've seen some sad stories about cayenne not quite working out (burns, etc).
So I'd just add the comment to give cayenne a TRY only. If your stomach is upset or your skin burns- it's not for you!
Cayenne is like a metabolizing aid, but for some it's just too much of a good thing.

Wen' :-D

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Girls, add cayenne!! (once again emphasising the importance of cayenne)
December 23 2007, 8:20 PM

It's a known fact that cayenne is a different herb - a burning herb, and therefore recquires different consideration, and particulary different dosing - it must be taken in smaller doses, like 100, 200 or 300 mg, ideally several times a day to get a sufficient daily ammount. It's known that cayenne causes burning, nausea and vomiting at too high doses. But this is more a matter of correct administration, then an adverse reaction / not being for everyone. The maximum recomended dose may very between individuals and it should be determined by ramping up. I can get away with maximum 400 mg, but usually I take arround 300 mg. Sadly tho, many manufacturers of herbal products don't take the characteristics of cayenne into consideration, or are ignorant about them, and they make too high dose capsules, so one must pay attention to that when chosing the product.
Anyway, there has been a lot of talk about cayenne administation so I left it out. It is almost a separate subject that of course recquires to be learnt if one wants to take cayenne.

(Login wenonae)
Aaah, good
December 24 2007, 3:26 AM

I'm glad you understand the nuances (which I figured you of all would know). My comments were more towards those who know nothing at all and just 'jump'. You know how it goes. Heh.


(Login mcgreg28)
Re: Girls, add cayenne!! (once again emphasising the importance of cayenne)
December 24 2007, 4:02 AM

So does this help with weight loss also?

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Girls, add cayenne!! (once again emphasising the importance of cayenne)
December 24 2007, 9:16 AM

Hmmm, that I do not know, but probably not directly. It may improve your skin and diminish celulite tho.

Woolly Sheep
(Login RomaV)
Re: Girls, add cayenne!! (once again emphasising the importance of cayenne)
December 25 2007, 3:39 PM

Why one would choose cayenne over gingko for blood circulation purposes?

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Girls, add cayenne!! (once again emphasising the importance of cayenne)
December 25 2007, 8:25 PM

Well because it's better - in my personal opinion and experience and if you google you'll find it's recomended more often than ginko.

(Login lil_dunny)
Re: Girls, add cayenne!! (once again emphasising the importance of cayenne)
December 26 2007, 11:23 AM

yeah, cayenne may cause acne for some people, as well.
worth a try, but def be cautious.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Girls, add cayenne!! (once again emphasising the importance of cayenne)
December 26 2007, 1:43 PM

Really acne? I've never heard of that.

cayenne ointment
March 6 2008 at 1:30 AM yana (Login yanarain)
Has anyone ever tried to use cayenne pepper ointment/ tigerbalm etc... as a heat activator to stimulate blood circulation? I was thinking it might work very well if used in moderation. What do you guys think about something like that

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: cayenne ointment
March 6 2008, 1:41 AM

Hey I was thinking about this recently too. I have a menthol lip treatment that always burns and tingles lots but moisturizes my lips real well. It's really small so I could never try put it on my breasts as there isn't enough, but what if I found some lotion that has some sort of menthol in it? I've never seen a cayenne one but that sounds interesting too... where did you buy it?

(no login)
Re: cayenne ointment
March 6 2008, 5:02 AM

i have recently moved and i can't find itSad i actually haven't even started any sort of program I am just searching around reading peoples blogs etc... trying to figure out which plan will be best for my body. Anyways, i bought the ointment at a local natural food store, i just found this site they sell a tincture of it and i think a few other forms

(Login classyfashh)
Re: cayenne ointment
March 6 2008, 8:49 AM

Hmmmm. That might be a good idea.
I broke open a capsule of Cayenne and mixed it in with my borage/avacado oil and massaged with it the past two days, but it didn't burn it all. Darn! I kinda' expected it to since everyone was talking about it burning their fingers.

