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Exercise and Breast Enlargement


Exercise and Breast Enlargement
September 22 2006 at 12:05 AM
Kari (Login PinkNika)

Hi Everyone,

I am new to the forums and have been looking at the posts for a few days now, I'm sorry if this message already posted, but I can't seem to get it working or view the post, anyways I was wondering about breast growth and physical exercise, I am trying to lose weight and trying to make my chest bigger at the same time, I don't want it to counteract somehow since the first place I lose weight is in my chest, for those of you who work out and are doing the breast enlargement, does it work for you? Please let me know. Thanks!!

(Login Alcest)
Re: Exercise and Breast Enlargement
September 22 2006, 4:11 PM

I've actually heard here that doing NBE will help you keep your breasts while you're losing weight,and then if you continue with it, should hopefully help you gain more as well. So I think you have the nail right on the head in your post. It will usually counteract loss of breast.

(Login coffeegirl77)
Re: Exercise and Breast Enlargement
September 22 2006, 9:05 PM

I would just suggest keeping aerobics to a mimimum. I seem to recall having read that that can be the worst for NBE while losing weight. I would recomend pilates, yoga, and low impact methods of exercise. Don't go too overboard with weights either. I use weights, but I keep them on the light side when I am doing any upper body exercises (2-5 pounds). That should help you keep your breast size. I have a cousin who used to have great breasts and after having children she went super over board with the exercise to lose weight (why I don't know, since I thought she looked great as she was) and she is now flat as a board. So be careful and try not to lose TOO much! Good luck!

Wild Flower
(Login wild.flower)
Re: Exercise and Breast Enlargement
October 9 2006, 8:15 AM

This was my aim too at the beginning. I did succeed in losing a few pounds but my breast enhancement progress was very gradual, so in the end I decided to ditch the idea of weight loss for now.

(Login emmiedee)
October 9 2006, 10:30 AM

because of what i do, i have to stay in good shape... so i focus on ab exercises and basic pilates has been great for keeping tone everywhere (i recommend the ball exercises). unfortunately, the primary way to LOSE weight is to do cardio, which will burn the fat on your boobs as well. go for the bike and for the stair climber instead of an elliptical or running, to focus on losing the fat on the lower body. make sure to rotate out the bike, as it tends to build leg mass if you use it too much...

hope that helps... good luck with both projects!

(Login PinkNika)
Re: Exercise and Breast Enlargement
October 9 2006, 7:36 PM

Yes that is exactly what I have been trying to do, lose weight on my lower body, my upper body is really great, thin arms and everything but unfortunatley I have a small chest. My lower body is pretty big, I have pretty big hips butt and thighs. I look very pear shaped. So I want to definitely concentrate on that area. I do want to do full work outs but if its going to effect growth, then I will just stick with the lower exercises.

Exercise and NBE
February 25 2009 at 6:31 AM Sadie (Login SadieGal)

Hello NBE veterans,

I am new to this breast enlargement game and was wondering if it will be incredibly counter-productive to continue my workout routine (aerobic 1 hr a day 3x per week) while engaging in NBE. I am currently taking fenugreek and hops and fish oil with soy milk, if that matters.

Basically, I am wondering if it is incredibly naive to hope that my body will continue to burn fat in places that I want it to while my breasts actually get fatter.

Thanks for any advice.

(Login laisegirl)
Re: Exercise and NBE
February 25 2009, 1:30 PM

I can't answer yes or no, but i have read in programs that women are continuing to exercise while doing NBE. i am relatively new to NBE(only since nov 07) so i am still learning too. Hopefully a veteran will answer you soon. Until then you can search some of the routine and maybe get an answer there...good luck

(Login MrsJimHalpert)
Re: Exercise and NBE
February 25 2009, 5:02 PM

i encourage you to work out while you are on NBE. it helps with circulation. i think a lot of ppl have it in their programs.

