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Stinging nettle root or leaf?


help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 13 2007 at 9:48 PM Lisa (Login lilmama40)
I'm out of SP and wanted to try SN instead, and I read somewhere here that it must be nettle ROOT and not nettle LEAF, but I've looked at a few stores (and online with vitamin world) and can only find leaf. Is this different?

(Login Surf.)
Re: help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 13 2007, 9:58 PM

I've always understood that it's the root, but Fearycat says the leaf is helpful for NBE as well.

(no login)
Re: help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 13 2007, 10:00 PM

yes, you need root. It's harder to find than leaf.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 13 2007, 10:14 PM

I just noticed this too. I was reading different things on the internet about nettle and unfortunately I didn't bookmark the page I was on when I found a pretty good article about it. It stated though that nettle leaves are used for different things than nettle root and that it's the root that does the same type of thing that saw palmetto does. This would lead me to think maybe it matters if you use root or leaf? I found nettle root on and ordered a bottle just to be on the safe side.

(Login Lisa121)
Re: help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 13 2007, 10:20 PM

Hi Lisa, you are right, if you want to reduce testosterone levels you should take the Nettle ROOT and not the leaf of the plant. Even though the nettle leaf has very good properties, like cleaning the blood etc., it is the root that helps with this side of NBE and that you would want to use if you dropped SP.

(Login lilmama40)
Re: help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 13 2007, 10:27 PM

I'm glad you verified this. I'm dropping the SP because it seems my weight is up a few pounds since going on the SP and I'm hoping maybe I'll not have that issue with the nettle root. Plus it seems for some they had better results with the nettle root, so I'd like to give it a shot now that I've finished off my first bottle of SP and see what I think. Thanks for your help! :-)

(Login bonnette)
Re: help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 14 2007, 10:05 AM

Lisa121 i hope you read it

how many nettleroot caps you think would replace the sawpalmetto ? i also asked it in another thread but didn't get much answers. i rememeber when being on sawpalmetto my skin really creared up but with nettle it's not so good. Breastwise i don't know yet since i'm about to finish my first cycle only next week.

Also, since the nettleroot is more expensive than sawplametto (which i still have more than a half bottle from Vortexhealth) can i switch from one to another just like that? i quit sawpalmetto because i noticed starting putting weight on tummy and with the breastsize i have i dont like that at all. so if my nettle finish can i just continue with sawpalmetto again?

Many questions, hope they make sense...


(Login Lisa121)
Re: help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 14 2007, 1:03 PM

Lisa, I noticed the weight gain on the SP as well. After I came off it I lost quite a bit because of other reasons, and the Nettle does not have the same effect as the SP, at least it hasn't helped me put weight back on.

Bonnette, as for the dosage, for me 400 - 800 mg of Nettle root seem to suffice, if you don't have excess androgens than 400 - 500 mg should be enough.
As for switching back to the SP, I don't see why that should be a problem once you are finished with the Nettle root, you should be able to switch smoothly without having any problems.
And don't worry, I could understand your questions fine.

I didn't notice any skin improvements on SP or the Nettle root, however, what always does help with my acne is drinking nettle leaf tea. You could give this a try, I just buy the tea bags out of a health store, they are really cheap and I drink 1-2 cups a day. It tastes a bit bitter but you get used to it after a while.

(no login)
nettle root
February 19 2007, 1:42 AM

Which brand is offering nettle root? I tried to buy Stinging Nettle today & only GNC has it but the dosage was 500 mg which I thought was rather high. Is stinging nettle & nettle root the same thing?

(Login Lisa121)
Re: help...stinging nettle root or leaf?
February 19 2007, 8:10 AM

You get stinging nettle LEAF and stinging nettel ROOT, so it is from the same plant but the properties are different.
You want the root for NBE, and it usually specifies which type it is on the bottle. You can buy nettle root from
As for the dosage, 400mg - 500mg capsules are standard as far as I have found, and isn't a high dosage at all. You can take up to three of the 500mg capsules a day, but for NBE I would start with one and maybe up to two if you have high androgen levels, that should generally be enough.
I hope this helped clear it up a bit.

