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Elusia's Brava Program



Unread post 23 Feb 2009, 18:26 #1
Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Last edited by elusia on 02 Mar 2009, 14:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 23 Feb 2009, 18:44 #2
These are my stats when I start my Brava program Feb 10, 2009

Ribs: 30"
Bust: 32,75" - 33"
Right: 6"
Left: 6,5"
Weight: 103 lbs
B-R= 2,75" - 3"

When I did the BB I did achieve a temporary change, I'd love to get the same results again but this time permanent...My first goal is a B-R that's 4"!

Hours Week 1:
2/4/6/8/10/11/10 tot. 51 hours, average: 7 hours
Minimal swelling, maybe 0,5"

Hours week 2:
10/12/12/13/12/14/16 tot. 89 hours, average: 13 hours
The days with 14 and 16 hours, still little swelling, about 1"

I don't find it hard to sleep with brava, but my husband thinks this is total nonsense and how long I'll be able to do this depends on how long he can tolerate it (or how long my skin can tolerate it, so far it's doing ok)...

Brava told me 11 hours and 11 weeks would be enough, but when I read what my other Brava sister's here say, it doesn't seem like that'll be enough...

Last edited by elusia on 19 Mar 2009, 08:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 04 Mar 2009, 20:02 #3
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 3:

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 4"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30"
Bust: 33"-33.25"
B-R= 3"-3.25"

Hours week 3:
16/16/16/17/8/15/14.5=102 hours, average 14.6 hours
Total: 242 hours

I've also been listening to Steve G. Jones hypnosis about 5 times, but so far I've fallen asleep ´long before he even starts to talk about boobs. Hope my brain still gets the message!

I actually like my brava, the domes are so comfortable and the pull is so gentle, when I have to take them off in the morning I don't want to, it feels so comfortable! (I'm used to BB, which is so much more uncomfortable!)Yet afterwards, I do have oversensitive / almost hurting and enlarged nipples. I tried to tape them down but it makes no difference. Also, the swelling is the same, if I do 8 hours or 17! At the day with 17 hours I still measured 34", but the looked so much fuller! Still, they just fill up the A cup after treatment, I'd probably need one more inch to really fill them up...
Last edited by elusia on 20 May 2009, 19:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 10 Mar 2009, 20:55 #4
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 4:

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 3,75" - 4,25"
Right = 7" - 7,5" Left = 7" - 7.75"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 29.5" - 30.25"
Bust: 33.25" - 33.75"
B-R = 3.25" - 3.5"
Right = 6,5 Left = 6,5"

Hours week 3:
12/15.5/14.5/12.5/14/15/15.5= 99 hours, average 14 hours
Total: 341 hours

I find that the measurements differ a lot!
I have not been listening to my Steve G Jones tape this week - too much going on...
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Unread post 17 Mar 2009, 20:56 #5
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 5:

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 3,75" - 5"
Right = 7" - 8" Left = 7" - 8"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30.25" - 30.5
Bust: 33" - 33.75"
B-R = 3" - 3.5"
Right = 6,5 - 6.75" Left = 6,75" - 7.25"

Hours week 5:
15/12/12/12/12/15.5/13.5= 92 hours, average 13 hours
Total: 354 hours

106 lbs

I'm getting inpatient so I did airlock one night with a much higher pressure level (I wish there was a way to measure!). The result: Huge hickey marks, and almost an allergic reaction AND beautiful swelling! Biggest one so far, I could fill up my B-cups ; ) Since I still have all bruises after that night I'll have to keep on doing the more gentle smartbox until it heals - then I'll try to do airlock again but more gentle...

