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Back Again! MissMadScientist Flax + Soy Method


(08-01-2020, 19:09)MariaAM Wrote:  Hey everyone!

Here’s an update after a week into my 2nd month. I haven’t had any growth since I restarted Sad

1. My ground flaxseed went rancid. I didn’t notice that it went bad until two days ago, and I was still using it. I don’t know for how long I had been having the bad flaxseed. But this has happened before, and I knew something was off. When I had tried the program before the flaxseed was bad, but I didn’t know—and as a result I felt no growth. I also always felt sick and nauseous after taking it, I thought I started to dislike it, but once I changed the flaxseed I wasn’t nauseous or sick of it anymore.

How to tell if the flaxseed is bad:
- It will have a strong odour (it usually doesn’t smell strong)
- it will smell acidic
- the flaxseed once put into a cup of water will sink immediately

If flaxseed is good:
- it won’t smell strong
- majority of it will float in water

2. My diet, I haven’t been eating as clean as I want to lately. However, last month the growth was very strong and consistent. Even on days when I didn’t stick to my diet all the time. So I think it may be hormones, maybe my body is trying to balance out and cycle since I had such strong and consistent growth? And since I recently got off my period, maybe my body is taking its time to return to those hormone levels that are good for growth? I can’t be sure. 

I will still maintain the program and see when the growth returns. I’ll keep updating here!


Hi Maria

How have you been storing the Flaxseed and the soy flour?

I'm very curious about this because MissMadScientist suggests that it should be refrigerated. 
However on my packet of flaxseed and kinako, it just says store in a cool dry place. Nothing about refrigeration. 

What storage instructions do they have on your packet of flax and kinako?

(09-01-2020, 03:08)naturelife Wrote:  
(08-01-2020, 19:09)MariaAM Wrote:  Hey everyone!

Here’s an update after a week into my 2nd month. I haven’t had any growth since I restarted Sad

1. My ground flaxseed went rancid. I didn’t notice that it went bad until two days ago, and I was still using it. I don’t know for how long I had been having the bad flaxseed. But this has happened before, and I knew something was off. When I had tried the program before the flaxseed was bad, but I didn’t know—and as a result I felt no growth. I also always felt sick and nauseous after taking it, I thought I started to dislike it, but once I changed the flaxseed I wasn’t nauseous or sick of it anymore.

How to tell if the flaxseed is bad:
- It will have a strong odour (it usually doesn’t smell strong)
- it will smell acidic
- the flaxseed once put into a cup of water will sink immediately

If flaxseed is good:
- it won’t smell strong
- majority of it will float in water

2. My diet, I haven’t been eating as clean as I want to lately. However, last month the growth was very strong and consistent. Even on days when I didn’t stick to my diet all the time. So I think it may be hormones, maybe my body is trying to balance out and cycle since I had such strong and consistent growth? And since I recently got off my period, maybe my body is taking its time to return to those hormone levels that are good for growth? I can’t be sure. 

I will still maintain the program and see when the growth returns. I’ll keep updating here!


Hi Maria

How have you been storing the Flaxseed and the soy flour?

I'm very curious about this because MissMadScientist suggests that it should be refrigerated. 
However on my packet of flaxseed and kinako, it just says store in a cool dry place. Nothing about refrigeration. 

What storage instructions do they have on your packet of flax and kinako?

Hi Maria,

If I understand your thread correctly, you're using Kinako soy flour and not exactly the brand Miss Mad Scientist used.  Right? Because I also want to restart this program.  The full fat soy flour she used is too much soy flour it cannot fit in my fridge at the moment...


(09-01-2020, 03:08)naturelife Wrote:  
(08-01-2020, 19:09)MariaAM Wrote:  Hey everyone!

Here’s an update after a week into my 2nd month. I haven’t had any growth since I restarted Sad

1. My ground flaxseed went rancid. I didn’t notice that it went bad until two days ago, and I was still using it. I don’t know for how long I had been having the bad flaxseed. But this has happened before, and I knew something was off. When I had tried the program before the flaxseed was bad, but I didn’t know—and as a result I felt no growth. I also always felt sick and nauseous after taking it, I thought I started to dislike it, but once I changed the flaxseed I wasn’t nauseous or sick of it anymore.

How to tell if the flaxseed is bad:
- It will have a strong odour (it usually doesn’t smell strong)
- it will smell acidic
- the flaxseed once put into a cup of water will sink immediately

If flaxseed is good:
- it won’t smell strong
- majority of it will float in water

2. My diet, I haven’t been eating as clean as I want to lately. However, last month the growth was very strong and consistent. Even on days when I didn’t stick to my diet all the time. So I think it may be hormones, maybe my body is trying to balance out and cycle since I had such strong and consistent growth? And since I recently got off my period, maybe my body is taking its time to return to those hormone levels that are good for growth? I can’t be sure. 

I will still maintain the program and see when the growth returns. I’ll keep updating here!


