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Spring Fitness Challenge!


I started something similar to this a few years ago and ended up wimping out.

There are a lot of us on here who are wanting to get into shape while we do nbe. I have a gym membership which I rarely use because I HATE working out alone. I need accountability! I have joined a group on fb that is doing this challenge and it is a lot of fun to be able to check in every day! I thought some of you might be interested.

Basically, there is a new exercise every day. You do that exercise + the one from the day before while trying not to take too much of a break in between. Do each exercise for one minute (or more if you want!). We will start at one and build up as we go. I think there will be 7 in all.

Who wants to take the challenge??

Day One: SQUATS!

A quick video on how to do squats correctly!

Check in here when you've done today's exercise!

How many squats do we need to do?

(16-05-2016, 15:53)Katana Wrote:  How many squats do we need to do?

There isn't a set number! Just start a timer for 1 minute and go for it!

Day 1 -squats
1 minute - 17 squats. Could be better really, I think the 4.5 journey home today wore me out.

Today's exercise is

Push ups!

So do yesterday's exercise for 1 min, then today's for 1 minute.

I'm gonna have to do modified. This will kick my ass. My upper body strength is 0 lol.

Day 2 - 29 squats, 20 pushups, much happier with the number of squats today

Sorry that I abandoned this thread. Sad

My best friend, who I have grown up with like a sister, has lost everything. Their house "mysteriously" caught on fire after she, her mom, and her one-month-old daughter left the house for their own protection after serving her abusive dad an order of protection to get him out of the house. They only have a few bags with them. All her daughter's things are gone and her dad drained the bank account the next day. Not to be giving TMI, but I am a mess over all of it and I am trying to help her and having to put nbe and exercise on the back burner for a few days.

I would love to be involved with more of these threads when things settle down! I hope they throw her dad's ass under the jail.

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