Tap - question for you
February 13 2007 at 2:37 PM Surf (Login Surf.)
Tap, hey girl! I was searching for someone else's program when I ran across yours and saw that you had recently updated in! I hope all is going well with you!!!

I was wondering something - you said that you are taking Stinging Nettle leaf. Do you really mean the leaf and not the root? It's my understanding that the leaf helps with sinus type problems and not NBE. The root is the only part of nettle that helps with NBE, to my knowledge (as lacking as it is about NBE more often that not)! I just thought I would pass this on -

(Login faerycat)
Re: Tap - question for you
February 13 2007, 6:43 PM

Sorry for butting in on Tap's message but from all I've read, nettle leaf can be just as effective for NBE too.

Here's some info, but there's tons more out there -

Biological name: Urtica dioica

Tea Dosage: One cup boiling water over 2 teaspoons of herb and allowing it to seep for 10 minutes. Drink 2-3 cups per day.

Nettle is an herb that also has enjoyed a long tradition of medicinal use dating back to ancient Greece. It has been used to treat coughs, tuberculosis, arthritis, alopecia, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), allergy symptoms, muscle spasms, parasitic infestation, kidney disease, gout, sciatica, hemorrhoids, and diarrhea. It is said to be particularly useful in the treatment of chronic eczema.

Most importantly for BFAR purposes, however, it has a consistent history of being a powerful galactagogue. It is a significant component of most commercial galactagogue products. It is rich in iron, calcium, vitamin K, silica, potassium, lectins, phenols, sterols, lignans, and histamines.

The freeze-dried version of the herb, which is used in capsules and tinctures, is the safest form of the galactagogue as leaves that have been dried in the usual fashion can contain mold spores, which could cause an allergic reaction in those sensitive to mold. The freeze-dried leaves are also more potent.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle leaf (Urtica dioica L. [Urticaceae]) was one of the less-used galactagogue herbs among the participants in this study, though has a long-standing reputation for enriching breast milk (Bartram, 1998; Bombardelli and Marazzoni, 1997; Gladstar, 1993; Weed, 1986; Yarnell, 1998). The herb is believed to be completely non-toxic (Yarnell, 1998). Nettle contains many nutrients, including iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K (Lieberman, 1995), as well as phosphorus, potassium, sulphur, and vitamin D (Weed, 1986). They also contain some B vitamins and appreciable amounts of magnesium (Duke, 1992). They contain up to 20% mineral salts, mainly calcium, potassium, silicon, and nitrates (Blumenthal et al., 2000). Nettle extract has been found to contain all of the essential amino acids (Bombardelli and Morazzoni, 1997).

Nettle is believed to support lactation by providing essential nutrients (Weed, 1986). It has no medicinal action, apart from being mildly diuretic and hemostatic (Bradley, 1992). Dried nettles mixed into cattle fodder are known to boost milk production in cows (Grieve, 1971; Phillips and Foy, 1990). Nonetheless, the herb’s astringent qualities could theoretically reduce milk production (Edmunds, 1995; Weed, 1986). There are no known contraindications to its use during pregnancy or lactation (Blumenthal et al., 2000).

To support lactation, nettle leaves are typically brewed as a tea, often in combination with raspberry leaf.


=^_^= x

(Login Surf.)
Re: Tap - question for you
February 13 2007, 9:10 PM

Faerycat, Thanks for the info!!! All I was reading on the internet about Nettle leaf was the sinus - respitory type benefits. I had no idea it was also helpful for NBE! Thanks for the correction! Nettle leaf is sure easier to find than Nettle root, at least where I'm from (I had to ask the owner of the local health food store to order it in special for me). Best growing boobie wishes to you!

(Login Nadia.)
Re: Tap - question for you
February 16 2007, 9:48 PM

Nettle root can be annoyingly hard to find, but if you're replacing saw palmetto it's the root you need.

Stinging Nettle
October 17 2006 at 11:40 AM jonezi (no login)
Hi i'm considering takin stinging nettle instead of saw palmetto and the only one i've seen is stinging nettle leaf from Holland and Barrett. Is this ok or does it have to be the root? Any feedback greatly appreciated!!!

