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Massaging Nipples- PLEASE HELP!!!!


Ive posted this same question on 2 other msg boards with no response. I'm starting to get very anxious. If anyone can answer my question I would appreciate it very much!

I read that it's helpful to stimulate prolactin to help with NBE so I have been doing the chi massage 2x day along with squeezing and pulling my nipples out lightly a little each day (like a suckling motion) bc I read that helps.

I have been stimulating my nipples for about 1.5 weeks and the nipples are very sensitive and tingley all day long (also getting a tingling, itchy feeling in my boobs) and my nipples are noticeably longer and a little larger! I definitely dont like them pointed out so much and Im hoping they will go back to their original size now that I discontinued the nipple stimulation. Muyboobs are also bigger, but I dont want bigger nipples!!! Will my nipples return to their smaller size????! Anyone know?? I cant find any answers on the internet. Pls help!

Hi Anna80.
I see that you have joined us today. Welcome to the NBE forum. There are a great many wonderful people here all interested in NBE. Be sure to take a look around and check out all of the wonderful info. that is here. Please note that this site has an older forum that can be accessed from the link at the bottom of the page. The old forum is filled with tons ofuseful info.
Now to your question. I know it hard to find anything at all on nipple growth by suction or stimulation on the internet. This link will take you to the old forum's mens breast growth section. Where the subjet of nipple development was discussed in this thread.

I pumped mine off and on for a about a week. What little size I picked up went away. Read the thread above and see if it gives you some perspective. There may be more info. available. Search around in the old and new forums and you may find out more. You might want to pop over to the Noogleberry forum and look around in there. I have seen some posts concering this issue. As I understand it nipple enlargment can happen if the nipples are not taped down. There are others on this forum who use suction to help with their NBE. Perhaps one of them has had the same problem and can speak to this issue.

Good luck and welcome again to the forum.

"I never look back, darling. it distracts from the now." Edna Mode

Sorry half asleep here.
My point being that stimulatin is stimulation whether from suction or manipulation. So I would think they wold become smaller.
Here is the link to noogleberry
Half asleep andy

thank you for your reply! i appreciate it.

From what i read, it seems to depend on how long and how much you stimulated your nipples for them to permanently remain that way. Mine are hyper-sensitive now and slightly painful ALL DAY LONG. I'm thinking and hoping that if it was permanent growth they wouldn't hurt so much all day.

I'm also due for my period any day now and my boobs get sore around that time. I dont know if this could be also a reason why my nipples got this way aside from the stimulation. ??

Should I discontinue my boob massage until my nipples settle down also?? I stopped the nipple massage btw. Will never do that again!

The experience I have is from breastfeeding, which was a constant stimulation of the nipples. They grew very noticeably, also the areolas, but once my children weened (is that the word?) they went back to the size they had before.
I remember my nipples were extremely painful when I was pregnant, almost could not wear a bra!

Now I´ve been doing the chi massage and I noticed the areolas are much bigger again, but it is more of a temporary swelling - it will go away when I´m cold, for example.
(The other thing I´ve noticed, when I just started doing the massages, was that I felt my boobs getting very warm - must be the result of stimulation.)

Anyway, I wouldn´t necessarily stop the chi massage, but maybe take a few days off when your boobs are sore.
good luck!

thank you for the reply.

so far my nipples are still much longer than they were and still more sensitive, but gradually decreasing in hyper-sensitivity. the areolas get wrinkled up now when the nipples gets sensitive...before they would just get smaller but now there seems to be stretched/extra skin that's causing them to wrinkle. i guess from pulling them outwards. oh man, i hope they go back to normal soon!!!! Sad i'm 29 and never nursed a baby, and my nipples now kind of look like i have. i only massaged like that for like 2 weeks and lightly!! *sigh*

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