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Thinking critically about beauty standards


Doing NBE and thinking about my boobs so often, about the boobs I wish I had, about how much I hate my body has triggered something in me. I stopped being depressed, I started being angry. I started to think about how beauty standards have conned me into hating myself when I shouldn't be.

I realised that my body ISN'T hideous, it's just not what society considers ideal.

I have the body of a fit young woman, what's so wrong with that?

I happen to have smaller breasts and a small frame in general but my body is fit and healthy. Why isn't healthy the ideal?

It doesn't matter if there's objectively nothing wrong with it, as long as I live in society I will be subjected to adhere to it's body standards and THAT is messed up.

It doesn't matter where I go, I try to mind my business but society constantly gives me the message that I am inferior for having smaller breasts.

Men will say it directly or indirectly, they will OFTEN imply a busty woman is more attractive/higher value/superior even if they do not explicitly put down smaller breasted women. This isn't all men, obviously a small minority exist who actually prefer smaller breasts but they do go against the norm.

I realised that while I do love the idea of having large breasts, it's only because I want the sex appeal and high status/worth that comes with them.

If smaller breasts were considered to have the most sex appeal in society, would I want larger ones? No I don't think so. This is an idea that has been drilled into my head before my puberty even started to develop any breasts at all. This is a symptom of living in a society with a body ideal that involves large breasts.

Realising all of this hasn't changed my mind about wanting larger breasts, I can't change the world I live in to favor small ones so I have to go along with it or be deemed lesser but it HAS made me angry. I realise how messed up society, beauty standards and body standards are. They exist to make people feel lesser, be treated lesser, and to buy into schemes and surgery to change their position in the world.

I will continue NBE with a new perspective. I cannot change the system and I will no longer allow myself to be lesser and worthless but I AM aware and not happy with the bigger picture that caused this journey for me.


Hi Dreamergirl.

Wow that was quite a post.

I'm glad you dont hate your body anymore, so thats the good part.

Not all society judges you by the size of your breasts. If you want larger breasts you should be doing this for YOU.

If you havent found a companion that will love you for who you are then you need to keep looking. The right one is out there.

You must learn to love you and what you have before anyone else can love you.!

There's my lesson for today.

Smile" alt="Smile" title="Smile">



Yeh that was a good thought. This is how it is. I think most of us even started this journey just to feel more sexy we are(sadly) part of rhis thought that larger breasts are more sexy. But it doesnt mean small breasts are not sexy at all.. Its just the main streams opinion that larger breasts are even more sexy.
Jenniferlove had this thread where she wonders if larger breasts boosts your sex life. And i think it does just by the simple basic that something beauriful catches the eye more and thus gets more attention.
We are just simple almost animalistic creatures huh.
But dont worry man also just see it as a piece of meat..nice dor the sex but a girl with a healthy body and smaller breasts are found attractive by many men are not only attracted to breasts...but they do like feminine women. And big breasts perhaps they see it as a bonus bc they have higher libido's and like sex wirh someone who enjoys it.
But if you feel sexy a man sees you as sexy that is one lesson I learned.. You have the shine that light...very important alsobfor sticking to regimes.

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