(no login)
Re: cayenne ointment
March 6 2008, 6:28 PM

are you guys saying that menthol may be good for nbe??! because that is the brand I smoke lol!

(no login)
Re: cayenne ointment
March 7 2008, 3:39 PM

Jackie, the ointment I had burned, sorry but I can't remember the name for it.

(Login classyfashh)
Re: cayenne ointment
March 7 2008, 6:20 PM

Haha. I actually don't think menthol would help. Correct me though if I'm wrong... But menthol has a cold soothing effect. I think it would be better to use a product that produces heat.

Helpful Advice Regarding Cayenne
January 9 2007 at 8:15 PM Ann5 (Login Ann5)
While doing some reading about cayenne I came across this article that Dr. Schulze wrote about Cayenne. It says to take cayenne orally not in capsules, it's more beneficial to the body by taking it orally. I remember reading about that long ago with herbs in general. That it's best to let the mouth do it's job so that the stomach doesn't get shocked. Here's an excerpt of the article, for those of us who will be taking cayenne I just thought it would be good to note this. One of the members (can't remember the name) who had taken cayenne even after a meal had stomach problems. So maybe you could try this and see if it helps.

This wasn't the way the old-time herbalists practiced. It wasn't the way my teacher, the late Dr. John Christopher, practiced. He got his results with teas and tinctures.

Capsules disconnect people from the herbs they take, so that they have no personal idea whether they are getting good or lousy quality. Capsules also prevent people from getting a reaction in their mouths, which was what Nature intended.

Another great reason not to take cayenne in capsules is that they can make you real sick. They won't cause permanent damage, but you can suffer greatly. Capsules can give you a stomach cramp that will double you over.

When you put cayenne in your mouth, your stomach secretes digestive juices before the cayenne ever gets there. So when the cayenne gets down there, your stomach is all ready for it.

But if you swallow a capsule, your tongue tastes nothing; a capsule goes down in your stomach, and your stomach notices nothing - at first. Then, five minutes later the gelatin bursts, and you have a 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in your stomach and your body goes into shock. You surprised it. "Where did this come from?"

"When You Take Cayenne in Capsules, You Get a Punch in the Stomach.
It's a Very Different Reaction. It's Like NO Warm-up or Stretch
Before You do Vigorous Physical Exercise."

Here's the link if someone wants to read further.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Helpful Advice Regarding Cayenne
January 9 2007, 9:56 PM

Another one - if you do take it in capsules, take your oil soft gel after you take cayenne. I find that whenever I 'overdose' and take to much and get burning throat or stomach, it helps immediately.

Cayenne Pepper use??
January 18 2007 at 2:26 PM sheila (no login)
How are people using the Cayenne pepper. I just started today and i'm taking it orally, is that the best approach? What are some good ideas to take it with...such as food or drinks?

Nice tough guy
(no login)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 18 2007, 9:08 PM

This is a found a relatively easy way to take cayenne.
Get a half kilo of soft butter mix in about 2 to 4
teaspoons (depending on how much heat you can handle).
Put it in the fridge.
Load up a little cracker biscuit with the cold hot butter and
send it down the hatch 3 to 5 times a day.
The pepper is still hot but easy on the stomach.
In fact you will start looking forward to this hot little snack.

(Login selhunt)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 18 2007, 9:46 PM

I take 2-3 capsules 3x a day with a glass of milk to coat my stomach along with any type of food. But - oh my gosh- to speak blunt here, when I have to go to the bathroom, it burns!! That cayenne goes right through!

(Login faerycat)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 18 2007, 9:48 PM

Oh ha hah. Sheila, sounds as if Nice Tough Guy is just trying to wind you up ;-P~


(Login Ann5)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 18 2007, 9:57 PM

I sometimes take it in capsule form and sometimes I just add the pepper with some juice. I open a 900mg capsule and use half (slowly adding more each day) it with some liquid.

By the way has anyone noticed a laxative effect with taking the cayenne? I'm afraid I'll be pooing my BErs out?!? When would be the best time to take it? Usually I take my herbs on an empty stomache and wait about 15 minutes for the cayenne. Would it be better to take the cayenne first or wait longer to use the cayenne? Confused really.