(Login LuCLu)
work out
February 25 2009, 5:45 PM

Hey there. I still work out and do my routine. It's health benefits are abundant and i would say, like already said, that it definitley helps with circulation. Not only that, but when you feel better about yourself, then you'll be more encouraged to continue taking care of yourself. When you feel good, and then you go to NBE, i think you get a more positive outlook.

When growing breasts, it does help to have that "extra fat" but when our bodies actually do respond and start to grow, we're actually growing the healthy tissue, not just "fat." If all we were to gain was fat, then we'd lose our breasts everytime we took a diet. Think about women who've got huge breasts but are athletic, it's because our breasts are made up of connective tissue, mammary glands and fat. So, don't stop working out. It might take a little longer, especially if our metabolisms are super fast, but NBE is not a fast working process anyways. It takes time and patience for our bodies to react. Smile I swim 1-2 times per week for an hour, and do cardio/weight training 2-3 times per week 30 minutes each time. I think my breasts are still responding, but slowly. I'm still happy though.

Hopefully that helps.
Happy growing.

(no login)
Re: Exercise and NBE
February 26 2009, 7:29 AM

Ah thanks so much for that encouragement. I guess I'll just keep on keepin' on in both areas then! I feel much better now. Thanks to all who replied Smile

(Login laisegirl)
Re: Exercise and NBE
February 26 2009, 1:22 PM

Great! I feel better knowing i can get healthy and still maybe get boobie growth!!!! Oh, and a correction from my earlier post, i have only be doing this isnce nov 2008 not 2007....what yr was i in when i wrote that??? DUH!!!!

hmmm. excercise ...
June 18 2007 at 1:47 PM ignorantfool (Login ignorantfool)

I work out like 2 hours a day. Could this hinder the NBE process? If I don't work out I'm worried that I'm to gain weight because my eating habits aren't the best.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: hmmm. excercise ...
June 18 2007, 6:03 PM

It isn't actually a question of how much you exercise, but rather if you have enough body fat for NBE. If you are losing body fat from you workouts, then it would likely interfere with NBE - most women lose bodyfat first in their breasts.

If you exercise so much your body fat is below 15% then you may also have trouble with NBE.

However, if you are well adapted to exercising that much and if you are not losing body weight and your body fat is above 15%, then you will not have trouble with NBE due to your exercise.

(Login lil_dunny)
Re: hmmm. excercise ...
June 18 2007, 7:47 PM

it may be a good idea to look into improving eating habits, as well. overeating, for instance (ie eating too much in one sitting) is NOT good for NBE. the diet should be healthy, with few simple carbs (instead opt for fruit + veg + complex grains), enough protein, and complete with a good amount of healthy fats. if you feel like you must exercise for 2 hours a day to maintain your weight, it seems like changing your diet might be important. for successful NBE it's best to maintain a BMI of at least over 19, depending on your built. it also makes a difference what sort of exercise you do - running, for instance, is not good for BE, but on the other hand swimming, yoga, taichi, pilates etc are.

Black Sheep
(no login)
Re: hmmm. excercise ...
June 18 2007, 8:02 PM

I agree with lil dunny.
80% of the way you look comes from your diet. The rest is from exercise. So it's best advice to start with developing a healthy diet first. Doesn't mean stop working out. That's highly encouraged (because it makes you feel less fatigued and just overall great about yourself) but definately don't think that will substitute your poor diet.

(Login ignorantfool)
June 18 2007, 8:36 PM

So running is bad. That sort of stinks since I run (jog, sprint) twice totaling my two hours. I used to do pilates, but I got bored with the exercises that I did every morning. I guess I should eat better. I'll probably work on that, but my body is definitely over the 19 BMI (I think its 23).

Black Sheep
(no login)
Re: hmmm. excercise ...
June 18 2007, 8:46 PM

I wouldn't stop running. Running and swimming are both equally good for you as they get your blood circulating, which is good for NBE. After a jog/run, use a cool pack on the boobs for about 5 minutes after. There has been a post about this months ago. It was about excercise and boobs and how you can help not lose fat there by apply cool pack on the breasts after a work-out.

