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Photo journey - AA cup (weekly updates)


Hey everyone,

A small update :  it's been something like 2 months and a half since I started my NBE journey. For now, I don't see any real increase in my breast size. I'm still Noogling, a bit of massage, sticking to mostly to the same routine. I know I should be massaging more, but what I do already is still time consuming.

What I did notice when massaging is a bit of whitish fluid coming out of my nipples. I don't know if it's some form of lactation, it was kind of scary at first, but I read on the forum that it is normal, since that area is stimulated through massage.
I'll keep Noogling and massaging as well as taking the MSM/collagen, hyaluronic acid and protein combo. As for the rest, I'll finish my current packs and I'll see whether I will move on to something stronger.

I have yet to use the PC cream I ordered some weeks ago as I already have progesterone being pumped through an implant, albeit in synthetic form.

that's it for now Smile

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