Hi Maria

How have you been storing the Flaxseed and the soy flour?

I'm very curious about this because MissMadScientist suggests that it should be refrigerated. 
However on my packet of flaxseed and kinako, it just says store in a cool dry place. Nothing about refrigeration. 

What storage instructions do they have on your packet of flax and kinako?

Hi Naturelife!

Yes, I’ve been storing my products in the refrigerator. Once the bag is opened, MissMadScientist suggests sealing it in an airtight container and keeping it in the fridge. I’ve been doing this, however since I went on my stopweek, I believe my package of groundflaxseed that I had been using for the last month had already went bad. By the time I started using it again, it was already rancid ):

The shelf life of both flaxseed and ground soy is very short once opened. On the packaging itself, says you can keep it in a cool dry place—I think before its opened. But since both contain a lot of fat it’s best to keep in the fridge since we use it so often (therefore it gets exposed to air and bacteria everytime we use it) and will have a lower shelf life as a result.


(09-01-2020, 04:24)Koko Wrote:  
(09-01-2020, 03:08)naturelife Wrote:  
(08-01-2020, 19:09)MariaAM Wrote:  Hey everyone!

Here’s an update after a week into my 2nd month. I haven’t had any growth since I restarted Sad

1. My ground flaxseed went rancid. I didn’t notice that it went bad until two days ago, and I was still using it. I don’t know for how long I had been having the bad flaxseed. But this has happened before, and I knew something was off. When I had tried the program before the flaxseed was bad, but I didn’t know—and as a result I felt no growth. I also always felt sick and nauseous after taking it, I thought I started to dislike it, but once I changed the flaxseed I wasn’t nauseous or sick of it anymore.

How to tell if the flaxseed is bad:
- It will have a strong odour (it usually doesn’t smell strong)
- it will smell acidic
- the flaxseed once put into a cup of water will sink immediately

If flaxseed is good:
- it won’t smell strong
- majority of it will float in water

2. My diet, I haven’t been eating as clean as I want to lately. However, last month the growth was very strong and consistent. Even on days when I didn’t stick to my diet all the time. So I think it may be hormones, maybe my body is trying to balance out and cycle since I had such strong and consistent growth? And since I recently got off my period, maybe my body is taking its time to return to those hormone levels that are good for growth? I can’t be sure. 

I will still maintain the program and see when the growth returns. I’ll keep updating here!


Hi Maria

How have you been storing the Flaxseed and the soy flour?

I'm very curious about this because MissMadScientist suggests that it should be refrigerated. 
However on my packet of flaxseed and kinako, it just says store in a cool dry place. Nothing about refrigeration. 

What storage instructions do they have on your packet of flax and kinako?

Hi Maria,

If I understand your thread correctly, you're using Kinako soy flour and not exactly the brand Miss Mad Scientist used.  Right? Because I also want to restart this program.  The full fat soy flour she used is too much soy flour it cannot fit in my fridge at the moment...


Hi Koko!

I’m not sure which brand MissMadScientist used. I think as long as it is toasted/roasted soy flour, it fits the description she mentioned. In Japan, they call this Kinako, since it’s a very popular ingredient. 

I used a Japanese brand at first, and now I’m using a Korean brand of toasted soy flour. I don’t think it changes the effectiveness of the program, as long as it’s the same ingredients—just different name. Usually kinako comes in smaller packaging, so if you find one online it might better suit your fridge!


Ok so I’ve been very dejected that I haven’t felt any growth lately. 

Usually when I take the flax and soy at least an hour after, I feel growing pains in my breasts. I haven’t felt that at all. So I took a step back and revisited MissMadScientist’s thread to figure out what I’m going to do next.

I’ve decided I will take this next week to do a cleanse and reset. I believe the holidays really messed up my diet and sleeping schedule which has effected the toxins in my body, as well as my gut bacteria which are super important as a base for this NBE program. Since I’ve been taking PC and the program, but felt no growth, I don’t want to confuse my body more by trying to fix what I think is wrong while I’m still taking the supplements. 

What I aim to do:
- Eat full three meals a day (I haven’t been doing this)
- Take my daily vitamins + multivitamins
- Drink more water
- Sleeping earlier
- Eating more nuts, fruits, veggies (even as snacks)
- Cut out excess sugar, salt, alcohol, etc.

After the week is over I’ll return to the program: 
- 4 tablespoons toasted soy flour 
- 4 tablespoons flaxseed grounded
- 200ml whole milk
- dimesize progesterone cream

I’m confident that this program works for me, as I’ve seen a full month of continuous growth. Which really rounded out my breasts, and brought me closer to a full A cup from my 32AA.

So once I start again next week with the supplements, I’ll continue on—my period is due at the end of the month. So I’ll be sure to have a stopweek then.

I read on another thread: Persistence and patience is key! NBE is truly a commitment and takes time, so I got to keep going and listen to my body.

I’ll keep updating here!