(Login -Moon-)
Re: hmmm. excercise ...
June 19 2007, 1:15 PM

Running is certainly not bad. But poor diet is and no ammount of excercise will make up for that. To have success on NBE we must be in optimal health and diet is the most important thing for, so do start eating healthily. Good luck!

Exercise and boob growth
March 18 2006 at 1:35 PM
Lisa (Login Lisa121)

I was wondering if any of you had an opinion on this, do you guys think that swimming once or twice a week for about 50 minutes to 1 hour could hinder boob growth? And what about using a stepper and dumbells for 30 minutes three to five times a week? Do you guys think that the dumbells could decrease breast size?
I just like exercising so much and using the dumbells helps with my back.

(no login)
Re: Exercise and boob growth
March 18 2006, 3:46 PM

Cardio isnt a NBEs friend but you can still work with it and get pretty good growth. better for of exercise for NBE is toning or targeted work outs. usually ones with tension like weights. if you are an always working out (like daily or every other day) then there may be a problem. if you are skinny as hell you probably have low estrogen already and to compound that excersise actually can increast testosterone levels, HGH which help with burning fat. the goal is to store fat in the breasts so excersise can defeat your overall purpose. if you want to loose weight its better to do it before you start a routine. but if you are on a routine already then its better to stop and loose the weight and then start again when you are ready. if you excersise for overall good health and you have a reasonable work out plas ( 2x a week for 1 h) then you shouldnt worry too much.

its still a good idea to monitor you NBE progress while having a regular workout routine. if you find you are having problems gainin anything at all then you may want to consider your diet and exercise routine being the culprit first and balance it off to see if that helps.

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Exercise and boob growth
March 18 2006, 5:07 PM

Thanks for all the info SugarQ, I am really skinny so this isn't about losing weight, it really is just for general health and fitness. I guess I will just limit it and not do high intensity work outs.
Thanks again,

(Login Mrs.Taylor)
aye Lisa
March 18 2006, 10:39 PM

I agree with my SugarQ, Execising is good to a certain extent girl and it can make your body tone up in certain areas which is great..Just be careful though or you'll have boobies of being silly but take care girl I wish you luck because Im doing alot of chest workouts before I start up again so my muscle behind my breast is healthy n strong. I want to have a cleavage muscle to so I can flex my chest like men ..I have big dreams for these lil

(Login liquidSunset)
My opinion
March 19 2006, 12:32 AM

As long as you dont do exercise to "loose wieght" and just do things to "keep in shape" or "tone up" I think you will be fine. Light/moderate exercise can help produce the growth hormone, so that IS good. I read that anyone doing NBE should try to do 20 min "workouts" about 3 times a week. (to help with growth hormone) So thats my opinion. I think it is ok to keep in shape or tone up, but I dont think we should do exercise to loose wieght.
I would think the exercises you mentioned above would be ok if you dont over do them.

(no login)
Re: Exercise and boob growth
March 19 2006, 5:01 AM

I just got the kids a trampoline so would that be okay for BE?


(no login)
To Angela
March 19 2006, 2:37 PM

I would say that is fine as long as your boobs are not jiggling all over. If they are either wear a really good sports bra or don't do it. I've read where other woman made their boobs saggy or smaller from working out w/out a supportive enough bra because they were bouncing all over. And if you are jumping and have boobs that will make them bounce.

And I agree that as long as you are not doing a cardio workout your boobs should be fine. I've been working out w/out cardio, have been loosing weight but not boob. My boyfriends sister started doing cardio workouts and has lost a lot of weight but she also lost a whole bra size.

(Login Lisa121)
Re: Exercise and boob growth
March 20 2006, 12:22 AM

Thanks for all your responses, I appreciate it and am relieved that I can keep on doing what I am doing, I don't think I will go crazy with the exercise, it was only the swimming I was really worried about because I just love it!

