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NBE herbs and moods


SOOOOOO Tired!!!!----Will it pass????
October 9 2006 at 3:53 PM Snowflake (Login GoldSnowflake)
Hey girls, i have been taking herbs for about a month now. everything seems to be going good, skin is very nice, lips are fuller, breasts are puffier and getting along much better this time with herbs. But I am sooo tired, will this pass or can I expect this through out my NBE program. Have not did any ramping yet, taking it slow, and started with low doses of sp, fennel and wild yam. Taking herbs at night. any info would be great!!! Happy Thanks Giving every one!!!! Take Care!!!

(Login gingerD)
Re: SOOOOOO Tired!!!!----Will it pass????
October 9 2006, 3:59 PM

Hey Snowflake-I was alittle tired when i 1st started WU-I had had bad cold just before so i was unsure if it was the herbs or cold but I read somthing some one put about Gingsing,So i added it to my routine i was very suprised how perky i felt so quickly- iv run out now but im getting some more.
Gingsing is also listed on most mentioned NBE herb list so i persume it can only help you

Hope that helps

Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: SOOOOOO Tired!!!!----Will it pass????
October 9 2006, 4:15 PM

Hi Snowflake,
I got tired on the herbs too, I think maybe it is something to do with the blood sugar levels or so since many of the herbs thin your blood? My guess would be if you get them up that you will feel better? Like drinking fruit juices etc.?
I am not feeling as tired since I am on lower doses of Fenugreek and not taking the SP anymore, so this may be what causes it, I am not sure though either.
You could try substituting the SP with Nettle root if the tiredness doesn't go away and see if that helps.
I hope the tiredness goes away soon,

(Login Liz1967)
Re: SOOOOOO Tired!!!!----Will it pass????
October 10 2006, 9:53 AM

Are you saying that SP may get you tired? What about depressed? I'm feeling very depressed lately.

(Login GoldSnowflake)
Hey Lisa 121 and GingerD!!!
October 10 2006, 11:35 AM

thankd girls. Your right Lisa, when my Sp runs out I want to try stinging Nettle. Next time I see a bottle I'll get it. it actually may be more beneficial, for breast enhancement, and all around good health than SP. Thanks for reminding me about SN, I had forgotten it could be substitued for SP. Take Care girls!!!!

Lisa 121
(Login Lisa121)
Re: SOOOOOO Tired!!!!----Will it pass????
October 10 2006, 11:59 AM

Snowlfake, you are more than welcome, I am glad when I can help and I hope the Nettle does the trick for you.

Liz, any hormonal change can affect your moods, so any herbs that tamper with your hormones could make you feel depressed, or also the opposite.
Some people experience bad moods while being on herbs for BE, others feel great, it just has to do with the chemical balance in your body, sometimes the herbs can help rectify it, other times they mess about with it.
What else are you taking, just the SP or other herbs too? You could look at your routine and see if you want to tweak on it a bit and maybe change some of the herbs.
Good luck to both of you,

(Login Abigail)
Re: SOOOOOO Tired!!!!----Will it pass????
October 12 2006, 7:48 PM

I'm not tired since I've been on NBE. In fact I've never had more energy! I do however feel moody at times, which must be an effect of the herbs.

Do herbs go against antidepressants?
November 19 2006 at 10:11 PM boobies06 (Login boobies06)
I have depression and I'm wondering if taking herbal pills will interfere with my medication treatments?

(no login)
Re: Do herbs go against antidepressants?
November 19 2006, 11:43 PM

hi i have been on antidepressants the whole time i have beeen on my programme they certainly have not interfered in my case

(Login Liz1967)
Re: Do herbs go against antidepressants?
November 20 2006, 12:11 PM

Well I was on antidepressive pills and taking WU and SP for four month and nothing happened. So people on WU tld me that the pills maybe afecting WU sucess. No I stoped taking the antidepressive to give WU another chance.

Shell did you grow with antidepressive pill and WU? How long did you take to see results? How did you grow?

(Login boobies06)
Re: Do herbs go against antidepressants?
November 20 2006, 8:32 PM

Thanks for replying. I'll have to check the conditions of the herbs I'm taking.

(Login boobies06)
Re: Do herbs go against antidepressants?
November 20 2006, 8:39 PM

And Liz. . .just a word of advice. It's extremely unwise to give up antidepressants for WU. If you have depression, you can't be putting boobs on top of mental health in your priorities list. You could have the biggest boobs in the end and still be completely miserable with yourself if you don't deal with depression. My cousin is 21 and has been hospitalized for two weeks so far after she refused to get out of bed for four days straight. She didn't get out to bathe, or eat, or walk, or even use the bathroom. And why? She has severe depression.

At first, I didn't want to take any medication for depression, because I thought it would be an artificial way to make me happy. I figured that if I was going to be happy someday, I wanted it to be because I liked my life and not because some pills are giving me the illusion. But it turns out depression can be caused by chemical imbalances and other uncontrollable things.

First rule my psychologist gave me: Don't stop taking the medication for any reason. ANY. Reason.

(Login faith_full)
Re: Do herbs go against antidepressants?
November 20 2006, 9:56 PM

hey if you seriously want to go ahead with herbs while on your antidepressants, please discuss it with your doctor first, as it could interfer with them and result in them not working as well as they should for you, or even badly messing your hormones making you feel even worse. Good luck!

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Do herbs go against antidepressants?
November 20 2006, 11:13 PM

Boobies ~on page 4, Nov 6th, titled Herbs and Antidepressive Pills
or you can try this link: (copy and paste)

In that thread there is also this link:

I haven't had a chance to review much of the information, but maybe you can take a quick look and see if it could answer your questions.

