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Noogled for a week, breasts are smaller?


As I’ve mentioned in my personal programs page, I got my Noogleberry last Monday. I started using it then, and used for a week. The swelling was amazing, I got more than one inch right after pumping, but I think I apllied too much pressure in those sections, because they hurted A LOT. So on Saturday or Sunday I stopped using noogleberry. My breasts got very small and my period arrived. Today I measured, they’re nearly two centimeters smaller than before, but look and feel MUCH smaller than that, I almost feel like I have no breasts at all. I didn't noogle this week. Should I continue later, and what could have caused this decrease?

This is my fear! Much less than what I have right now and I won't have anything at all.

One week isn't enough time to be expecting any kind of results. At all. More like you need to measure yourself after 2 or 3 months.

Why did she shrink though? Is it one of those things where you go all the way or take two steps back? I would at least hope I'd return to what I started with!

Don't understand why they shrunk. Maybe a reaction to over pumping? All I do know is to grow you have to be consistent and pump just about every day to get that small incremental growth, which adds up to larger growth over time.

So if it hurts, don't pump that hard? Gradually work your way up?

I do think you likely must have been the over vacuuming of the domes. One is suppose to only extract a little vacuum to have sufficient negative pressure for static distraction forces (consistent with Limb lengthening protocols). The pressure extracted should not be more than 33 mm hg, and certain should not hurt.

Did your stool turn oily at all? Did you see oil droplets float on the water from your stool? That is a VERY good tell.

As I told her in her program thread she over pumped and hurt herself and needs to take a break to allow her breasts to heal. She can resume later and be much more careful with it.


Back in April I took the break that I needed to, then I resumed, being more careful this time. After some weeks, they were very much smaller, as I could see comparing pictures, so I stopped. It's been several months and my breasts haven't reached the size that they used to have back in late January, before I used Noogleberry.

My mom wants me to start using it again, because it was very expensive, but I am not sure. I have never seen anyone shrink while in Noogleberry.

how many times have you used it before you realized you lost 2cm? besides causing a bit of harm like Abi said, it could have something to do with circulation. OR!

is it possible you measured during your luteal phase? maybe you measured when you had natural breast swelling from luteal, and after luteal ended you measured a second time and your breasts shrunk down to their smaller size (breast size fluctuates with menses)

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