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What should I pick up from the U.S. while i'm there?


Not sure if a lot of stores have progesterone cream.  You may need to call around or rush order online such as at  So better to look into it early.

My sig has some tips.  Generally if you are an A cup and struggling you should try good nutrition first, then go back to herbs and so on.  And the milder herbs before PM or PC.  BO probably won't be much different from herbs.  Massage and pumping is good.  So you'll probably want to try very little PC or hold on to it for a long time until you try good nutrition first.  There are lots of options in my sig thread.  Generally you want to eat lots of whole grains most of all, very low meat/protein (you'll get enough protein no matter what, don't worry) and low plant fat.  The good fats are oily seafood (like salmon) which should be all/most of your little meat.  Or use fish oil.  Also a little chia seeds, flax seed/oil or walnut/its oil for ALA fats.  Veggies help a little too, especially the ones on my list.

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Messages In This Thread
What should I pick up from the U.S. while i'm there? - by EerieMindiana - 22-05-2017, 18:32
RE: What should I pick up from the U.S. while i'm there? - by --- - 23-05-2017, 01:51
RE: What should I pick up from the U.S. while i'm there? - by surferjoe2007 - 23-05-2017, 04:46
RE: What should I pick up from the U.S. while i'm there? - by EerieMindiana - 23-05-2017, 08:59
RE: What should I pick up from the U.S. while i'm there? - by surferjoe2007 - 23-05-2017, 17:58

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