(Login Liz1967)
Re: Stinging Nettle
October 17 2006, 1:34 PM

You can buy Stinging Nettle at:

(Login coffeegirl77)
Re: Stinging Nettle
October 17 2006, 8:52 PM

I am under the impression that it needs to be the root to do the same thing as SP. I don't know where you live, but in the US you can get it on line at the Vitamin Shoppe. That's where I found mine!

(Login tms81)
Re: Stinging Nettle
October 17 2006, 9:01 PM

yeah it is the root that has the same qualities as saw palmetto not the leaf

(Login AHYA)
Re: Stinging Nettle
October 17 2006, 9:45 PM

If you live in UK, u can get nettle root capsule from this website:

If you tend to buy over 50 pounds from that website, u may purchase through their wholesale page, b/c it is much cheaper but they only ship when you purchase over 50, the wholesale website is:

BTW, what's nettle leaves for? Since I drink a large amount of nettle leaves tea every day, I thought nettle leash would be helpful.

(Login solitairian)
Re: Stinging Nettle
October 18 2006, 8:34 AM

I did the necessary arithmetic and even if you spend £50 on that site to get the better price it's still not as good a price as the Vortex Health.

(Login tms81)
Re: Stinging Nettle
October 18 2006, 11:51 AM

the leafs that are in the tea cleanses the blood and it helps with acne and it is good against allergies. it is very good if you have low iron level.

(Login AHYA)
Re: Stinging Nettle
October 18 2006, 2:44 PM

tms81, thank u for your respones.

So, does it mean nettle leaves have nothing to do with NBE? Anyway, I'm continue drinking it, since I also got acne problems. Tongue

(no login)
Re: Stinging Nettle
October 31 2006, 6:17 PM

Vortex Health are going to discontinue the nettle root next year. Sorry for the bad news, but get it whilst you can.

The leaf has different properties to the root and they are used for different benefits and to treat different conditions.

Nettle root
November 16 2006 at 2:08 AM
Gin (Login kittycatra)
Where do you find nettle root? I've seen stinging nettle everywhere, but on the back of the bottles they say "leaf." I thought there was a difference with root and leaf.

I've decided to go for just nettle root (has similar properties as SP) but cannot find it anywhere. Actually I've only tried GNC and Vitamin World, and they're supposed to supply all the good stuff!

Where do you ladies purchase it from?
What brand do you use that you've seen results with?


Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
Re: Nettle root
November 16 2006, 4:00 AM

I dunno, I thought Nettle root & leaf were the same thing...

To answer you question, I buy my herbs at this place called Vitamin City. It's, like, 7 minutes away from my dorms -- it's great! I think it's in partnership with Herbie's Naturals ( since that's where I found out about it. Trader Joe's ( has a mini herb/vitamin section... you can try and check that place out if it's easier.

(no login)
Re: Nettle root
November 16 2006, 11:33 AM

Miss Monet, are those two websites for US or Europe?

(Login Diana1978)
all i found on vitamin world
November 16 2006, 7:58 PM

all i found on vitamin world was nettle liquid extract

i dont know if its the same thing.

was like 5.99 for an ounce.

Miss Monet
(Login friskyflirt)
To Bonnette
November 16 2006, 8:14 PM

Those two websites are for the USA. I'm not sure if they have locations in Europe... they may ship worldwide, though, you should check!

(Login wonderbride)
Re: Nettle root
November 16 2006, 8:15 PM

Hi Gin,

I get most of my supplements online at they are in the U.S. but they also take international orders. Best wishes.

"Whether you think you can or you can't either way you are right." Henry Ford

Vicky A
(Login VickyA)
Re: Nettle root
November 16 2006, 8:24 PM

You are right in thinking that stinging nettle leaf is not the same thing as stinging nettle root. They have different properties.

(Login Tiffany)
Re: Nettle root
November 17 2006, 8:59 PM

You can also find nettle seeds in some herbalist shops, so there are 3 parts of the stinging nettle used for medical purposes.

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