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realistic goals


I was just wondering whether my goals are realistic.
i want to lose weight and gain a more hourglass shape.
I would love to end up with a size around 34J.
I am attaching a picture of myself as well as a picture of a blogger whose body shape I would love. She is a 34J-K (variety of bra styles and brands)
I would want to be a fair bit slimmer than her but would love that shape. I chose her as her bra size is my main goal
Is this a realistic goal?

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Thats doable!
You'll need to watch your intake, more veggies, less snacks etc.
And I think a yoga exercise plan would be a good start too.
Once you get into a routine and the ponds start to go, you'll gain a lot of confidence and the rest will go pretty easy.
For the boobs part I'll let others chime in.
You can do it!

(well said Bobbi),


Losing weight and gaining more hourglass is probably true with many here at BN. Thanks for sharing your goals and pics, I hope you get it. Big Grin

Isn't it easier for women with already big breasts to grow? I read that somewhere. The only issue is weight loss. There aren't many anecdotes about losing weight and growing, but anything is possible. I'm currently at a 34 band, I'll probably get down to a 32 when I lose weight, but I hope my cup size grows. Best of luck to you!

Hi, Katana,
I'm resignedly coming to the conclusion that foam rolling and calisthenics are the essentials for such a program. Yoga would be great, too.

I'm basing this on lifting experience and the life I lead as an IT Geek. Working out won't get me there; periodic Ketogenic dieting, using the principles of Keto for normal eating (smaller portions, more veggies, low carbs), and remodeling the muscle I have will make it work.

You can add HIIT to mobilize and/or burn fat. (HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training)*

Other than that, it's measure, test, measure, respond & test new theory, repeat ad infinitum.

Take pictures! I can see a big difference in my face; I've lost maybe 10 pounds (found the scale is unreliable.) But no difference in the belly...

OMG, I'm losing fat like a woman! (Women tend to lose from top-down, men from belly out. It's funny...)


*: HIIT will mobilize fat, by creating HUGE energy demand. No guarantee it will be burned, though. So, if you have decent amount of body fat, but not the curves you want, you could probably cycle is by modifying hormones, using HIIT to get the triglycerides into the blood, and then using insulin (via carbs + E) to put it into desired fat retention areas. This is theoretical still, but should work. ;-)

To burn fat: HIIT for 20 minutes, followed by an hour of steady-state low-impact aerobics. (Mobilize + burn)

To remodel: HIIT + stop exercising, eat candy! Massage / heating pad on the areas you want to grow. :-) Maybe Niacin flush, if you can manage it.
Nicain = vasodilator = more blood flow = more triglycerides to fat store you're creating
HIIT = liberate fat from stores (EG, belly) = more fat in blood = more to re-store
Massage / Heating pad = more circulation in the area (to cool) = more triglycerides to be deposited.
Insulin spike (candy, Starbucks) = put body in fat-storing mode (+ the Niacin & heating/massage, to avoid intraabdominal fat storage & preferentially put fat in butt/hips/breasts)

I'd suggest anyone trying this do it while they're young, as we get more and more likely to store in the belly as we get older, meaning, inside the body wall / intraabdominal fat storage

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