(08-01-2020, 18:44)MariaAM Wrote:  
(08-01-2020, 18:41)milena123 Wrote:  
(03-01-2020, 11:36)stella3 Wrote:  
Hi maria! I found an old thread of yours where you said to take 4 tablespoons of flaxseed twice a day. do you still take them?

I should be in estrogen deficiency with a little hirsutism and I think this program is suitable for me. from 10 days I am taking 50gr a day and I feel a pain inside the breasts, behind the nipples. Is it a pain of growth?

depends. Do your breast just Feel swollen and hurt? Or is there also a tingly feeling?

Hi Stella!

I also agree, depending on what type of feeling— this could mean growth. Usually when I feel growth, the pain is a tingly feeling and makes my breasts feel sensitive, similar to what my breasts feel while I’m on my period.

I still take 4 tablespoons in the morning and evening of ground flaxseed and toasted soybean flour each. I also take 200ml of whole milk with the soybean flour. I also use a dimesize if progesterone each day (in place of BC because I don’t use BC).

Please let us know more about the pain you feel so far.

i stopped all flaxseed  Sad  my growth pain that i felt in the past was difference so i stopped flaxseed and turn into fenugreek capsule (2400 mg per day) with chi massage using flasseed oil.

(11-01-2020, 16:54)stella3 Wrote:  
(08-01-2020, 18:44)MariaAM Wrote:  
(08-01-2020, 18:41)milena123 Wrote:  
(03-01-2020, 11:36)stella3 Wrote:  
Hi maria! I found an old thread of yours where you said to take 4 tablespoons of flaxseed twice a day. do you still take them?

I should be in estrogen deficiency with a little hirsutism and I think this program is suitable for me. from 10 days I am taking 50gr a day and I feel a pain inside the breasts, behind the nipples. Is it a pain of growth?

depends. Do your breast just Feel swollen and hurt? Or is there also a tingly feeling?

Hi Stella!

I also agree, depending on what type of feeling— this could mean growth. Usually when I feel growth, the pain is a tingly feeling and makes my breasts feel sensitive, similar to what my breasts feel while I’m on my period.

I still take 4 tablespoons in the morning and evening of ground flaxseed and toasted soybean flour each. I also take 200ml of whole milk with the soybean flour. I also use a dimesize if progesterone each day (in place of BC because I don’t use BC).

Please let us know more about the pain you feel so far.

i stopped all flaxseed  Sad  my growth pain that i felt in the past was difference so i stopped flaxseed and turn into fenugreek capsule (2400 mg per day) with chi massage using flasseed oil.


Ok, let us know how that goes. Do you have a thread? I’d love to keep up with you if you do!


So originally my goal was to wait a week to cleanse, before restarting my flax and soy program. However, a day ago I started feeling sensitivity again, after only a few days of eating clean. I decided to start my flax and soy again yesterday.

I ate more veggies and fruits, less sugars, and massaged my breasts during my cleanse. I think this has helped to bring my breasts back to sensitivity, it might also be my hormone fluctuations in my cycle. Regardless, I'm happy to have those feelings back! 

- MariaAM

(12-01-2020, 18:06)MariaAM Wrote:  
(11-01-2020, 16:54)stella3 Wrote:  
(08-01-2020, 18:44)MariaAM Wrote:  
(08-01-2020, 18:41)milena123 Wrote:  
(03-01-2020, 11:36)stella3 Wrote:  
Hi maria! I found an old thread of yours where you said to take 4 tablespoons of flaxseed twice a day. do you still take them?

I should be in estrogen deficiency with a little hirsutism and I think this program is suitable for me. from 10 days I am taking 50gr a day and I feel a pain inside the breasts, behind the nipples. Is it a pain of growth?

depends. Do your breast just Feel swollen and hurt? Or is there also a tingly feeling?

Hi Stella!

I also agree, depending on what type of feeling— this could mean growth. Usually when I feel growth, the pain is a tingly feeling and makes my breasts feel sensitive, similar to what my breasts feel while I’m on my period.

I still take 4 tablespoons in the morning and evening of ground flaxseed and toasted soybean flour each. I also take 200ml of whole milk with the soybean flour. I also use a dimesize if progesterone each day (in place of BC because I don’t use BC).

Please let us know more about the pain you feel so far.

i stopped all flaxseed  Sad  my growth pain that i felt in the past was difference so i stopped flaxseed and turn into fenugreek capsule (2400 mg per day) with chi massage using flasseed oil.


Ok, let us know how that goes. Do you have a thread? I’d love to keep up with you if you do!

yes, i have one here in "personal programs". i'll update it now Smile
Good luck for your restart with flaxseed  Blush

Hey everyone!

It’s been a week since I restarted after my short cleanse. Been going strong on sensitivity.

I would officially call this 1 month and 1 week. My 24th birthday is coming soon in February, and around that time it will be 2 months.

Wish me luck that this continues!

- MariaAM

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