(Login selhunt)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 18 2007, 10:23 PM

yeah, if you'll notice my last message, Ann5. There is a definite laxative effect. Burns, ha?

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 18 2007, 10:24 PM

I can't get empty copsules anywhere, so I usually empty one of the herbs capsules and put cayenne in it and swallow it. The herb content I emptied I mix with honey and swallow with watter in a few small pieces. I sometimes also mix cayenne with honey and swallow it with water. It's feasible, cause honey really traps it and doesn't allow it to solute in the mouth and doesn't burn much. honey is excellent for swallowing everything that tastes disgusting, I also use it for bee pollen.

Nice tough guy
(no login)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 18 2007, 11:59 PM

No I'm serious, that's how I've taken it for a year.
And I have just started to get my wife to take it.
I have tried every other way but I promise you the loaded
up little cracker is the easiest and so convenient.
The running to the loo will in time ease as the body adjusts
to the cayenne.
In fact in time you will want hotter and
hotter pepper.

(Login sukidoll)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 19 2007, 11:24 AM

Hey Nice Tough Guy...thanks that sounds like a good idea! will try it out. Yeah spicey stuff - heard its quite addictive.
Thanks again

(Login Holly34)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 19 2007, 3:53 PM

What time of the day are you taking cayenne? Will it effect the obsorbtion of our herbs? I don't want to flush them out!!

Tough nice guy
(no login)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 20 2007, 7:30 AM

Nah, it won't flush em out, it will just make the herbs
work better. Take it any time you want. Just do it
several times a day and work into slowly if you are not
use to hot stuff.

Nice tough guy
(no login)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 20 2007, 7:42 AM

Here girls this site will give you some good info on cayenne

(Login Buffeee)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 20 2007, 6:28 PM

In case some people didn't read the article, it says not to take cayenne in a capsule, but to mix it in a drink instead. That might take care of some of the burning and laxative effect issues. I'm sure the butter on a cracker technique serves the same purpose.

I ordered some from Mountain Rose herbs, but the package says 20,000 heat units- pretty poor quality as far as most of the info on the net says. I've put it in V8 (very good!) and in coffee with cream and peppermint extract (awesome!)

Now, to find some of the "good" stuff...

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 20 2007, 6:30 PM

Hey Tough Guy, thanks for the link. That was really interesting reading. I have been following your advice on taking the cayenne, and have found it to be so much easier to take, and it also isn't burning my stomach!! Also noticed that after my second helping for the day, I start to feel warmer, so I think I might increase my amount tomorrow!!! Haven't had any exit problems yet either, so keeping my fingers crossed.

(Login sissy2345)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 20 2007, 10:13 PM

I have been eating whole grain english muffins for all the good fiber, so I put alot of fat free cream cheese and sprinkled a good amount of the cayenne on it, folded it over and it went down ok, just alittle hot, but I am developing a taste for hotness these days anyway.

My question is that it was just cayenne that I purchased at the grocery in the spice section, is this ok to use, and does anyone know the general hotness of grocery cayenne, it does not say on the bottle.

Thanks -- Sissy

(Login sissy2345)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 21 2007, 3:17 PM

Bumping this up, hoping to get an answer. Not sure if what I am buying at the grocery is ok or if I need to order online, our health food stores in my area suck... Thanks.

Tough nice guy
(no login)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 21 2007, 10:52 PM

As long as it hot it's doing something. You should be able to tell if
you have a weak or strong batch just from the taste.
If you think it's weak just take more. But it is better that you aquire cayenne with
a heat rating at least you know it's quality.

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 22 2007, 12:21 AM

I have just been using the cayenne pepper spice I had in the cabinet for seasoning. I know its hot enough, as the smallest amount has my tongue burning, and I always feel like I am drooling. I figured when it ran out I would look for something with the heat listed, but until then, I would just use what I had.