Angela, I think the trampoline should be fine, I mean you aren't going to be on it an hour every day or so, I think that would give one a heacache!
But like Christina said, wear a good sports bra, bouncy breasts can rip the tissue and you really don't want that. See, I don't even have to worry about that, my boobs jiggle a bit but you couldn't talk about bouncy!
Take care,

Heavy weight training and NBE
November 16 2006 at 6:22 PM
HS29 (Login HS29)

I am wondering if anyone here is a serious weightlifter/exercise freak that is using NBE?
And if so, are you having positive results?

I am by no stretch near a low bodyfat % or have great muscle mass, but I am leaning that direction and wondering if I'm gonna lose what little I do have eventually.

Most ladies I see in the fitness competitions either have no boobs or have had them surgically augmented.

Is there hope?

Again, not looking to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, but am certainly trying for much more muscle mass and a lower body fat. I eat fairly healthy and incorporate lots of healthy fats in my diet.

Thanks anyone who's got experience here. I've searched the WWW and haven't really found anything to support this idea. I see most automatically go for augmentation- I will not do that to my body.

I did see ONE lady who is a body builder w/ huge boobs and she swears they are natural. She never lost hers due to the heavy exercise.

But hey, if I have great muscle tone small boobies, I think I could live w/ that. Eventually... :-D

Vicky A
(Login VickyA)
Re: Heavy weight training and NBE
November 17 2006, 9:53 PM

Strenuous physical exercise, i.e. exercise that seriously stresses the body, is always going to be negative for breast size. As you say yourself, women you see in fitness competions do not have much natural boobage.

(Login henriettahippo)
Re: Heavy weight training and NBE
November 17 2006, 10:04 PM

Although most body building excercises will decrease the breast size because of the muscles worked, I think depending on what "level" you are trying to get to will determine the size boobs you have. There are different level/catagories in body building, but by just doing what you are proposing you won't necessarily become Arnold!!!

For you, I would think there is going to be some boob loss, but not to the extreme if all you are trying to do is decrease your body fat which in turn increases your muscle mass. At the gym my hubby goes to, there are two girls that I'll use an example ~ one is so muscular that at first glance I swore she was a guy until I was corrected, but she was top in her level locally/regionally; then there was a girl that was on a different level, very tight muscles, low body fat, but looked normally proportioned that lost her boobs by a cup size, so like a C to a B. Her only goal was to look really good and bring her fat down, and without it sounding gross or sick, she looked really good, and unfortuantly showed it off to everyone but thats another story...... It all depends on your overall goal. So I guess thats your answer.

Hope that helps.

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Heavy weight training and NBE
November 18 2006, 12:41 AM

I don't know if I will be much inspiration to you, because I am starting at such a small size (36aaaa which through NBE has increased to between 36aaa and 36aa). I have weight trained for several years and I teach exercise classes about 3 hours a day. My small breast size was not caused by my weight training or exercise, I believe I have had a long standing hormone imbalance.

Those professional body builders often reduce body fat for competition or photo shoots into the single digits - which for women is unhealthy. Even low teen body fat amounts can cause a woman hormone imbalances. Consider as well that it is likely pro body builders will use steriods - women included - and you have a recipe for hormone trouble that will definitely reduce breast size.

If you keep your body fat between 15 - 20% you will look lean and still have enought fat for NBE. Muscle building alone does not reduce breast size. There may be a slight loss due to toning the pectoral muscles, but that will be replaced when you build up the pecs.

However, your bra band to cup size proportions may suffer. I have increased mass in my pecs, lats, and serratus anterior muscles which at one point due to water weight gain had me temporarily at a 38 bra band size - and far, far too many a's behind it cup size wise. Without weight training, my band size would be a 34 and my cup size aa and nearing a full A.

I agree that your overall look will be enhanced through weight training - a toned body looks great. Keep your body fat reasonable and you can grow your breasts and you muscles.

Keep us posted on how your doing.


(Login Buffeee)
Re: Heavy weight training and NBE
November 18 2006, 6:16 PM

I work out 5 days a week-- not a body builder but I definitely lift heavier than any other female I see at the gym. I push it as hard as I can! My body fat is 16% and I've still been able to grow boobs.