The other possibility is to call Wonderup and ask them about drug interaction, or if there is a number on the bottle of the manufacturer of the pills give them a call. They should be able to tell you the answer to your question.

(Login Liz1967)
Re: Do herbs go against antidepressants?
November 21 2006, 10:05 AM

I think that herbs do not go against antidepressants. While I was taking both I didnt notice anything wrong. Bur I believe herbs dont let herb do their job so we only wais money and have no results, no growing at all.
I decided take a break on antidepressants because i was on those pills for one year and I think it is time for see what happen. I dont want to take those pills for ever. I have not a biiiigg depression, so I'll try to stop now but if I see i need them i'll restart.
I'm also thinking about trying Hypericum for depression.

Are the herbs safe to take with medication?
July 5 2006 at 9:27 AM Jem (Login Jem26)
I am on an anti depressant, due to come off it very soon but would like to start taking the herbs asap, are they safe to take with medication? I take it they are as they are only herbs but thought id ask here, id rather not mention it to my dr;-)



(no login)
Re: Are the herbs safe to take with medication?
July 5 2006, 9:29 AM

I'm also taking anti-depressive medication and herbs. So far so good, but I dont know if it is wrong.

(Login Jem26)
Re: Are the herbs safe to take with medication?
July 5 2006, 9:58 AM


I am on an anti d called lofepramine, not been on it that long but trying to come off it.

Are you seeing any results with your programme? I am new to all of this so trying to work out which herbs im supposed to order, lol!


(Login mosquitobites)
Re: Are the herbs safe to take with medication?
July 5 2006, 1:39 PM

I'm also on anti-depressents, one called Sertraline and I've been taking Breast Success for nearly two months now. I asked my doctor if it was safe to use as the bottle said not to be used with MOAB anti-depressents (I think that's right) and was given the go ahead as my anti-depressents are apparently not MOAB (whatever that is). I don't know if this helps you or not but wish you success.

Desperate Lynne

Hops side effects?
February 8 2007 at 8:09 PM
Teresina (Login Teresina)
Just wanted to get a feel for how many use hops internally and feel it helps? I'm trying to figure out if this is one to be used on its own or if it can be combined with fennel, fenugreek, wild yam...

Also, did you have any side effects from it? The bottle says not to use if you have depression, I'm assuming because it's a mild sedative, but it's also indicated for anxiety relief. Not sure what to make of that.


lil dunny
(Login lil_dunny)
Re: Results with hops? Side effects?
February 8 2007, 9:03 PM

yes, hops is mildly sedative, at the same time anxiety-relieving. it may cause a bit'o'munchies (yes, it's related to hemp)

(Login Sabrina.)
Re: Results with hops? Side effects?
February 13 2007, 7:54 AM

Hops calms the nervous system, which is why it's good for anxiety, but if you have depression you don't want to be calmed, instead you need something to brighten you up.

(Login Wahaika)
Results with hops? Side effects?
February 13 2007, 4:05 PM

The main side effect with hops is that it makes some women feel weepy. If one is taking meds for depression, then hops may be something to avoid.

(Login Buffeeee)
Re: Results with hops? Side effects?
February 13 2007, 4:34 PM

We call that weepiness the "Tear in my Beer" effect.

/Apologies to all Hank Williams fans. If there are any here.

(Login IttyBittyTitty)
February 13 2007, 7:43 PM

Hey Teresina,

I've been on hops for about 7 weeks with no side affects. It's too early to know about growth but it at least hasn't given me any problems. For a while I thought it was making me sleep harder at night (not tired during the day) but I think that was something else.

. . . .)\_ _/( . .IttyB

(Login Amy1)
February 14 2007, 2:16 PM

I agree that hops is good for anxiety relief because it's calming, but probably that isn't the right thing for anyone suffering from depression.

Emotional state
January 31 2008 at 3:40 AM lori2929 (Login lori2929)
I was just wondering what effect if any NBE has had on people's emotional state here?

I know myself since I started, I find there are mornings and nights where I will cry in varying amounts for no apparent reason. I've always been somewhat of a crier but now it is even more so.

Anyone else?

(Login luckyboobs)
Re: Emotional state
January 31 2008, 5:04 AM

Makes me pretty b****y sometimes.

(Login MyKids3)
Re: Emotional state
January 31 2008, 12:19 PM

I started doing Be in 2006. I was ok in the beginning, but after about 5 months or so of taking herbs,I became really miserable.I quit taking the herbs because I figured that the herbs had something to do with it.I went to the doctors and they put me on antidepressants because I became that miserable.
I only took antidepressants for only a couple of months because,I didnt want to be on them either.Thats how the herbs effect me.Since I have been off herbs,I have been so much better.

(Login Louise1982)
Re: Emotional state
January 31 2008, 12:27 PM

I've been taking WU since June and been on Dianette since October and had no difference at all. When I was off BCP I was very weepy and nasty just before my period and possibly around ovulation. I think all of these things make you better if you were unbalanced to start with or worse if you were balanced to start with.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: Emotional state
January 31 2008, 1:02 PM

Mood swings / depression is one of the possible adverse reactions to the herbs. Like with BCP and such. If you get it, you should ideantify the culprit and substitute it. You can only hope tho that it's not all of the herbs that affact you that way. Some people tend to be sensitive to herbs in general and some not at all. Me I never hand any sort of negative effect from herbs, just positive ones.

Woolly Sheep
(Login Hopeful88)
Re: Emotional state
January 31 2008, 3:58 PM

I feel like I probably had more before I started NBE... I feel fine now, and haven't really noticed a difference in my attitude. I think Louise was right in saying "I think all of these things make you better if you were unbalanced to start with or worse if you were balanced to start with."

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