Tough Guy ~ you were right, I find myself craving it hotter each time, and then wish I had more to eat when I am done!!! Also noticed today is the first day that I haven't really been icy cold, even my feet aren't covered in frostbite anymore ~ just a slight chill!!!

(Login Ann5)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 22 2007, 2:23 AM

I've noticed when I take the cayenne with liquid, it does its job better. No pain no gain, right? Just before doing NBE I was suffering on and off with heartburn, since I've taken the cayenne it's disappeared. My stomach feels less acidic.

I'd suggest buying from Dr.Schulze (the website is Also, Dr.Christopher (forgot which website sell his, but there are could google it)is pretty good. Dr. Schulze sells in powder form in a tub or in a tincture. I'm currently using Dr.Christopher's cayenne, which is in capsule form. It's about 450mg and the heat unit is 40,000, I usually use half a capsule 3 times a day. At least twice......sometimes I forget it's part of my program.

(Login sissy2345)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 22 2007, 11:19 AM

It's HOT alright, but I am starting to like it and have had a steady temp around 98.7, which is good. I cut out L-Tyrosine from my program and that's two pills a day I don't have to take. Even if it has nothing to do with the cayenne, I like taking it anyway for the other benefits. After this runs out, I may go ahead and order something with a heat rating though so I know what I've got.

Thanks! -- Sissy

(Login HS29)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 27 2007, 11:34 PM

I bought some capsules today at Wal-Mart. Took 2 about an hour ago after I ate and w/ water.
My stomach is burning a bit and I am very used to eating spicy foods.

Should I try milk w/ them next time??!

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
January 28 2007, 12:00 AM

I tried two cayenne pepers so far and the second way faaaar more hot that the first one. With the first, I could put half of tea spoon in my lemonade and with this I have now, not more than a pinch.

(no login)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
February 1 2007, 3:02 PM

I would DEFINATELY eat a little bit of food before you eat the cayenne. i tried taking 1000 mg (40,000 heat units) of cayenne in the morning on an empty stomach... I had the worst stomache I've ever had. I'm fairly used to spicy food too... Be careful out there!

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
February 1 2007, 8:09 PM

Based of the info that was posted earlier, my suggestion would be to sprinkle some of the cayenne onto a piece of buttered bread (small piece),or anything really, just to get the proper juices going in the stomach. It said that its harder on the stomach when taken in a pill form, because your stomach hasn't had time to prepare, whereas if it touches the tongue first all your sensors and stuff send messages to the stomach which then prepares for the arrival. I did a horrible job explaining it, so read the article its really good!

(Login sunnyMark)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
February 1 2007, 8:14 PM

hi, i'm taking it in a liquid form, it's really really hot, i have to eat something straight after, but i think it's doing something, i feel hot all the time, but i agree that it's important to eat with it

(Login Holly34)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
February 1 2007, 8:38 PM

I open 2 capsules -100,000 heat units and put it in a little juice. It was really hot at first but after a few times you get used to it and it doesn't bother your stomach either.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
February 1 2007, 10:05 PM

When I took cayenne, my feet weren't cold anymore and I thoguh my skin color improved, I was always very pale before. But I thoguht I might be imagining it. But about two weeks ago I stopped cayenne with all other herbs as I'm on a brake and my feet are cold again. So I'm convinced that it has an effect.

(Login classyfashh)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 29 2008, 4:51 AM

So I am almost out of my Cayenne pills and I was wondering if Cayenne powdered pepper you can get in the spice section at any grocery store is just as effective? Because I was thinking about just mixing that with my food until I buy more capsules of it.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 30 2008, 7:08 AM

I believe I did read this somewhere on the board. If you want I will try track it down for you. From what I read people mixed however much of the cayenne into a glass of like orange juice and that seemed to help it g down well even better than a capsule as it won't burn a whole in your stomach or something of that nature Wink

I have cayenne pills but have yet to start taking them, do you feel it helped with your circulation or not really?

(Login classyfashh)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 30 2008, 7:17 AM

Well sure, thanks. I just want to know if the Cayenne that comes in a bottle you put on food has the same amount OR close amount of heat units as the capsules do. The capsules I take have 40,000 H.U.