I think it's interesting that people still believe in "spot reduction," for example: if you do too many exercises for your pecs it will burn off the fat in your boobs. This has been long dispoven; however, I know from watching a big-boobed friend of mine get in shape that getting good pec muscles will lift and tighten the boob area- potentially making them look smaller. All the muscles really did was reduce sag, which I think is a good thing.

Exercise and NBE
June 10 2006 at 6:03 PM Katie (Login Katie81)
Does anyone know if exercise can affect NBE. I have been exercising for about 1 hour every other day (strengh training and toning moves of major muscle groups eg lunges, squats, sit ups, push ups) My friend suggested that doing push ups and training your chest muscles may stop herbs working as well. Does anyone know if this is the case?

Thank you!!!

(Login Qeteshizme2)
Re: Exercise and NBE
June 10 2006, 6:12 PM

I have no idea but i am wondering about this myself

I am new to NBE i just figured out the reasoning behind massage.

i am pretty small 5'1 103 and i am going on a beach vacation next month so i was thinking of toning up myself, only i dont want to hinder my breast growth by not having enough fat on my body ( just started beast success 3 days ago) i wonder if its good to do cardio and strengh while trying to have breast enhancement???
i would not give up my weekly yoga class but i was thinking of adding even more to prep for the beach,,,

good thig tho its only my 3rd day and i feel a slight tingle *smiles

(Login SugarQ)
Re: Exercise and NBE
June 10 2006, 6:22 PM

breasts are about 80% fat and when you exercise what are you burning?
when you diet and exercise you will burn fat porportionately. you there will always be places where you are going to burn fat more depending on what areas you focus on but if you do alot of carbio and resistance workouts it will eventually afect your breast size. there are women on this forum who can voch for loosing some of their progress after dieting or excersising. so the worstt time to do a routine is during or immediatly after a routine. if you dont want to risk starting right from scratch then do your weight loss and toning before you start a routine. if you excersise only once or twice a week then dont worry about it too much. if you do much more then that then you are putting your NBE at risk.

(Login Qeteshizme2)
Re: Exercise and NBE
June 10 2006, 6:36 PM

thanks for the info i had a feeling this was probably right and i am completely happy with my size right now i was jus getting into the hoopla of summer bikinis and having absolutly no visable fat seen for that season, i know my man doesnt mind it and i would MUCH rather have larger boobs and stay exactly the same size i am now or even gain a few lbs.

i will keep my regular plan of yoga once a week and the occational cardio i may jus add on tummy exercise 2-3 days a week to help me feel like i am doing something to look better in that bikini. but no extra cadio for sure.

(Login midnightoil7)
Re: Exercise and NBE
June 14 2006, 4:04 AM

I not sure if it dose but But if you in dancing I use The irish Dance Fitness plan it based on River Dance. It a great a fun way stay in shape.

too much exercise
April 24 2007 at 9:40 AM sugar2spice (Login sugar2spice)
Is too much exercise not so good while on NBE? I exercise every day doing 30 min cardio running treadmill and cross trainer, various floor exercises for the whole body, then alternate days for weight lifting for upper body and lower body. I don't need to lost weight. I workout because I enjoy it and for extra muscle toning. Great stress reliever too! Usually takes me an hour and a half. Now, I hear that a lot of fat loss is bad for NBE, but I don't have much to lose so is that ok? I am not super skinny. I'm 120lbs and have an atheltic body. I hope there's not a problem because cutting the gym would be a big deal to me. Maybe it will be ok if I keep enough protein in my diet?

Mon/Wed/Fri- cardio, floor excercises, +upper body weights

Tues/Thur- cardio, floor exercises, +lower body (legs)

Sat- floor exercises only

Sun- no workout.