Last edited by elusia on 20 May 2009, 19:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 25 Mar 2009, 20:11 #6
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 6:

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 4" - 4.25"
Right = 7" - 7.25" Left = 7" - 7.5"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 29.75" - 30.5
Bust: 33.25" - 33.5"
B-R = 3" - 3.25"
Right = 6,25 - 6.5" Left = 6,5" - 7"

Hours week 6:
18/15.5/15.5/11/12/14/14.5= 100.5 hours, average 14 hours
Total: 454.5 hours

Weight 104 lbs

I'm getting frustrated since there is no progress! I've had the same figures since the first 3 weeks! I still swell very little, 0.5" - 1". The wonderful swelling I experienced ONE time last week has not appeared again, unfortunately. When I take the domes off I have the size that I was anticipating to have in the evening, BEFORE I put the domes on for the nigth by the 6th week : ((

I dropped my Sportbox on the floor, so now it doesn't function as it should. I have been using airlock with a rubberband ever since. I called the brava coach and when I said that I think I need more suction than the Sportbox can give, she said that I'm just a slow responder and that stronger suction might cause tissue damage. She would not recommend me using airlock for a longer period of time, only while waiting to get a new Sportbox or get the old one fixed. She said that that kind of tissue damage could be still hurting 10 years from now...

A new Sportbox would cost 425£ she said! That's a lot, considering I bought the whole system for 499£...I'll send it in and hope they can fix it for a lower price!

When I do that airlock I can of course have stronger pressure, but I'm not sure it has given me any better swelling. It has given me hickey marks, which heals surpricingly well when I put on a Manukka honey cream and don't wear a bra at all.

Last edited by elusia on 20 May 2009, 19:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 01 Apr 2009, 16:53 #7
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 7

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 4" - 4.5"
Right = 7" - 7.5" Left = 7.25" - 7.5"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30" - 30.25”
Bust: 33" - 33.25"
B-R = 2.75" - 3.25"
Right = 6,25 - 6.5" Left = 6,5" – 6.75"

Hours week 7:
14.5/(16-7=)9/15/(15-2=)13/12/14.5/11= 89 hours, average almost 13 hours
Total: 543.5 hours

Weight 104 lbs

I’m feeling more patient this week, maybe because I think the swelling is getting better – the best night it was over 1.5”!! Still, I don’t retain anything more than before : ( Last night I got such a horrible itch that I couldn’t sleep! I sure hope that will not come back!

Last edited by elusia on 20 May 2009, 19:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 07 Apr 2009, 20:56 #8
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 8

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 4.25" - 4.75"
Right = 6.75" - 7.5" Left = 7.5" - 8"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 29.75" - 30.25”
Bust: 33.25" - 33.5"
B-R = 3.35" - 3.5"
Right = 6,25 - 6.5" Left = 6,75" – 7"

Hours week 8:
14.5/15.5/12/11/13.5/12/11= 89.5 hours, average almost 13 hours
Total: 633 hours

We had some overnight visitors, which makes it hard to get the hours, and we have more overnight guests in the week to come…I have problems with a rash that won’t heal, even if I put in fewer hours and use very low suction. I bought some baby zink cream, and will put that on instead of the manukka honey cream that worked well before. In the beginning of the week I managed to get in some long hours, and I had amazing swelling then (about 1.5”), but I wonder if that was also when I got the nasty rash…Last night I only got about 0.5” swelling ; ( I wonder what’s worse for the skin: Longer hours or more suction? It seems to me they’re both bad for the skin – but of course good for swelling!

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Unread post 15 Apr 2009, 20:45 #9
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 9

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 4.5" - 5"
Right = 7" - 8" Left = 7.5" - 8"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30.25" - 30.5”
Bust: 33.5" - 34"
B-R = 3.25" - 3.5"
Right = 6,5” - 6.75" Left = 6,75" – 7.25"

Weight 104 lbs

Hours week 9:
13/12/12/11.5/11.5/11.5/11= 82.5 hours, average almost 12 hours
Total: 715 hours

I feel very frustrated!! When I’m finally getting some good swelling and start to retain a little (1/4 – ½ inch) I get more and more problems with my skin. Then again, every time I get more pressure I get great swelling and lots of skin problems. Only now it’s gotten so bad that the skin problems remain even if I don’t have high pressure or long hours. I was looking forward to all the visitors to leave so that I could put in some long hours again, but then this whole rash issue gets so bad that instead I have to cut back on hours and pressure even more, I’m even considering skipping a night to see if it’ll heal ; ( From liking the brava, finding it comfortable and cozy to wear, it now wakes me up at night, itch, hurt and sweat and feel generally uncomfortable. Now the rash is pretty much everywhere where the domes touch the skin. The zinc cream makes the whole thing look better (it’s white so it doesn’t look so red!) but I still itch and feel very uncomfortable around my chest, even when the domes aren’t on.
I have been good with listening to my hypnosis sessions, mostly Blake talks. I like that he doesn’t have music and I really like his sweet and gentle voice. Sometimes I get fed up with his sexual notations, then I just listen to Dobson or Jones instead! In the day time, I also started listening to the crazy ring tones ; )

Last edited by elusia on 20 May 2009, 19:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 21 Apr 2009, 19:59 #10
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!