I have really bad circulation in my feet and hands. I feel it really hasn't helped THAT much, but when I take it, it really hits my stomach in like 5minutes; I can feel the burning... I don't mind it though. It does make me warmer, just lacking it in my feet mostly.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 30 2008, 7:26 AM

I guess everyone just assumes it is the same (as long as it is bright and vibrant). I don't know how to tell the heat units from the store though at all... Hopefully someone else will know.

However, if you are tired of the cayenne you can also try gingko, garlic, and some other things for circulation. I just bought the cayenne because it was the cheapest I could find at my local health store Smile would liek to try gingko eventually though.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 30 2008, 7:52 AM

Doesn't L-Tyrosine help with body temperature? Not sure if that will do the same thing. I have poor circulation but really can't be bothered with it! I'd cut back on the cayenne if you can feel it as it may build up and get worse.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 30 2008, 11:41 AM

L-tyrozine is supposed to help with temperature, but in a very different way than cayenne and imo a lot less effective. L-tyrozine is the precursor to the thyroid hormone thyroxin which increases metabolism and with that the production of heat. However I don't believe that it's as simple as taking l-tyrozine increases production of thyroid hormones. And even if it does, the body has regulating mechanisms which might bind the new excess hormones to prevent them from working. The thing is that for most people, being old doesn't have anything to do with thyroid function, they have completely normal levels of tyroxine, but it has to do with slow sluggish circulation that is directly the conscequence of small blood vessless being too constricted. One may be genetically inclined to having too strongly constricted vessles (vasoconstriction), but what also increases it is stress, and if there's one thing we are not lacking n owdays it's stress. Cayenne and other burning and some other herbs work directly on the blood vessles to dilate them (vasodilators), which is why they should be the most effective. And it's obvious cold is not the most important conscequernce of too strong vasoconstriction for us doing NBE, it's the fact that it makes out boobs get a smaller blood supply.

Btw I took ginko before taking cayenne and it didn't work nearly as well as cayenne does. Also cayenne should be taken several times a day in SMALL doses, obviously cause it's a burning herb. This meaning like 200, 250 mg, and with plenty of water.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 30 2008, 3:23 PM

Wow really the gingko didn't work so well for you? I always thought it would be the best, thanks for sharing Smile

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 30 2008, 4:54 PM

I remeber that 2 weeks after starting ginko, I started feeling more signs in my boobs and I got all excited. But soon they subsided and I was worried. Next cycle same time, the signs were back, but much weaker. My feet also weren't a lot warmer then they were before. After the signs subsided again, they never came back. Weird that it seems my body got used to ginko!

I do believe that from how much mention they get everywhere and in general, cayenne is more popular for circulation. Ginko has been mentioned especially as increasing blood flow into the brain. But I didn't really notice any improvements of mental functions while on it (like on concentration), nor was I any less cold. I did with cayenne, I used to wear 3 pairs of socks in the winter and was still cold, now I wear 1 like normal people lol and I never have cold feet anymore.

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 30 2008, 11:40 PM

I've been known to wear a few pairs of socks and even gloves inside my home! So I am definitely going to start those cayenne pills soon, will let you know if it works for me too Smile thanks

(Login classyfashh)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 31 2008, 12:34 AM

You don't have to take Cayenne for a certain period of time for it to work everyday do you? I'd think it would start working the day you take it.

This message has been edited by classyfashh on Mar 31, 2008 12:35 AM

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 31 2008, 4:51 AM

I would think yes it would probably start working as you take it but over the course of some time overall circulation would definitely be noticed as someone would realize they never feel cold anymore. Know what I mean? Hope this helps Smile

(Login classyfashh)
Just curious.....
March 31 2008, 11:53 AM

Christ, me and my ridiculously stupid questions.
But I was just wondering if anyone knew...

When you take Cayenne capsules right after you eat, does it burn the food that you eat and... like... destroy the bad fats and keep the good? Or does it not affect the food you eat at all?