(Login sandy111)
Re: too much exercise
April 24 2007, 10:25 AM

Hi.On the botanical website they mention that growth hormones are released in the first 90 min of sleep and while exercise.So i think it is actually good for NBE.after all u mentioned u are not loosing weight...So It should be okay or even an advantage..Good luck

(Login sugar2spice)
April 24 2007, 1:57 PM

Thanks a lot!! That's good news. In fact, I just got back from the gym...

(no login)
Re: too much exercise
April 24 2007, 5:48 PM

Just want to add that even if you don't lose weight while working out you are probably losing fat and gaining muscle tissue. If the fat percentage decreases in your body, it will affect the chances of fat cells being deposited in the breast area.

(login Miranda)
Re: too much exercise
April 29 2007, 2:16 PM

That is a very good point.

In bodybuilding theere has long been a debate about how exactly cardio affects you.

exercise and BE
April 13 2006 at 9:23 AM Darisha (Login Darisha)

Hi everyone I am a newbee to this site although I have been reading on here for about a week now and have read everyone's programmes and have read as many threads as I can going back a year ago. I am 35, 3 kids and no boobs at all. I cannot fit into any bra size whatsoever. I have been taking Breast Gain Plus for the past 5 weeks and have noticed only some firmness so far but judging by other peoples experiences with bgp I won't be purchasing anymore. I only bought a 2 month supply luckily. I have however just purchased a 3 month supply of Natureday so I will start that as soon as bgp is finished. I was just wondering about exercise and BE. I workout about 3 to 4 days a week using weights even though I do try to gain weight. Is this going hinder my BE progress. I know exercise promotes HGH which I thought was necessary for breast development. Could someone please enlighten me on this. Thanks.

(Login Helen_N)
Re: exercise and BE
April 13 2006, 1:09 PM

Hi Darisha and welcome to the forum Smile

I had the same question myself when I started as I did not want to stop exercising and I could not see why exercising could interfere with breast growth, so I thought, as long as I did not overdo it and did a sensible, moderate work out to keep fit, I would be fine. Exercising is really important to me, it would be a shame and I would be really depressed if I had to stop it.

Besides you are right; moderate body exercise can stimulate hormone release and increase the secretion of many hormones, including the growth hormone, targeting all our body cells. Balancing and regulating our hormones is our target in NBE and exercise can assist in this, rather than hinder it.

Aerobics, jogging, swimming, cross-training, and sensible use of resistance machines should therefore pose absolutely no problem and can in fact be beneficial. But keep it moderate so that you are sure you assist your endocrine system rather than stressing it with very heavy, unreasonably extensive work-outs.

I had not heard of Natureday myself, but I can say I've had a quick look on-line at the ingredients of the formula and they look alright to me, they are indeed some of the main herbs used in most NBE programs. The only question is whether the quantities in it are sufficient, and this in fact is what I have been wondering about the formula I am using (Wonderup). So, all we can do at this stage is get on with it, do our best to "help things along" (e.g. with breast massage and good nutrition) and see. If it didn't work I would perhaps consider individual herbs, where I would have the control of including them or not and gradually finding out how much of each is actually effective for me. At this point, we HAVE to be POSITIVE and try not to stress too much about it, in order to get some good results out of it ;-) I'll be definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you, myself and the rest of the girls in here!

I wish you the best for an ENJOYABLE and SUCCESSFUL NBE journey, and keep in touch Smile

* Happy growing! *

Helen x

(Login Darisha)
Re: exercise and BE
April 13 2006, 1:53 PM

Thanks for the encouragement Helen. That does make me feel better about exercising; I don't think I could ever really give it up. How long have you been using WU and is it working so far. I haven't started massaging yet I've only been introduced to massage since reading this forum but I am going to start. I am going to try the cocoa butter and vit E. If you have any other tips please let me know. My brain is a real sponge at the moment; I just want to try anything and everything.
Thanks again

(Login Helen_N)
Re: exercise and BE
April 13 2006, 3:28 PM

I know how it feels, this is why I've found this forum helpful myself. I strongly advise you to add massage to your routine, it has really helped me, tingles and "pleasant" on/off pains kicked in when I took it seriously and also started to use a heat-pad for 15' after massaging.