Stats week 10

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 4.25" - 4.75"
Right = 7" - 7.5" Left = 7.25" - 7.5"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30" - 30.25”
Bust: 33.25" - 34"
B-R = 3.25" - 3.5"
Right = 6,5” - 6.75" Left = 6.5" - 6.75"

Weight 104 lbs

Hours week 10:
11/11/11/11/11/10.5/11.5= 77 hours, average 11 hours
Total: 792 hours

I still have a lot of skin problems, the rash was gone a couple days, but now it's back again! I took of the "extra skin" type bandaid that I had for about 10 days to heal the serious bruises that I aquiered then. Now I got a really bad lesion at the end of the bandaid position instead ; (( Baby zink cream seems the best to use, even though it takes long time to clean the domes after I've used it (instead of the brava prep). I also try to stay as cool as possible - the nights when the rash has gotten bad has been nights when I've gotten all sweaty in the domes (not neccesarily in the rest of the body!). So I sleep with my pj open at the chest, no cover and no bra. Just the domes! I look really funny while in bed ; )). How is it possible to be cold right outside the domes and yet sweating inside? The domes seems to turn into some kind of greenhouse, where it's warm and humid, (for rash, rather than the intended: breast!). In order to give the skin a chance to heal I have had the domes on minimum hours and minimum suction.

I've been listening to the japanese ring tone about 1 hour or so / day, and I'm faithfully listening to blaketalks every evening as well.


Unread post 29 Apr 2009, 08:19 #11
Stats week 11

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 4.5" - 5"
Right = 7.25" - 7.75" Left = 7.25" - 7.75"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30" - 30.25”
Bust: 33.25" - 33.75"
B-R = 3.25" - 3.5"
Right = 6,5” - 6.75" Left = 6.5" - 6.75"

Weight 104 lbs

Hours week 11:
11.5/13/12/11/12.5/13/13= 86 hours, average 12 hours
Total: 878 hours

Skin has been healing, with this treatment:

Weleda Baby Zink cream before I put the domes on (instead of Skin prep)
Florasone Cream and Jason's aloe vera cream after shower in the morning (after I take the domes off)
I keep my bed room really cold, keep all of my body under a warm cover, but my domes stick out in the cold. I find that when I sweat in the domes I also tend to get rash, so I want to keep it as cold as possible!

But with skin, you never know! I skinproblem can show up really quickly, and it ususally takes several days before it heals...

2 days ago, I had this amazing swelling, from 33.25" to 35" that's 1.75"!! I couldn't stop staring at my body, I looked so fantastic in my own eyes!! I kept on trying my bikinis and bras and Oh! they just fit so beautifully when there's something there to fill them!!

Normally I get 1"-1.25" swelling and that's nice too, but I sure would like to have that BIG swelling every day, not to mention keeping all of it ; ))

I've been inspired by the noogleberry ladies so I thought that I should do some noogling as well, in the beginnning and at the end of the brava sessions. I didn't get much swelling that way, only ugly red rings from the hard domes. I won't be doing more of that, now that the summer is here. That's one of the advantages with brava, I can (most of the time) use low cut tops as the domes don't give me any lasting red rings.

My boobies are very close to the domes at the lower end, sometimes the nipples even touch the domes. The domes aren't too big, it's just at the lower part. I tried to put the domes on lower down to help, but they suck themselves right up again...

