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Little progress


Nothing huge but since NBE is a slow journey it is important to note the small things if anything for my own encouragement.

I’ve been very inconsistent with my pumping firstly because I started off with the wrong sized domes and secondly I haven’t had the apartment to myself. Half of June I had my home to myself and wore the domes 5-8 hours per day and when boyfriend started working from home my pumping stopped. I only pumped when I had time to myself which wasn’t a lot and that killed my motivation a lot since my plan was to have a Brava like regimen, so I replaced pumping with longer massages. Then in the beginning of October I decided to start pumping again strictly one hour per day, even if that means I have to sneak up at night to do it. And I think that’s the reason I now see progress, to keep at it daily. 
I have more tissue towards my armpits. My breasts never get cold during or after pumping anymore, which means blood vessels must have expanded. The swelling lasts SO LONG. Before I needed at least 3 hours to get lasting swelling, no only one hour pumping gives me a swelling that lasts 3-5 hours. Because I now have better blood circulation in the breasts I can take higher pressure, and I think this is the reason behind the long lasting swelling. I don’t allow them to get purple and I never got the red dots since this regimen so I’m pretty sure I’m safe. 
the fact that they stay warm and circulation has improved is proof enough to me that pumping works, even in short intervals. Also I’ve found it beneficial having to sneak off to the bathroom an hour every day, now I’m always shaved, eyebrows plucked, nails painted and I do those face scrubs I always skipped before... wish I did this sooner instead of letting me get discouraged. 


Great news Nefertity!

Constancy seems to be the magic clue for NBE.

Glad your using your hour to good use as well.

I've also found that noogling for an hour in the morning and then again before the swelling is gone really helps too.



Thank you, it feels very motivating to notice change finally!


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