I am close to completing 2 months with WU so far, nothing amazing is happening at the mo, WU has given me firmness and fullness so far, massaging & heat have helped things along as I've said, which is encouraging. My boobs definitely "feel" different and fuller while I massage, which gives me hope! I am waiting for my period to end so that I measure myself to see if there's any measurable change yet and whether the fullness will remain.

The cocoa-vit.E butter is good stuff and easy to find and use, go for it Smile
Applying low heat after massaging helps circulation and absorbtion. See what "works" for you, stick to it for a while and in time you can experiment even more by using/combining massage oils/lotions and even "boosting" them with herb extracts. You can try to "enrich" the cocoa with something extra, like fennel or fenugreek extracts, I personally find mixing herb powder from capsules into the butter/lotion quite messy and I'm not sure how much of it is actually absorbed by the skin, so I prefer liquid extacts, for example mixing a massage base oil with a liquid herb extract or a pure essential oil. I am experimenting with this at the mo and if something works better I will update my PP page. Try to experiment yourself and see what you like and mainly what works for you - it's part of the fun!!! Except the cocoa, I'm also using the WU cream, check the "mission undercover wonderup" thread to see what's in it. Check what other girls are doing and get ideas; Sunset, bless, she has uploaded some very useful info and tips for massage, make sure you read those posts Smile

Make sure you "feed" yourself properly, vitamin- and EFA-wise, those essential fatty acids -especially omega6- are so important for our hormone balance, supplements will do the trick for that and take care of any deficiency.

I know you said you want to try anything and everything, I've been feeling like this too, but my advise is don't waste money buying everything possible, it is wrong to "overload" your intake anyway. Get the basics, start with them, you've got your NBE formula, sort out your massage butter, vitamin supplement if you think you need it, and EFA supplement (EPO is a good choice rich in that useful omega6, check other oils like hemp, flax seed etc, you might want to get a combined supplement of omega 3+6+9 if you want to keep it simple).

That's all I can say at this stage, hope it summarizes what you can do to get started.

Good luck Darisha! Aren't you exited?!? ;-)
Plz keep us posted.

* Happy growing! *

Helen x

exercise and breast growth
December 24 2007 at 7:30 PM Elise (no login)

Hello all... I am about to start a program as soon as my herbs arrive in the mail. What I am curious of is this: I am also planning on beginning an exercise plan that would involve cardio and toning work thru dancing. Is this going to be counterproductive to my herbal-breast-growing regimen? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

(Login CuteLittleBunnie)
Re: exercise and breast growth
December 24 2007, 9:03 PM

Someone said on here before that if you are gonna do exercise and NBE. You need to choose one or the other. She suggested the NBE first and then the exercise later after you have received the lasting results from NBE. I am sure she will respond if she sees this. Hope this has helped you out some! Merry Christmas:o)

(Login Louise1982)
Re: exercise and breast growth
December 24 2007, 10:21 PM

Doing NBE while losing weight may help reduce breast lost, you may want to do the NBE first and if and when it starts to work then add in your exercises slowly. I seem to be growing despite losing weight but I'm very careful to do little to no cardio work as this has contributed to breast shrinkage when I've lost weight previously.

(Login PrincessPearl)
Re: exercise and breast growth
December 24 2007, 11:25 PM

Believe me...stay away from pushups!!!! Chest strengthener=boobie shrinker. Don't overdo like I did. That was before NBE, but contributed to my need for NBE !!!

(Login Hopeful88)
Re: exercise and breast growth
December 25 2007, 1:24 AM

Exercise and NBE is a popular topic in this forum.

(no login)
Re: exercise and breast growth
December 25 2007, 10:20 PM

Hi, I'm really skinny and when I try to put on weight the fat goes to my butt and thighs and I never ever put weight uptop, so people constantly refer that I look like a child. The only way I see my self looking more normal is by some weight training to balance me out. Does anyone think this could damage my chances of boobie growth. Thanks!