Last edited by elusia on 20 May 2009, 20:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 05 May 2009, 20:54 #12
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 12

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 4.5" - 5.25"
Right = 7.5" - 8" Left = 7.5" - 8.5"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30" - 30.25”
Bust: 33.25" - 34.25"
B-R = 3.25" - 4"
Right = 6,5” - 7" Left = 6.75" - 7"

Weight 106 lbs

Hours week 12:
13/12.5/13/12/12/15/12= 89.5 hours, average almost 13 hours
Total: 967.5 hours

I'm so happy that I see some progress! It's been hard to get my long hours with visitors (again!), but one day I got 15 hours and the swelling was record high! 5.25"!! My domes actually started to look almost full - maybe less than 1" left.. ; )) My nipples hurt, so I started taping them again. Skin has been fine, so I stopped using the zink cream and started using the skin prep instead. After only 2 nights with skinprep I start to feel itchy and skin getting irritated, so I went back to zink cream before putting on the domes today again.

Last edited by elusia on 20 May 2009, 20:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 12 May 2009, 19:18 #13
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 13

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 5" - 6"
Right = 7.75" - 8.75" Left = 7.75" - 8.75"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30" - 30.5”
Bust: 34" - 34.5"
B-R = 3.75" - 4"
Right = 6,75” - 7" Left = 7" - 7.5"

Weight 106 lbs

Hours week 13:
14/14.5/12.5/12/13.5/15/15= 96.5 hours, average almost 14 hours
Total: 1064 hours

I've been able to put in some long hours and that's clearly working! I've been having record swelling this week again, and I'm soo excited!! 36" Yay! I haven't had more than 1 day with as much as 12 hours between treatments, but that day I actually retained one whooping inch! ; ))

I went bra shopping, because I need something big and comfy for my swelling boobies. I bought one 34B, that was almost too small in the morning (and of course way too big in the evening...) and one 36B, that was also too small in the morning - but the strange thing is that it was even too small in the band size... ; ( Next time I think I'll get a 38B, but that seems really big considering I'm just a little over 30" underbust...

I'm getting really spoiled with constant increase in swelling - for how long will this record breaking go on?! I hope for a loong time, I just can't get enough ; ))

Last edited by elusia on 20 May 2009, 20:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 20 May 2009, 19:51 #14
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
Stats week 14

After treatment (morning):
B-R= 6" - 7"
Right = 8.25" - 9.25" Left = 8.75" - 9.25"

Before treatment (evening):
Ribs: 30" - 30.25”
Bust: 34.75" - 35"
B-R = 4.5" - 5"
Right = 7” - 7.5" Left = 7.5" - 7.75"

Weight 107 lbs

Hours week 14:
14.5/16/15.5/13.5/14/16/14.5= 104 hours, average almost 15 hours
Total: 1168 hours

Again, I've had a record week!! ; ) It's amazing what long hours will do. This week I also had only one day with 12 hours non-wear, and that day I had 1.75" retention (from 33" to 34.75"). That is truly amazing and I should be excited like crazy! The strange thing is, I really can't see any difference!! I think that my boobs look exactely like they did when I started and they measured almost 2" smaller. HOW is that possible?! Also, I don't think that my swelling look very big, even though it's bigger than ever for me (looking at the measuring tape).

I'm getting hopeful that I will reach my goal of 1" sustained growth until I need to take a break in about a month, but I sure want MORE. Much more! ; )

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Unread post 10 Nov 2009, 10:58 #15
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
First 9 months with Brava

I must be the slowest Brava responder in the entire world! After using Brava for a good 9 months, I'm still only retaining a little over 1". When I ask my brava coach about what to do, she says that I need to take a 3 month break. However, I decided to carry on - I have heard of a FEW people that did gain from Brava but lost it when they quit after 1 year. Perhaps I need to go on for more than 1 year, is my thought. We'll see how long I can do this for...

My swelling and retention depends very much on how long hours I've done the preceeding days and weeks and at how high pressure. A few weeks ago I was able to do an average of 14 hour days for several weeks with high pressure and I got a whooping 37"-38" swelling that went down to 35"-36" in the evening. After that I went on vacation and had to do low pressure / just 12 hours and then my swelling was only 35" -36" and 34" in the evening...

After that vacation I now do long hours / high pressure, but I still only get 36" swelling ; (

Patience, patience, patience!

When I get frustraded and impatient and think that this doesn't do anything for me, I take up my measuring tape and put it at 33", where I was 9 months ago - and then I see that that actually is much smaller than what I am today. So I'll just keep going!