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 31 2008, 12:09 PM

It seems expectable to me too that cayenne would work immediately, but from my experience it actually wasn't like that, it took a few weeks to really notice a difference.

Cayenne doesn't ''destroy fats'' or anything, but I'm not really sure how it's supposed to work for loosing weight, aside from increasing circulation.

(Login classyfashh)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 31 2008, 1:11 PM

I just thought it would burn foods more or fat. I don't know, it's pepper. I read in a lot of places that pepper helps with weight loss.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
March 31 2008, 11:07 PM

How about soy lecithin for fat burning? I know Co-Q10 and L-carnitine gave me a real buzz last time I took them in a diet pill, was bouncing around after about 4 hours sleep per night, haven't been brave enough to try them again! Another thing that's supposed tobe good for weight loss is ephedrine - similar to speed, I think it causes your metabolism to speed up but I don't think there's any way to keep it from burning your boobs.

(Login classyfashh)
Re: Cayenne Pepper use??
April 1 2008, 3:43 PM

Isn't that like illegal in the US? Haha. How about that weight loss pill 'Alli'.

Cayenne - stupid question
October 22 2007 at 10:07 PM Louise (Login Louise1982)
On a herb site you can bulk buy herbs in powder which looks good (although they're quite expensive, but I guess you get a large quantity), is cayenne powder just the same as I would buy from the supermarket for cooking?

(no login)
Re: Cayenne - stupid question
October 23 2007, 12:07 AM

Yes as long as it's called capsicum, but you don't know what the s.h.u. (standard heat units) are (should be at least 40,000 from what I've read) and also you have to be very careful about not touching the powder as it will burn your eyes and nose and mouth if you touch them and may also burn skin. So, it may be easier just to buy the capsules.

(Login kieyah)
Re: Cayenne - stupid question
October 23 2007, 12:59 AM

I dont't see why you can't use what you'd find in the spice isle. I don't think you need much cayenne if you are just using it to boost other herbs. so I wouldn't buy that one in bulk. of the ready made pills that also contain cayenne that I can find in a search they only had 10-50mg cayenne in it. most had 10-25mg.

(Login Davi-lee)
Re: Cayenne - stupid question
October 24 2007, 2:28 PM

Yes Louise just buy cayenne pepper powder.As long as its nice and bright color,that means its fresh.
I grow my own also.
I would used grind it and powder it myself,,but it gets quite harsh for your nose. Its good for your immune system.
Ive heard of native peoples that snort it right into there noses,to combat infections and such.
It is one of the best things for stripping the plaques from arteries.
One of my business customers had a Doc that put him on cayenne only for clearing small blockages in his arteries.
He said he was taking 5-6 capsules a day.

Solaray herbs has an buffered cayenne that is for people that have some reactions to cayenne.It comes in different levels of scoville heat units
Some people are actually allergic to the essential oil.
Its quite amazing what all it can do for the body.
Mainly circulatory and immune systems.

Book by Dr.William Christopher,...sorry that I cannot find my copy to get proper title.
He healed his own heart disease with 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper a day,for several months

(no login)
Re: Cayenne - stupid question
October 24 2007, 2:40 PM

so how many mg's would you say we need for nbe purposes? how much for the other purposes?

(Login Davi-lee)
Mistake on Dr.'s name....
October 25 2007, 5:41 AM

Hiya, I made a mistake as to the Dr's name,I got two guys mixed up.
I couldn't find my book by him,so I was trying to recall his name.
He is Dr.John Ray Christopher. Im not so good recalling people names but Im much better with botanical stuff.

Well,Just for some to go along with NBE,I'd just recommend taking a capsule whenever you take some other pills or just take one whenever you eat a meal.

Just drink a little bit of milk with it and you wont have any stomach burning.
I used to get a little burning when I took them, and I just drink a bit of milk and it counteracts the burning effect.

For maintainance doses for general health,its recommended to take one to two capsules along with meals.

Cayenne also lowers blood pressure.

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