Happy Hoildays Smile

(Login lil_dunny)
Re: exercise and breast growth
December 26 2007, 11:28 AM

running and breast growth def don't mix.
swimming is good, however; walking seems fine; dancing should also be fine - depending on the kind.
yoga should be good, so is taichi, qigong, etc.

(no login)
December 27 2007, 7:14 AM

Hi, I think some strenght training is fantastic for body sculpting aside from the obvious health benefits. I've noticed a bit of a breast lift when I do regular pull-ups and pushups. Weight training is recommended for women to ward off osteoporosis. Many yoga and pilates positions use body weight for strength building.


Female triathlete's body turning too masculine!?
August 22 2007 at 6:17 AM Jane (no login)


So once upon a time I was endowed with a very feminine, curvy body. Wide hips, round bottom and good sized chest. Now, I've been training for a triathlon, which usually consists of two good workouts a day. Over the last, say, 60 days, my body has begun to rapidly change. My breasts have become very small, hips much more narrow and now my butt is leaving me too! I get the feeling that I must have more testosterone in my body than usual, because of how my body is starting to look. I have been very conscious to make sure I eat enough, and the amount of fat on my tummy really hasn't changed. It's all the places that I don't want to lose that I'm losing!


(Login Lillea)
Re: Female triathlete's body turning too masculine!?
August 22 2007, 8:44 AM


Yes, unfortunately it's very likely that you're encouraging androgen (testosterone, for example) production, which leads to masculization, with such intense workouts so frequently. I did the same thing when doing a lot of weight training. You may become hairier, too. I did. Sad

There is a joke that some men make about wanting to date women who are serious athletes. Why? Their sex drives are reported to be higher and they have a more male sex drive overall, apparently. I can believe that it might be true in some cases with the androgens being produced. Female athletes do tend to have higher androgen levels, I've read.

I stopped doing the training I was doing and switched to T-Tapp instead. Now I'm toned but not overly muscular. I don't workout heavily anymore. It wrecked my hormones. Sad

This message has been edited by Lillea on Aug 22, 2007 8:46 AM

(Login waxingmoon)
Re: Female triathlete's body turning too masculine!?
August 22 2007, 12:52 PM

It is mostly a loss of body fat. You are much leaner than you were before. Our body loses fat at different rates in different areas. The fat you have around your middle is more stubborn... lol. Also, since you are under stress (triathalon training is stressfull) you are releasing cortisol which concentrates fat deposition around your belly.

The loss of body fat has lowered your overall estrogen (which is stored in body fat), so you have changed your overall hormone ratios. You do not necessarily produce more androgenic hormones, you just now have less estrogenic ones - and your progesterone is being used up to make more cortisol because of all the stress. Progesterone is used by the body to make other hormones, such as cortisol and estrogen. You have less progesterone available to make estrogen, you have less progesterone to turn on your estrogen receptors.

The bottom line is that you are starting to have a body that looks the way your body looks.

I have worked with triathletes before and I can tell you the regime is grueling for the body and not very healthy at all. They suffer a greater percentage of injuries compared to other athletes and their training programs are so intense they lose most body fat. With the fat goes the cushioning for the body and they obtain an overall 'hard' look in body and face. Look at the other triathletes around you and you will see what I mean.

I don't think triathalon training and NBE could possibly be compatible.


(no login)
I think this will be my first and last triathlon!
August 22 2007, 4:18 PM

Once this triathlon is over, I plan to basically not do any cardio or weight lifting for a very long time! I will switch over to dance and yoga. My question is, how can I make sure I gain the weight back in the right places, and encourage my hormone levels to switch back over to very feminine?

(Login Davi-lee)
Im very sorry to break-in but....
August 23 2007, 8:33 AM

Thanks Waxingmoon for that info,Ive been looking for some corroboration for something that Ive read around.
So, does PROG. multiply estrogen receptors also?

Heres cheers for ya to get back some of what ya lost,Jane.
Your body should start reverting back to normal shape if not to stressed out.

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