My next goal is to have breast - ribs measurement of 5" (which translates to 2" growth). My goal is to have this before next summer ; ))

Last edited by elusia on 10 Nov 2009, 11:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post 03 Jun 2010, 08:55 #16
Quote:Here's my summary of the efforts I've done so far:

Before I started with the BB I did the Flat2Fab / Greenbush program and Mirifem cream without any success whatsoever (6 months each). I was told that since I am a vegan I would have no success with herbs, so I gave that up and only do the BB. I also tried dowsing, but I got all different answers all the time so I gave that up after a few weeks. I have also tried different hypnosis, but never make it through a week of doing it - it's hard to find that time undisturbed. I do eat 1-2 tbsp of Omega 3 oil every day and I recently started taking 1500 PU (whatever unit that is?!)Papain and 1200 GDU (again: what is that unit?!)Bromelain 2 times / day.

I have been using the BB about one hour every day, missing occasional days only. Note that I only do this in the evening, as I don't have a chance to do it any other time in the day. From what I understand, people have more success doing it in the morning. Also, my stress levels continue to be high in spite of all efforts to scale down, which probably doesn't help...

1:st round, 11 weeks:
Ribs: before 29.5" after 30"
Bust: before 33" after 33.5"
Right 6", Left 6.5"
Weight: before 112, after 115 lbs
Before: 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 3.5" NO CHANGE

2:nd round Feb. 18, 2007, 8 weeks
Ribs before, 30" after 29.5"
Bust: before 32.75" after 33.25"
Weight: before 104 lbs, after 109 lbs
Before: 32,75" - 30" = 2.75", After: 33.75" - 29.5" = 4.25" INCREASE this round: 1,5", total (Change since start 4.25" - 3.5" = ) INCREASE 0,75"

3:rd round May 1, 2007 - June 13 2007
Ribs: before 29.5", after 30.25"
Bust: before 33.25", after 34"
Weight: before 109 lbs, after 115 lbs
Before: 33.25" - 29.5" = 3.75", After: 34" - 30.25" = 3.75" NO CHANGE this round, total: 3.75" - 3.5" = INCREASE 0.25"

4th round Aug 28, 2007 - end Oct 23
Ribs: before 30.5", after 30.5"-31"
Bust: before 34" after 34.5"-34.75"
Weight: don't know - scale doesn't work...
Before: 34" - 30.5" = 3.5", after: 34.75" - 31" = 3.75" INCREASE 0.25" this round, total: = INCREASE 0.25"

5th round Nov 4, 2007 - Dec 18, 2007
Ribs: before 30.5"-31", (it differs during the day...), after 30.5"
Bust: before 34.5"-34.75", after 34.5"
Weight: before 115 lbs, after 113 lbs
Before: 34.5" - 30.5" = 4" After: 4" NO CHANGE this round, total: INCREASE 0,5"

6th round Feb 1, 2008
Ribs: before 30.5"
Bust: before 35"
Right: before 6.75"
Left: before 7.25"
Before 34.5" - 30.5 = 4"

OK, BB didn't give any permanent results for me : (( even though I temporarily gained some. Now I'll try Brava and hope for permanent results this time!!
I ended up taking a break like the Brava coach suggested, as the swelling just wouldn't come as it used to. I stopped in Mars, when I had been doing it for over 1 year. Now it's been a good 3 months and the figures now are:

Ribs: 30.25" - 30.5”
Bust: 34.25" - 34.5"
B-R = 4"
Right = 6.75" Left = 7"

Weight 112 lbs

Before (fall 2008): 33" - 29.5" = 3.5", After: 34.25-30.25 = 4" = INCREASE 0.5"
Weight before 112 lbs, after 112 lbs

If you compare to have it was when I started Brava in Feb 2009, the figures will be like this:

Before (Feb 2009): 33" - 30" = 3", After: 34.25-30.25 = 4" = INCREASE 1"

Not much of a change for a full year of sacrifice and misery! ; ) But I'm still happy I did it - both boobies are rounder and fuller than before I begun all this.

I would like to continue for another year, but now during summer, I will do subliminals / meditation instead...

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